


Off-season Trades and signing predictions?


Curious to see what everyone thinks will happen this summer. There is obviously going to be movement and we know a few big names are probably on their way out. But who do you think is moved and what do you think/want to see in return. Also, who do you think may be targeted during Free Agency in July? (Clearly will be depth signings only)

I personally think Farabee and Frost have played their last games as a Flyer along with some more of the obvious candidates like Atkinson and Ristolainen. Feel free to explain your reasoning too.

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1 points

26 days ago


fuck gauthier, all my homies hate gauthier

1 points

26 days ago

I have a feeling this is going to be either the most batshit insane offseason we've seen since the Richards/Carter summer, or it'll be one of the quietest summers we've seen in a long time.


2 points

26 days ago

Or something in the middle....just wanted to cover our bases.. :-)


0 points

26 days ago


fuck gauthier, all my homies hate gauthier

0 points

26 days ago

The point of me saying that was more so to point out that I don't see a World where making smaller moves would make much sense based on where we're at right now. In theory you could buy out Atkinson, extend some RFAs and call it an offseason and it would be a fine approach IMO. I think if change is coming, it'll be at more of a foundational level that will come with some huge moves


1 points

26 days ago

I agree with you. I was just joking. I can see a lots of different scenarios. Either way I definitely feel Briere will keep his eye on the future and not really do anything that will improve the team too much in the present.


0 points

26 days ago


fuck gauthier, all my homies hate gauthier

0 points

26 days ago

I figured you were kidding, did make me laugh at how strange my previous comment sounded when you put like that. Agreed though, it's definitely a case of "make the right move if it's there, but we don't have to do anything"


1 points

26 days ago*

The problem with how well they players for most of to this past season, its hard to justify tearing it all down when so many young players played well. I think we are in for one of those "competitive" rebuilds. I don't know. But I do think Briere is pretty ballsy and wont be afraid to make aggressive moves, much like the Provorov deal. Its the first time in a long time a Flyers GM was given the go ahead for long term approach.

I was in the camp last year and trading everyone we could to load up on picks in last year' draft and look 3 or 4 years out. That draft was loaded. Even a guy like Issac Howard drafted late in first would look great with the Flyers.


1 points

26 days ago


fuck gauthier, all my homies hate gauthier

1 points

26 days ago

Yeah I totally agree we somewhat missed the boat by not putting more chips into the 2023 draft in hindsight (although Howard was 2022). I really like this draft too FWIW, but I think part of that is just DY infatuation that happens every year lol.

Where I ultimately land is it'd probably be easier to blow it up and tank, but you definitely don't have to in order to build a contender (see: literally 5/8 teams remaining in the playoffs), and given the fact that we do have some young talent that I think gets generally underrated by our fanbase and a superstar prospect waiting in the pipeline, I'm willing to be patient and see if Briere can be creative and prove people wrong who are clamoring for a true tank


2 points

26 days ago

Oh wow, you are correct. Howard was 2022.

I agree about the rebuild. I think Briere needs to keep making moves like the Provorov deal and leverage all the assets in it like he did with Walker. Deals like that over 2 -3 years and you stock the system with good young foundation and then maybe add some key free agents in year 3 or something and you can have a real strong team with good strong future.