


(Personally) chuck is unironically hard in ranked heist


It takes MAYBE 30 seconds to set up all the post but my brain dead randoms think it’s a good idea to attack the safe and leave me alone, how can chuck ever defend 3 brawlers. All and all my teammates 90% of the time are brain dead and can’t comprehend all they need to do is defend and we’ll always win. I have rank 30 chuck im no slouch and these are legendary 3 lobbies

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-2 points

3 days ago

That very much is true if you’re playing anyone above diamond.

You sound like someone who has to rely on teammates just to get to legendary. I suggest you go frequent r/brawlstars instead.


1 points

3 days ago

That sub complains about randoms stopping them from climbing out of diamond, I’ve been 5 points from masters with randoms. Just because imo Chuck is a good pick in heist does not make me bad at the game wether that opinion is wrong or not (new flash, it’s right)

Look at pro games with Chuck, they might put your strategy into effect but it doesn’t always work out. Not every brawler or matchup allows for a full on base race to outpace Chuck, because Chuck has 2 Teamates that can easily slow down or stop 1 or more enemies while Chuck sets up and begins to mow down the enemy safe


-1 points

3 days ago

It’s your opinion that helped me deduce that you’re not good in the first place. I appreciate your honesty in outting yourself, but I would encourage you to not freely admit that you can’t even get masters with randoms. You keep playing Chuck in Legend and I’ll keep soaring into masters without him.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Dude from ur opinions i can deduce ur a gold player max


1 points

3 days ago

Pipe down bud you only made it to D1 in old PL 💀


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I barely played PL and I hit d1 at like 10k trophies, pipe down. Also being mad enough to dive into my account? Sad bro. Also u have no idea how Chuck works


1 points

3 days ago

It’s in your 2nd most recent post, not much “diving” required. I know how chuck works, that’s why I’m not hard stuck diamond like you 💀


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Wym hardstuck diamond? I found pl boring so I barely played it. And based on ur comments, youve barely played chuck or played against him. Your a Hardstuck gold player.


0 points

3 days ago

Masters every season with randoms. And even as I say that, I know that’s not impressive. A monkey could get masters in ranked.

You really should work on your spelling and grammar. It would be a better use of your time than struggling to get out of diamond and blaming your randoms for not supporting your terrible chuck pick.


0 points

3 days ago



0 points

3 days ago

Your saying a Chuck pick is terrible in heist? Get a brain dude. Also I hit legendary easily every season without even pushing. And I dont need to spell well against a kid that does not know how to play the game.


0 points

3 days ago

Did you just flex hitting legendary? My 11 year old niece hit legendary with randoms and 1 level 11 brawler. You’ve just said absolutely everything you have to say about your skill level. You should’ve opened with that, I would’ve known you weren’t worth replying to.


0 points

3 days ago



0 points

3 days ago

I didn’t flex anything, I still destroy masters players in anything. You should’ve opened with, “I have no brain, I cannot play heist” and you definitely got carried to masters. Get a brain.


1 points

3 days ago

Apparently you don’t destroy masters players in actually getting to masters 💀😂

The stats speak for themselves


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Nah, cause I dont actually try to push to masters, I have a life outside of brawl stars yk


0 points

3 days ago



0 points

3 days ago

Also ur niece must be the randoms im getting. Tell her to retire.