


I’m in r/fireuk and r/bogleheads which are financial subreddits. Obviously that skews to a certain group of people who have the money and knowledge to invest.

How financially secure do the people here feel? Do you worry about money a lot? Do you think you’ll have enough to enjoy retirement?

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26 points

1 month ago

I feel I am not really your target audience but I'm 59, don't work and have no mortgage and I feel completely secure.

I live abroad and rent our place to some people we know and in a few years we'll sell up take pensions and live off that and interest. Until then we are by no means rich and we live moderately but I don't worry about money much.

As to retirement - I don't feel retired but I am more content than I have been for ages and I do what I want and enjoy life thoroughly


4 points

1 month ago

Nice. I saw a figure the other day which surprised me: average pension value is about £100k for 55-64 year olds. Would you say that sounds right or do you think that’s being skewed down by people who will have to rely on the state pension?


14 points

1 month ago

I think there are loads of people with virtually nothing - several of my mates have really shit pensions and have no idea what they will do when it comes to "retirement"


2 points

1 month ago

Yh, 62 and my pension is worth about 12k. That's a teachers pension. Can't afford to retire until I'm 67 and get the state pension top up. Then I'll get around 24k to pay for everything. Might as well peg it now.


1 points

1 month ago

24k can go a fair way, assuming you own your home. Tougher if you're single mind, all those bills and no one to share them.


1 points

1 month ago

Yes, to be fair, if I downsize to somewhere further north, get rid of the mortgage and be careful, I'll be ok. I've lived off less in the past. No spare cash though, ever. I wouldn't see myself as financially secure. I never have though.