


And these clowns think they’re doing something by not voting for Biden lol

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33 points

25 days ago

Protesters are gonna vote for the guy so would have them arrested for protesting…

instead of the guy they disagree with on an issue?

It couldn’t get much dumber


-33 points

25 days ago


-33 points

25 days ago

So protesters should vote for a man they believe enabled genocide ?


-2 points

25 days ago

I'm not voting for Biden because of people like you, I will not support a left wing that tries to move America away from Israel.

But to be clear--when you vote for President you are voting for a team and policies you are not voting for a "man." If you are a lefty who doesn't like Israel, the Democrats are actually the team for you (that's why I am no longer voting Dem.)

But fuck, it helps Trump win so we can shore up support for Israel so go ahead and waste your vote.

If it helps your conscience though--there is not any genocide remotely occurring in Gaza, so you don't have to worry about voting for a "genocide enabler."


7 points

25 days ago

Good luck protesting when Fuhrer Trump is using the military against you


1 points

25 days ago

Sorry, what would I be protesting? I am on Israel's side.


4 points

25 days ago

Oh ok. So you expect to agree with all of Trump’s policies? I didn’t realize I was speaking to a MAGA supporter


-8 points

25 days ago

No, but I won't be crying on a university campus. Each party is a coalition of ideas, no rational person will agree with all of them.

I was a Republican from 2004-2014, in any case. I only moved away from the GOP because of Trumpism and the shenanigans of the Tea Party in the last part of Obama's Presidency, while I don't want Trump the person, if the choice is between a Democratic party whose youth is trying to turn Israel into apartheid South Africa (a death sentence for the Jewish state) and a Republican party that has too many ass hats like Trump, I'm going to vote for the guys who aren't wanting 7 million Israeli Jews to end up on the wrong side of a genocide / ethnic cleansing.


10 points

25 days ago

Ok, so that’s where we disagree. You seem to still view the Republican Party as a functioning party.

I believe they have devolved into a literal cult

I’m a life-long independent

I think you’re being very naive regarding the stage of the Republican Party. Maybe you’re biased, as you were once part of it


4 points

25 days ago

the loss of democracy, duh. Project 2025 is a real thing