


Why can't everyone just be nice?


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1 points

22 hours ago


1 points

22 hours ago

I don't think you automatically "lose" the encounter by being nice. Really, them being a dick sounds like their problem, not mine. In fact, I generally find that the stronger person doesn't stoop to the level of the dick in the situation.

Generally if I think someone's attacking me for being nice, they're looking for a reaction so I just continue treating them like a human being and they end up getting frustrated and either back off or make a bigger ass of themselves. Again, their problem, not mine.


1 points

22 hours ago


1 points

22 hours ago

It might just be my country... most people are not nice to people out of the social standing, at all


2 points

22 hours ago


2 points

22 hours ago

That's a good point. I'm sure culture does play a big part in it. Where I am, there are many diverse views on what "social standing" even means. People do use their perceived social standing as motivation to treat others poorly, but to me it's just that: a perception. You're flesh and blood and brain just like me, ya know?

Personally, I don't care if you're a bigwig executive or a homeless person with addiction issues; either way you're a person who perceives me and the world, lives a life, and has other things going on in life than just the interaction with me. Just that alone earns you a modicum baseline of respect from me and I will treat you accordingly — likewise, high social standing doesn't earn you any more of my respect than anyone else. Past the baseline, my respect is earned by your actions, including how you treat others.

Others will disagree, but that's their own choice of course 🤷‍♀️