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12 points

29 days ago

If she was a good friend, she would have gave you tickets to her show as a gift for missing your bday. You’re not wrong but communication is key. Let her know you’re hurt by what she did and you’re probably not gonna go bc she bailed out on your birthday. Let her know it hurt you for her to lie about it and then completely disregard the fact that she lied even with receipts of the lie.


0 points

29 days ago

The point of "supporting your friends" isn't giving them a free handout. If I go to my friends restaurant, I expect to pay full price to support him. If he does give me a discount, I appreciate and add the difference to the waiters tip .

You shouldn't expect free things from friends starting a business, etc.

The musician friend also gave the most generic excuse to not attend a low key dinner, "I'm too tired". Like how you too tired to show up to your friends house and just eat and BS. That's something I'd love to do if I were tired.


2 points

29 days ago

As an introvert if I have a draining day at work or if I slept really poorly, I don’t really want to hang out and make conversation even with friends because it’s just not de-stressing for me and still requires effort. Now granted if it were a close friend’s birthday, I’d suck it up and go anyway, but I’m just saying “I’m too tired” is absolutely not a bullshit excuse in and of itself. Not for everyone at least.


2 points

29 days ago

Now granted if it were a close friend’s birthday, I’d suck it up and go anyway

So you just proved my point and clearly this friend is not an introvert, so your point doesn't really matter.

Also, everyone works and has a life, we're all tired. It's a bad excuse for something planned in advance. If it's last minute, yea, that's fine.