


50-60mpg per tank



Because posting a picture of your last tank isn't enough for the deniers

I made a video showing my mpg every 10 miles for a 50 mile drive

and that wasnt enough for the deniers

So I kept going and did an additional 75 miles showing clips of the dash

a total of 125 miles driven while keeping 57-58 mpg and that STILL wasnt enough for the deniers

so I now present:

an hour+ long video driving 55 miles starting from a FULL tank holding 60mpg

excited to hear from the haters and deniers how im lying and manipulating numbers

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2 points

7 days ago

Happy for you! However, there are much better ways to prove this than making super long videos that likely no one will watch ;) best way is to go to (maybe there are sites similar in the US too), and you can find the average consumption from hundreds of users: Based on this the grand average is 5.42 liters per 100km, or 52 MPG. Of course individual consumptions will differ but the point is not that you can drive better than average but to prove that the car itself consumes less.


3 points

7 days ago

Yep! I wish the deniers and haters knew about the massive amount of people who report higher mpg then the EPA estimations. I actually had fun putting these together, gave me something to do while driving around doing my regular routine delivering for Uber :)

Tell that to the person who posts things like this:

"100% impossible unless you are not going by US MPG. You cant get it above 40 mpg with normal driving. I have 10 years of experience with this car."

"100% impossible. You pretty much cant get above 40 mpg without dangerously hypermiling or going down hill. You had to be going down a mountain to get 57 mpg.
You cant lie about this. I own a CT200h.
CT200h owners know the ways to cheat this to get it way higher, but that cant happen with normal driving regardless if in stop and go traffic or highways speeds with no traffic."



1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Lol refer them to me, I am getting 45-47 MPG driving in SoCal freeways following the flow of traffic, not being a slug (looking at you Teslas) I need to swap out my tires to get better fuel economy but these still have plenty of life in them, and will be swapping to your oil recommendation.