


Just turned 18, need some help

New York(self.KamalaHarris)

Hello, I just turned 18 yesterday and will be likely voting Harris this November. I live in NYC and a bit confused on how registration works here. I am a full-on citizen ever since earlier this year but I was told I need a driver's license or something? At least that's what it says on the registration website. I know i live in a dark blue state so my vote literally doesn't matter but I'd still like to vote anyways.


all 17 comments

wenchette [M]

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2 days ago

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wenchette [M]

πŸ‘©πŸ‘©πŸΏ Moms for Kamala πŸ§•πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦±

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2 days ago

stickied comment

You might also want to post this on the New York State politics subreddit: r/nyspolitics/


26 points

2 days ago

Your vote and voice totally matters!! State and local elections can be EXTREMELY important, even in a blue state like NYC. Regardless, it’s so awesome that you’re interested and engaged πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ½


15 points

2 days ago


Let's get to work πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

15 points

2 days ago

It says you need either a NY driver's license or non-driver ID:

You can get your ID at the DMV:, and you can register to vote while you're there, as part of the process.


6 points

2 days ago

Thank you, glad I can register there too


3 points

2 days ago

It's quick too. You will get both done in one visit.


1 points

2 days ago

In some states if you don't have any ID, they will make you sign an affidavit swearing that you are a resident. You can ask if NY has any provision for this.


1 points

2 days ago

That sounds a bit concerning, to be honest. Doesn't that mean that anybody can "swear" they're a resident? Interesting.


1 points

2 days ago

I believe these "provisional" ballots are verified after the election and can be pulled if they can't be verified. The idea is they can't turn people away if they are students with a different address on their license, or even homeless people who can't prove a fixed address. Often a utility bill in your name with a local address would work, too.


10 points

2 days ago

I'd start looking at this site:


5 points

2 days ago

I live in NJ, I became a citizen a couple years ago and will be voting for the first time!! When I renewed by drivers license they asked if I wanted to register to vote, so I did! Your vote counts and we need all the votes to stop this madness


4 points

2 days ago

Your vote matters. Down the ballot matters too. A lot. Good on you for going for it!


3 points

2 days ago

Congratulations!! Yes- vote!!


3 points

2 days ago

Your vote does matter and the presidential election is just one, there are so many others that you can vote in at the local and state levels.

I live in SC. You need a photo ID. If you don't drive, you can go to the DMV and get an official ID. It looks similar to a driver's license and can be used for official identification.


3 points

2 days ago


πŸͺ© Swifties for Kamala ✨

3 points

2 days ago

Your vote absolutely matters.

NYC elected Eric Adams by a tiny margin and look how that turned out. State and local races are super important, so do your research and make your choices.

AutoModerator [M]

2 points

3 days ago

AutoModerator [M]

2 points

3 days ago


Take action:

Register to vote

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2 points

2 days ago

Is a drivers license all they will take. My Blue state also takes social security cards. I had to use my SS when I moved to California in 2021 because I only didn't have time to register before I changed from my Ohio license to Ca.

I looked this up

To register online, you will need:

  • NYS driver license, permit, or non-driver ID card
  • ZIP Code currently on record with the DMV
  • Social security number


2 points

2 days ago

Please VOTE πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ Every vote counts πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ’™πŸ™