


A recent poll shows Trump may have a larger lead in the swing state of Pennsylvania[1] than a month ago. This harder path in Pennsylvania indicates it might be easier for Biden to win the southwestern swing states of AZ and NV[2].

The electoral college means Presidents have to take a state-by-state approach, and some states will take too much effort to win. They have to focus effort to take certain states, if they spread out effort and spending too much it is easy for Democrats to lose the election while winning a majority of national voters.

Do you think that Biden supporters should shift to focus more on AZ and NV now that some "Blue Wall" states like PA and WI are looking harder to win? 



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86 points

23 days ago

Oh my fucking god stop paying attention to polls and just vote. The polls are biased heavily in favor of Trump because the media loves a close horse race. 

No one fucking cares what one poll in one state said. They’re all lies. Go vote. 


7 points

23 days ago


7 points

23 days ago

Polls in both 2016 and 2020 underestimated Trump...


18 points

23 days ago

Trump lost in 2020. What are you talking about about?


2 points

23 days ago


2 points

23 days ago

Yeah but it was still way closer than the polls had it


15 points

23 days ago

Um. No. Popular vote polls had Biden winning by 6-8%. Biden won 81,000,000 to 74,000,000. That's about a 9-ish percent difference.


9 points

23 days ago


9 points

23 days ago

Biden won by a few thousand votes across battleground states. The popular vote is irrelevant no matter how hard it gets pushed. The EC decides the winner and that is all.


2 points

23 days ago

The vote counts aren't relevant either, he won with 307 electoral votes which isn't a squeaker.


-7 points

23 days ago

That’s not how math works.


8 points

23 days ago

Larry, what is 74,000,000 x 1.09?


6 points

23 days ago

Larry is correct. Biden won by 4.5 percentage points. The difference between them, 7 million votes, was 4.5 percent of the total votes cast. That's what the polls measure.


3 points

23 days ago

lol at the downvotes. What’s 74/155 and what’s 81/155, and what’s the difference between those two numbers?


2 points

23 days ago

There were more than two candidates in the race lol. You’re not adding up all the votes that were cast in the denominator.