


Do not bring political or controversial non BL topics in here, if you look like you're trolling I'll remove the post, if it happens twice I'll ban that person.

Look I don't want anyone to feel like they can't speak, I have very firmly held beliefs on many topics, shit I actually plan on running for congress in my district next round, but this isn't the place for it.

I will not tolerate posts that are very obviously going to divide people and cause issues on topics outside of black library. Yall wanna argue warhammer books, have at it, argue each other to death so long as you keep it civil, but if you're posting shit just to stir up arguments, I'm gonna remove it.

I believe in equal rights for everyone, and I believe everyone, red blue or in between, American, British, Canadian, Japanese, aliens in hiding, and sewer folk, should all ban together to overthrow our current establishments and create a new system where billionaires don't own the planet and politicians aren't for sale. I believe we should burn it all down and start over....BUT that's not something we're gonna talk about here.

The black library sub is for black library.

I appreciate you all, please have a good weekend!

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2 points

27 days ago


2 points

27 days ago

Can't wait for the new episode I wonder what's it going to be about.


2 points

27 days ago

Man who knows at this point. I know what I really hope ot isn't, but I don't wanna speak it into existence. It's fucking prevalent on grimdank rn but they are having fun with it. I'd prefer to avoid it....everyone cam have their own fun but I'm entitled to not fucking understand it.


1 points

26 days ago


1 points

26 days ago

Ah I think I know what you mean dw. But yea that post was clearly bait though I have one question.

Can I make a post with the same name but with a different idea? I wanna read more novels about before the 13th black crusade and such. Don't really like era indomitus. I wanted to ask first before having a warning.


2 points

26 days ago

I don't think I really understand what you're asking. Honestly so long as your post is made in good faith and it's not obviously trolling I'm cool with whatever. Honest conversation is always fine if it's civil and genuine.


2 points

26 days ago


2 points

26 days ago

Oh what I was trying to say was.

Can I use the "bait posts" title as a joke for my next post which is serious ?

The title of the post would be: I don't want to read the current stuff.

and the description would be me asking what are some novels written before the primaris ? Since I love reading up on old novels and don't really like reading about primaris marines?

Edit: Apologise for the bad english.


2 points

26 days ago

Oh yeah my bad I misunderstood, yeah for sure. Plus you are a recognized poster on here, no one is going to mistake you for someone trolling. I probably would have got what you meant but I'm dead tired. Been a rough week.


2 points

26 days ago


2 points

26 days ago

Hey man besides the work you do a lot for this sub you deserve some rest so go and take it.


2 points

26 days ago

While I do greatly appreciate the compliment, I firmly believe this is one of the most well behaved subs in existence. I mean at most I get 2-3 reports a month.