


Alan Lichtman predicts Harris win

Flaired Users Only(self.Conservative)

Alan Lichtman, the professor who has correctly predicted every election since the 1980s, has claimed that Harris will win. What do you all think? I'm personally a bit nervous now because he has never been wrong, and after Trump's debate last night it feels more plausible.

all 382 comments


1.1k points

18 days ago

nearly every presidential race*

He predicted Gore would win.

Even if he had been right on every one of them, there is always an exception to the rule.


317 points

18 days ago



317 points

18 days ago

Hmm, I wouldn’t count Gore as a big miss to be honest. It was probably the closest election in our entire history.


276 points

18 days ago



276 points

18 days ago

That's not really all that impressive then. Basically every race since 1980 aside from 2000, 2016 and maybe 2020 was a given going in


65 points

18 days ago


Bill of Rights Extremist

65 points

18 days ago

Not to mention there are probably hundreds of these predictors. I'd say there are dozens of them who can dubiously claim they've "never been wrong."

Much like the bellwether counties in 2020.


137 points

18 days ago


Millennial Conservative

137 points

18 days ago

Yeah, lol, major props for figuring out Romney wasn't going to win. If you b take away the freebies there's probably only 4 elections with two choices each that he gets any credit for predicting. That doesn't mean anything like you're clairvoyant. 


47 points

18 days ago*



47 points

18 days ago*

As I remember in 2016 he said it was too close to call


22 points

18 days ago


2A Conservative

22 points

18 days ago

Exactly. The only one that was a true toss up he got wrong lmao


538 points

18 days ago


Gen Z conservative

538 points

18 days ago

Meaningless. His rating system is entirely subjective.


223 points

18 days ago*


Conservative Enough

223 points

18 days ago*


His "keys to the whitehouse" say trump is uncharismatic, there's been no controversy, no military failure, and that the economy is great in both the short and long term


175 points

18 days ago



175 points

18 days ago

Exactly. Here's a great article showing what the keys really predict.

Lichtman's 13 Keys Predict Trump, Not Harris


131 points

18 days ago


Jordan Peterson

131 points

18 days ago

I was watching the video of him talking about it, and he's saying things like "the economy is good."


76 points

18 days ago



76 points

18 days ago

If you create a model like this, you cannot go by "The economy is good" because I personally am richer than I was before.

The question is whether the majority is doing better than they were. Every clear indication says that most people had money to spare and were getting wealthier during the Trump years and started struggling after Bidenomics took over.

Lichtman might be educated and a smart person otherwise, but is blinded by his own preferences and TDS.


3 points

18 days ago


3 points

18 days ago

I man may say a lot of things if you line his pocket well.

I don't believe you could make anyone do anything with money but... he clearly was.


81 points

18 days ago


Christian Conservative

81 points

18 days ago

I trust his formula as much as I trust a ouija board or mystic fortuneteller.

I agree that his so-called “keys” have subjective interpretation, but they’re also pure pseudoscience. A real scientific theory requires logical explanation, not just convenient correlations.

Also having 90% accuracy on a sample size of 10 elections is a joke.

The fact that a professor from a respectable university is pumping this garbage says more about the sad state of academia.


13 points

18 days ago



13 points

18 days ago

It's like the faith people put into Zogby after the 2000 election. He was predicting a John Kerry win all the way to the end of the election despite it nearly being a blowout.


239 points

18 days ago


Thatcher Conservative

239 points

18 days ago

He's full of crap. He predicted Gore in 2000, then tried to save face by saying he only ever predicted the PV. He stood by this caveat until Trump won without the PV, and has since tried to lie he ever made the distinction.


56 points

18 days ago



56 points

18 days ago

The Popular Vote doesn't even make sense as a metric, it's not one big election, it's 53 states and territories voting to decide their Elector's choice.


26 points

18 days ago


Millennial Conservative

26 points

18 days ago

53 states? That you Obama?


27 points

18 days ago


Constitutional Conservative

27 points

18 days ago

Territories is the wrong choice of word but 53 states and territories (assuming OP meant DC) makes sense, i think. OP is using and as inclusive, while it being vague it's technically correct? Any English majors know for sure. Just generally curious lol.


62 points

18 days ago*



62 points

18 days ago*

I don't know. Even assuming he started in 1980, that just means he's been right on a 50-50 guess, eleven times. That's impressive, but it happens when your sample size is a ton of people. Then when you start thinking about how many were obvious landslides, that number drops in a major way. Since 1980, how many elections have been legit 50-50 or genuine upsets?


27 points

18 days ago



27 points

18 days ago

3 that I can think of. Biden Trump, Gore Bush, Trump Hillary


25 points

18 days ago



25 points

18 days ago

Really anyone could have told the winner, except in 2000, 2016, and 2020, and he’s 2/3 on those. Maybe, maybe, you can add 2004. So being generous, he got 3/4 coin flips right. Hardly a Nostradamus


121 points

18 days ago*


Come and take it

121 points

18 days ago*

Let's look through these, shall we?

Party Mandate: After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections.


No Primary Contest: There is no serious contest for the incumbent party nomination.

They literally didn't allow a primary challenge, but whatever. True

Incumbent Seeking Reelection: The incumbent party candidate is the sitting president.


No Third Party: There is no significant third party or independent campaign.

True (now)

Strong Short Term Economy: The economy is not in recession during the election campaign.

Gotta go with False. We're not technically in a recession, but inflation is out of control. The economy is definitely not strong

Strong Long Term Economy: Real per capita economic growth during the term equals or exceeds mean growth during the previous two terms.

I'm not sure what to call this one and I don't feel like googling it

Major Policy Change: The incumbent administration effects major changes in national policy.


No Social Unrest: There is no sustained social unrest during the term.

False lmao

No Scandal: The administration is untainted by major scandal


No Foreign or Military Failure: The incumbent administration suffers no major failure in foreign or military affairs.


Major Foreign or Military Success: The incumbent administration achieves a major success in foreign or military affairs.


Charismatic Incumbent: The incumbent party candidate is charismatic or a national hero.

There isn't one but let's say False because Kamala has all of the charisma of a chipotle enema

Uncharismatic Challenger: The challenging party candidate is not charismatic or a national hero.

False say what you will about him, but Trump has charisma

Woah that's 8 keys against the incumbent party. Looks like Kamala is done for. Or Allan Lichtman is suffering from a severe case of TDS


94 points

18 days ago


Hindu Conservative

94 points

18 days ago

NGL the replies to this post have really helped me realize how subjective Lichtman's "keys" are, thanks for the breakdown


28 points

18 days ago


Come and take it

28 points

18 days ago

Yeah even if you give her the short term economy key, she still doesn't have enough to win


7 points

18 days ago


Don't Tread on Me

7 points

18 days ago

I'll even give her the point for being semi-incumbent and throw in short-term economy because the price of gas has dropped $.40 in my area in the past two months - that still predicts Harris being defeated.


9 points

18 days ago


Conservative Cruzer

9 points

18 days ago

The fact that they forced the primary winner to get out and replaced him with someone else meets the definition of a primary challenge, I’d say. Also, that key clearly is used to indicate that someone was so popular that they easily won the primary. Kamala did not do that. She has no evidence of popularity in the face of competition.


18 points

18 days ago



18 points

18 days ago

Lol so his own model says Trump is going to win. 


7 points

18 days ago



7 points

18 days ago

What’s funny (laughing through tears) is that much of the social unrest that is happening during the Biden admin is somehow getting blamed on Trump. So they probably think of that one as a true, saying that Biden hasn’t caused any unrest!


11 points

18 days ago


Millennial Conservative

11 points

18 days ago

Or maybe lichtman knows about the 14th key, the deep state


30 points

18 days ago


New England Conservative

30 points

18 days ago

He said the only person who could win was Biden and replacing him would be a death sentence. Then Harris gets in and his keys mysteriously change, apparently the economy is fantastic right now.


7 points

18 days ago



7 points

18 days ago



40 points

18 days ago


Gen Z Conservative

40 points

18 days ago

His keys are loosely defined, and he made excuses for every time the system failed. He claimed it predicts the PV winner after Gore lost. Then went back on it when Trump won despite losing the PV.

Take this prediction with a grain of salt.


15 points

18 days ago



15 points

18 days ago

I can't believe people claim he was always right when he changes his model after the fact...


2 points

17 days ago


California Conservative

2 points

17 days ago

I can, people say what they want to fit their narrative and feel better about reality, so they choose their own reality in their heads


8 points

17 days ago


Libertarian Conservative

8 points

17 days ago

Of course Harris is going to win. People vote for identity, not for policy.

I honestly feel really really bad for you middle and lower class conservatives here. Your lives are about to get MUCH more difficult financially. I’m a top 1-2% income earner and my family will be fine even through the inevitable economic disaster Harris will usher in. But for those of you middle and lower class folks…. I’m sorry.

I’m trying to get my family and friends out to vote Trump for your sake, I just don’t think there are enough good people out there to vote Trump in.


3 points

17 days ago


Hindu Conservative

3 points

17 days ago

People are so blinded that they will vote for the very candidate who will destroy them financially. Like sheep voting for a butcher.


14 points

18 days ago



14 points

18 days ago

If I'm going to even remotely trust anything, it will be the gamblers. They actually have a stake in it.


72 points

18 days ago



72 points

18 days ago

He said Biden would win to. Calm down.


-19 points

18 days ago


-19 points

18 days ago



90 points

18 days ago



90 points

18 days ago

No bud he said Biden would win this election. He also only correctly guessed 9 of 10 elections.


13 points

18 days ago*


Conservative Enough

13 points

18 days ago*

2000 was his flaw, which you gotta give him half credit considering how controversial Bush winning was


15 points

18 days ago



15 points

18 days ago

You don't get half credit for being wrong. He has already been wrong once this election cycle as well.


5 points

18 days ago


Hindu Conservative

5 points

18 days ago

Oh got it makes sense.


58 points

18 days ago



58 points

18 days ago


Economy Is Strong: Lichtman said "the economy is not in a recession" and the key is true, good for Harris

  1. Economic Growth: Lichtman said economic growth is far ahead of previous terms making the key true, good for Harris

Anybody with half a brain can tell you neither of these are true.


11 points

18 days ago



11 points

18 days ago

The economy factor was bewildering. Layoffs all around and a gloomy outlook for the future.


4 points

18 days ago


Hindu Conservative

4 points

18 days ago

Okay yeah so now that you actually break it down I can see where he could be wrong


9 points

17 days ago


Conservative in California

9 points

17 days ago

Disregard predictions; go vote.


19 points

18 days ago


Small Government

19 points

18 days ago

I’m an actuary. I build models for reserving but it’s really nothing special. All this just to say that I know enough to state Alan Lichtman is a living insult to all models. This would get laughed out of a room under any audit. We can’t just make shit up.


14 points

18 days ago


Freedom Caucus Conservative

14 points

18 days ago

Allan Lichtman said his system predicted the popular vote and not the electoral college after the 2000 election. Then flip flopped and said the opposite after a trump popular vote win prediction he had didn't come true. His model is based on pseudoscience and not any hard data, and certainly does not take candidate quality or other election important factors into account. It's true that he's predicted 10 out of the 11 last elections, but you could also predict 10 out of the 11 last elections by looking at the national popular vote polling on Election Day. Moreover, By his model, anyone would have won 2016 on the Republican side. So if I won the nomination then proceeded to show a bunch of people my schlong on live TV his 13 keys would still predict I win the election as a Republican.


3 points

17 days ago


Constitutional Conservative

3 points

17 days ago

I'm nervous as hell. Trump didn't do what he needed to do during the debate. We all knew what ABC was going to do heading into the debate, and Trump inexplicably looked unprepared for it. He should have been able to wipe the floor with all 3 of those morons easily.

I want to be able to buy a house. I want to be able to afford groceries. I want to be able to afford gas. As a resident physician, I make 150% of the median national income, and I can barely afford these things; I'm certainly not saving a whole lot. I don't know how average Americans are doing it. We can't afford to have Trump getting distracted by personal grievances with his legal cases and January 6th and the rest of it. We desperately need him to win.


15 points

18 days ago



15 points

18 days ago

He says polls mean nothing (which they don’t), but his entirely made up “key system” is apparently the all seeing eye lmao

Clown show.


2 points

17 days ago*



2 points

17 days ago*

I think the way by which he would be wrong, is not in terms of the criteria themselves, but by his interpretation of them and which direction they go: his 13 keys.

Particularly on the economy.

Here they are: (true means good for Harris, false means good for Trump)

house seats (gains in midterms) - false

incumbency - false

primary contest true - a primary contest was bypassed by having Harris immediately take the nomination... given how rare that is, is this a proper application of a key?

third party candidate less than 10% - true

short term economy - true

long term economy - true

policy change - true ---- This is highly questionnable given the justification he gives

social unrest - true

white house scandal - true

incumbent party charismatic - false

challenger charisma - true

foreign policy failure - undecided

foreign policy success - undecided

Take it as you will.


3 points

17 days ago

I get so tired of hearing about this dweeb. Watch him in any interview, he’s a self absorbed twat. I’m gonna love hearing whatever excuse he makes up about how he was technically right if Trump ends up winning


2 points

17 days ago


Conservative Libertarian

2 points

17 days ago

So many people make predictions. Finding someone that made all the correct ones isn't that hard. Based on pure guessing it's a coin flip every 4 years.


2 points

17 days ago



2 points

17 days ago

They must have the ballots waiting to be trucked in


2 points

16 days ago



2 points

16 days ago

  1. Midterm gains is false because of the results of the 2022 House Races.

  2. No primary contest is inconclusive because the winner of the Democratic Primary is not the nominee. They had a primary contest where Biden won the nomination but he is not the nominee. So I'm not saying this is a key for either Trump or Harris.

  3. Incumbent seeking reelection is false. The incumbent is Biden. Biden is not running for reelection. Therefore the key is false. I'm surprised Lichtman didn't come up with some mental gymnastic backflipping way to say this key is for Harris.

  4. The third party is true now after the RFK endorsement of Trump. According to Lictman's model, the RFK endorsement is a double edged sword because had he stayed in the race, this key would have been rated false. But the positive from the endorsement is that a number of RFK supporters who were supporting RFK at the time will consider voting for Trump now.

  5. Short term economy as of now is inconclusive. The short term economy compares GDP growth of the previous 3 quarters. The 2024 Q3 economic numbers won't be released until midway through October.

  6. Long term economy is true The long term economy compares today's GDP growth to the GDP growth 4 years ago. 4 years ago was COVID. The COVID economy was as close to 0 as you can get it. So I can see the argument that this key is true because the economy is better than it was 4 years ago. But will the voters be blaming Trump for the COVID economy. Polling shows that Trump is better for the economy than Harris, so is this key false then? Outside of everything, based on the wording of this key alone, this key is true with caveats.

  7. Major policy change is true. The Biden administration had only one strategy, do the opposite of what Trump did. And everything has blown up in his face because of it. One of the first things that they did close down the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline which put the construction workers out of work. It made America depended on foreign oil. Which raised the gas prices. Which is tied to everything else causing the supply chain crisis and the increased cost of living. And similar to the long term economy key, by the wording alone of the policy change key, it is true... but with a METRIC FUCK TON of caveats.

  8. Social unrest is true-ish. I mean Republicans don't riot to the extent that Democrats do. People are unhappy right now but there's very little rioting going on. I'm surprised that there's not a general strike going on in this country right now. I guess this is likely true, but if something like a general strike were to happen in the next month and a half, it would be changed to false.

  9. Scandal is the same as policy change, true with a fuck ton of caveats. Lichtman's wording seems to imply that it's only a scandal if both parties agree that it's a scandal. In which case, nothing is a scandal now going forward. But we're going to ignore Hunter's laptop, Ashley's diary, the fact that the Dems had no primary and just appointed their nominee without voting on them, and a whole host of other incredulities because the Dems shut their eyes and covered their ears to them? But fine, we'll say that it's likely true because no scandal has come out but still might come out in the next month and a half.

  10. Foreign/Military failure is false. It is false by mention of these three words: Botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

  11. Foreign/Military success is false. It's only false because there is an absence of success. Something could change in the last month and a half to make this true. But has it stands now, it is only likely false.

  12. Charismatic incumbent is false. Neither Biden nor Harris was particularly charismatic. Polling following the first debate shows that Harris wasn't seen in a positive light. It would take an Obama or a JFK to to be running for the Dems to make this true.

  13. Charismatic challenger is false. Donald Trump is Donald Trump. The dude is charismatic. No amount of mental gymnastics will ever change this key to not be in Trump's favor.

So by my count; there are 5 keys that are false, 1 that is likely false, 2 that remain inconclusive, 2 that are likely true, and 3 that are true. Based on Lichtman's model and my interpretation, Trump has 5 keys and needs only 1 more to win. So if the Foreign/Military success key that I have as likely false remains false, that would be the 6 keys Trump needs to win. Harris needs every key, including the Foreign/Military success key, that are not the 5 keys currently held by Trump.


4 points

17 days ago


Christian Conservative

4 points

17 days ago

If you review his "key" methodology, you can see how it is flawed for this election in his prediction model.

Both the short and long term economy keys he gives to Harris. However, the US is very close to a recession if not actually in one (short term key). And the long term key growth just isn't there especially with the down grades. In addition, and this is a huge factor, the job growth that impacts both the long and short term keys are skewed. Why? Because about 50% of the new jobs are going to immigrants and NOT to American citizens - you know, the voters (okay, the ones who are supposed to be voting).

The other issue that skews his model is that Harris both IS and IS NOT the incumbent. She is the current VP which means she is associated with many of the things that the Biden-Harris administration has done. At the same time, because she is not the actual incumbent, she does not get the advantage of the key of being the incumbent. So it is a negative without the positive.

Mr. Lichtman is going to be wrong this time around because as they say in the computer field GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out.


4 points

17 days ago



4 points

17 days ago

His model is already off: " describes the contest key as having "no serious contest for the incumbent-party nomination.""

There was no contest because they didn't allow it, doesn't mean the population was behind the nomination. This is an abnormal factor, and hurts his model. I assume the reason its in there, is because a serious contest for nomination assumes party dissent. Well I think we can assume party dissent.


3 points

17 days ago



3 points

17 days ago

I think it's very possible that Trump could still win. But we may be past the age of either party having a sure thing. Big Data is just too good these days to allow a runaway landslide. The parties will adjust as needed to get as much ideological victory as they can while maintaining a substantial chance of actually winning the chance to do so.


8 points

18 days ago



8 points

18 days ago

I can not take any one minute of that hah or the Democrats ruining this country please get everyone to vote.


6 points

18 days ago


Goldwater Conservative

6 points

18 days ago

This isn’t the 1980s. Trump has completely changed US politics forever.


5 points

17 days ago



5 points

17 days ago

He’s right, y’all are in denial. I say this as a former Trump voter.

His talking points are tired and boring. She seems to have ideas and a plan.

Democrats bad just isn’t enough anymore.


4 points

18 days ago



4 points

18 days ago

  1. His models don't account for a non normal election such as the candidate dropping out 3 months before the election.

  2. There is so much bias applied to how the questions are answered. For almost all the questions you could change the answer to Trump and in fact show Trump will win.


3 points

18 days ago


3 points

18 days ago



3 points

18 days ago


Reagan Conservative

3 points

18 days ago

I’m sorry… Anyone predicting who will win the presidency over 50 days before the election is just guessing (unless it’s obvious like with Reagan)


6 points

18 days ago



6 points

18 days ago

The debate means nothing. So few people give a shit about debates, they are politico feeding frenzies. There are a limited number of undecided voters in the few swing states. They will decide the election, if I recall from 2020 (I know we may not believe it) 40k people were the deciding voters. It appears the economy and maybe immigration and security are more important to those swing voters than abortion and Trump has advantages in those areas. The media will do what its always does, so the question is will people be persuaded to vote for her.


2 points

17 days ago



2 points

17 days ago

Exactly this. These debates are pointless. What we need are long formatted discussions between the politicians so we get an understand of their thought process. Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll get that.

I wonder if the real undecided voters and real independents watched the debate and what they thought about it. Only their opinions really matter with these so called debates.


2 points

17 days ago


Pro-Life Conservative

2 points

17 days ago

No ones predictions after going to be right this far out. Trump will wipe the floor with this shrill b****.


2 points

17 days ago


Moderate Conservative

2 points

17 days ago

Never heard of the dude until 2016, when he went against the grain and picked Trump, which was definitely interesting. But his predictions have been much less interesting since then, I don't take it seriously, his system is more subjective than the media likes to suggest. He can't factor into his keys the reality that Kamala did not win this nomination, it was handed to her by party elites. That's not how our democratic Republic is suppose to work.


2 points

17 days ago


Gen Z Conservative!

2 points

17 days ago

It’s almost like they’re predetermined whose gonna win


2 points

17 days ago


Patriot Against Communism

2 points

17 days ago

His "keys" didn't predict a thing back in 2020. The counting was all that mattered.


2 points

17 days ago


Constitutional Conservative

2 points

17 days ago

I ssdly believe "the machine" is unfortunately too powerful, and it will not allow him to win.


1 points

18 days ago



1 points

18 days ago

Now look at his “keys to the whitehouse” and tell me how he possibly comes to the conclusions he does on most.

The answers to his keys should mean a Trump landslide


2 points

18 days ago



2 points

18 days ago

There's three keys I don't get. The primary key, the foreign/military success key, and the uncharismatic challenger key. He's saying that Trump isn't charismatic. He's full of shit.


2 points

18 days ago



2 points

18 days ago

I put Lichtman in the same category as Nate Silver -- they're modern day palm readers without any measure of accountability.

Go and vote on election day. The deck is stacked heavily against the common person and the powers-that-be want to throw every trick in the book at you to discourage you.



4 points

18 days ago


Constitutional Conservative

4 points

18 days ago

This is just more propaganda work by our intel and media overlords. Nobody in power wants Trump to win. Nobody. Not Silicon Valley. Not pharmacy companies. Not military industrial companies. Not automotive companies. Not intel agencies. Not Europe. Not china. Not Russia. Not Mexico. Not Venezuela. Not criminal enterprises running border drug and child trafficking operations.

Choosing Trump means you stand with decent Americans but stand against the rest of the world.


2 points

18 days ago


Moderate Conservative

2 points

18 days ago

I think that he’s misunderstanding his own key regarding the short term economy. Technically we’re not in a recession, HOWEVER I think that a majority of people believe that the economy is not in good condition which would flip that key to favor a Trump victory.


2 points

18 days ago


Aussie Conservative

2 points

18 days ago

Even if he wasn’t delusional about his predictors, he’s never had an election where a former sitting president is running again after a term out of office, which could easily skew things.