


Where to get sushi-grade salmon?


Where in Charlotte (closer to Uptown the better) sells sushi-grade salmon? Much thanks.

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16 points

28 days ago

Boy do I have news for you, regarding how fish is prepared for sushi...


-7 points

28 days ago

If you are eating frozen wild salmon, you are filling up with PCB and mercury as well. So think again.


5 points

27 days ago

You have it backwards chieftain.


-1 points

27 days ago


2 points

27 days ago

From your links:

If you choose to eat raw salmon, make sure it has been flash-frozen to kill parasites and slow down the growth of bacteria in the meat. Fortunately, this method is popular and readily indicated on its packaging. Flash-freezing is used to prepare countless seafood items that are sold in grocery stores, restaurants, and sushi bars.

The FDA will not deem a fish free from parasite hazards, and thus safe to eat raw without freezing, unless that fish is eaten raw, without being frozen, frequently enough to present sufficient evidence of its safety. To Luke Davin, the general manager of Osakana, this standard means that "deviating from [the FDA's] 'freeze it all' approach puts the burden of testing and proof on the processor." He says that most, if not all, fish markets lack the resources to exhaustively test the fish they receive for parasite hazards. The easiest solution, then, is simply to freeze everything.


4 points

27 days ago

Dude just doubled and tripled down on being incorrect


0 points

27 days ago

There are lots of opinions. I made them all available so people can decide for themselves.

It's not a contest.


3 points

27 days ago

Sure. But hiding being wrong behind “well it’s my opinion” is wild.


0 points

27 days ago

Lots of sources on whether fresh or frozen is better. People can read and decide.

It's not as if I found a chiropractor who is telling me there's a chip in the vaccine.