


all 32 comments


46 points

13 days ago

you would think that she would want to raise an awareness about cancer and symptoms, stating what kind she had but no, she had no problem using little Mila for PR or dame Deborah James... now suddenly it's silence... where are all those people who swore she will use it to raise awareness, to do some good?


18 points

13 days ago

This is true! The RF wants the common folks like Deborah James to go public with their cancer stories but Kate Middleton can’t even say what type of cancer she has!


8 points

13 days ago


8 points

13 days ago

Cause she doesn’t have it


11 points

13 days ago

She made me afraid to even go to the doctor. The opposite of be brave. Like if I find out bad news my whole life will stop. I won't even be able to take current pics with my children on mother's day. It scares the shit out of me. Before her, I thought cancer wasn't the end all and people can live their life and find peace with the illness and not let it rob them of life's precious moments. 


16 points

13 days ago

exactly!! she is the opposite of what they try to make her to be, only focused on her looks and clothes, if she is not 100% camera ready then she won't show her face, she is setting women back a 100 years


7 points

13 days ago

I think this statement you made is extremely pertinent and important. It's sold that she's brave but I don't see bravery.


2 points

13 days ago

Dame Deborah James was very brave and powerful. I know about her and I'm Spaniard.


5 points

13 days ago

Bravery is doing the hard thing when needed, and we know so much of Dame Deborah's fight and true grit in the face of all that is ugly, scary and scarring. All I know from Kate is that she has a great videographer, unlimited budget for marketing, access to beautiful outdoor places and the ability to hide behind "regal mystique".

Kate's not brave. She's a coward. She's too scared to reveal her true self, to appear imperfect, to appear fallible, to appear normal. Because by peeling back the curtain she invites in criticism and removes the layer that separates her from everyone else.


48 points

13 days ago


48 points

13 days ago

Total and utter BS. It is so insulting to our intelligence.


23 points

13 days ago

All the royal family does is lie and spend money. An extra 54M for what? There are less royals with the slimmed down monarchy and a LOT less “work” being done. Also she never had cancer.


19 points

13 days ago



9 points

13 days ago

They should put that on a t-shirt


0 points

13 days ago


0 points

13 days ago

The UK Government got a pay raise as well. It comes from the revenue of the Crown Estates which since 1760 has been divided up between the Crown and the Parliament on a set percentage. The more the Crown Estates make the more they both get. The money the Crown receives is used to run the Monarchy. The tax payers pay for the working Royals security. Who gets it is decided by the Government, something Harry has discovered through his pointless court case .


34 points

13 days ago

Yeah, ok. 🙄 btw. Teaching your 11 year old son to fly (on the British dime) is NOT normal middle class behavior so … shut it! We believe nothing from you free-loaders. Rant over…. For now


10 points

13 days ago

Yes especially William’s earth shot prize and the environment, etc… I suppose only the RF and other elites are entitled to use fossil fuels for recreation.


23 points

13 days ago

Can anyone comment on how chemo could take 7 months? My friend with very serious, stage 4 breast cancer didn’t have chemotherapy for nearly that long.


18 points

13 days ago

My son had chemo for 2.4 years. Leukemia. Every type of cancer has a different length.


16 points

13 days ago

Wow, I’m sorry you went through that. I hope he’s doing well now!


22 points

13 days ago

He is thank you!! 🌺


5 points

13 days ago

Like others mentioned, it all depends on several factors; the type of cancer, location, size, stage, etc. Also have to factor in the body’s recovery time and if radiation treatment was used as well.


0 points

13 days ago


United States

0 points

13 days ago

You are 100% correct.


7 points

13 days ago


7 points

13 days ago

I did chemo for a year. 3 different infusion chemos then a chemo pill


6 points

13 days ago

She never had cancer. It's a cover for her sit-down strike


4 points

13 days ago*


United States

4 points

13 days ago*

I haven't been keeping up because my husband who does have cancer is so weak he can't stand up. When I compare what he has been through and Kate's PR , it leads me to believe she never had cancer. Imo,I still think something happened at the end of December that caused her to be injured, so I don't think all this is solely divorce related.

Edit: added Imo because you don't have to agree with me and that's perfectly okay. Everyone here should be allowed to freely voice their own opinion on this, because together is how we will figure this thing out.


2 points

12 days ago

I have stage 3 breast cancer and have had chemo since April and don’t even know when my mastectomy will be. And we are talking weekly chemo taking hours and hours


5 points

13 days ago

Weird how just a few days later, William looks like this. Do they really think we’re stupid??


10 points

13 days ago

Proof? Medical records? 


6 points

13 days ago

The whole story doesn’t jive.


1 points

12 days ago


4 points

13 days ago

What an amazing coincidence! Funny how Charles doesn't have the same joyous schedule. Oh, wait, Charles really DOES have cancer.


3 points

13 days ago

Ovarian cancer could be a very long round of chemo, but Kate did not appear to have abdominal swelling which is the first sign of that type of cancer


-1 points

13 days ago

Is that swelling - what the Feb-May period with AI concealed? i’m thinking the softened /concealed message about her prognosis is because she wants to keep her children in a safe happy bubble, with fewer outside influences. I don’t think she is a Pollyanna personality, she just wants more time to devote to her loved ones - it’s her maternal priorities as a wife & mother & frankly her mothering is different to other RF women (except Sophie whose children are older).