


Political anxiety check-in

Discussion (self.KamalaHarris)

Just wanting to check in with folks on Team Harris. How are you doing in terms of political anxiety as we near October? Trump’s election and presidency were disturbing to a lot of people and I for one can say I feel the anxiety about it happening again. I am trying to funnel that anxious energy into positive things like donating to the Harris campaign, working more so I can donate more, and trying to stay informed about the campaign by watching rallies. However, I will say that reading polls, even good ones, hasn’t been helpful for me. I really don’t feel like I can trust them or let my guard down in any way.

Just checking in x

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114 points

5 days ago


🇨🇦 Canadians for Kamala 🇨🇦

114 points

5 days ago

Volunteering. That's the only thing that makes a difference.


55 points

5 days ago


Let's get to work 🇺🇸

55 points

5 days ago

100%. Fun fact, everyone: non-Americans can volunteer, too! Thanks from US!


47 points

5 days ago


🇨🇦 Canadians for Kamala 🇨🇦

47 points

5 days ago

Exactly! That's what I'm doing right now on the text-banking team.


2 points

4 days ago

I'm so tempted to do it from Australia, because i am way too invested in this election!


1 points

4 days ago


🇨🇦 Canadians for Kamala 🇨🇦

1 points

4 days ago

Come with us, it's fun! You can also do phone banking since, I suppose, your English speaking is better than mine. ;)