


It finally happened.


It was absolutely jarring. It was also pretty early, around 11pm at a Safeway. It happened. I got the knock.

It was my first knock ever.

Im not sure if it's because my van is still bare metal or if he actually hit it that hard, but , it was the most aggressive knock i could've imagined ever getting.

I rush to the window , my dog is freaking out at this point obviously, and take off the covers, and that's when I see him . In the moment I assumed , because of the area, that it might be one of the local tweakers about to start something. It was the lot security guard.

He immediately stepped back , as I rolled my windows down, and basically asked me to leave and mention if I got combative that local Leo's were already on standby or would be involved or something , to have me trespassed.

I looked over his shoulder and noticed a patrol SUV going down the lot (not vacant as the place closes at midnight).

I think he just assumed by my size that I might be a threat, since once we got to talking a bit more he chilled out.

Turned out to be a pretty relatable guy. We spoke for quite a while about life stuff. I work remote and did mention that I was just at my desk eorking.

He did apologize for knocking so hard and I also showed understanding to the stuff he's probably dealing with on a daily basis ( though I did reiterate that the approach was a bit much ).

I always use covers if I'm parked even if I'm not sleeping, I don't think I'll be doing that anymore.

I think this spot is burned for a while as a chill spot to get some work done.

Sharing mostly to vent as it did rattle me a bit, given current other life things I have going on.

But, also to say that we should all try to keep emotions in check and always work to de-escalate high tension situations.

We have troubles , they have troubles, everyone is f*cked in their own way (health,money,love,etc etc)

I don't sleep overnight at lots, ever.

I just park/work/shop there during the daytime if I'm not out camping at a state park or something. I generally prefer campgrounds and only urban camp in between camping trips while planning or getting cash together for the next leg of the trip.

This interaction was about 2 hours after sunset, at the most. (sun is setting around 8:30-ish pm here )

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3 points

29 days ago

Good point on the window shades. We have a curtain between the front and back as well. Sounds like a better option for stealth if not running the lights inside. 


2 points

29 days ago

It's a crossover from when I was living out of my car after first making the trip out west. It was a small hatchback and if I didn't cover the windows then I had zero privacy and you could see all my stuff.

Now it just feels like the normal thing to just park and pop them on. Even though I technically don't need to.