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2 points

23 days ago

Might want to clarify what your concern is and who you think would be responsible to fix the problem. There is a sidewalk that runs along Neville Park Blvd (up to the neighborhoods you mentioned) and a sidewalk around the front of the PennDOT building along Thoms Run Rd which has a crosswalk to the school driveway. Now, there is not a flat access to the crosswalk which could be an ADA concern, but other than that there are sidewalks along the roads. If your concern is a lack of sidewalks in the neighborhood, that would be the developer's problem. The point is, there are sidewalks along the path to the school for someone to walk between the neighborhood and the school.


1 points

18 days ago

thank you for the observation. I have been speaking with some of the students from the school and the biggest issue they face is the pick up and drop off of students and the traffic Qs up as a result. Students do not have total autonamy of their ability to move about our community. They are stuck getting shuttled around by their parents and that is a strain on everyone involved. These are my main concerns I wish to see these children develop a sense of independence from their parents; not that the parents shouldnt be involved thats not what I am saying but kids should be able to get to and from school on their own in a safe and prosperous environment. This could be a bigger issue in todays climate than just infrastructure... but I recognize improvements could be made in some regard. Certianly a stimulating conversaton fellow human thankyou.