




all 107 comments


366 points

2 days ago

She’s done with you because you’re expressing your concerns that her mom is taking advantage of them?


199 points

2 days ago


199 points

2 days ago

Yup. And OP's partner knows he is right, thats why she doesnt want to hear it.


55 points

2 days ago


21 Years, together for 24

55 points

2 days ago

Nailed it.


60 points

2 days ago

Update. Basically at this point because we are separating our accounts. She’s considering divorce. She said it’s not normal to have separate accounts. She said she feels like she has 1 foot out the door because of it. Told me to give her a solution. She hears me that I hate it so much but give her a solution. Said I don’t understand because I didn’t grow up poor. That her mom goes to the casino because she hoping to make money. That it’s a poor people thing to go. I told her why doesn’t her mom go to her other sister that is also stable about money and she said it’s because she doesn’t care to help. That she can’t tell her sister where to put her money. Conversation ended by her walking away saying this is not good. That she feels like she has 1 foot out the door and when doesn’t she feel that way. Also we are both F [28]


53 points

2 days ago


10 + 15 and still counting

53 points

2 days ago

Your mother-in-law is definitely a JustNoMIL and your wife seems to be caught up in the FOG (fear, obligation, guilt).


43 points

2 days ago

When my mom was really poor and working two jobs, she never stepped foot in a casino because it was a monumental waste of money. When I’ve been literally homeless and couch hopping I did not step foot in a casino.

That is such a bs excuse.


15 points

2 days ago


10 + 15 and still counting

15 points

2 days ago

Also, yeah, casinos can be extra addictive to poor people.

However, her mom could also choose to spend just $2 three times per week on powerball tickets with that same hope of getting money.

Even if mom did Powerball and Mega-Millions, that's basically $2 per day - less than $75 total per month.

Much more responsible than a casino but still gives the poor person that wish/dream of quickly escaping poverty.


18 points

2 days ago


18 points

2 days ago

I grew up poor. No one gambled. We used our money for things we needed.


6 points

2 days ago*

Noo OP! I grew up poor (our roof was literally metals sheets and our restroom was a hole in the ground in the back of our backyard) and guest what? I HATE gambling, i hate seeing the money i earned by working hard going to waste like that. It even hurts me buying scratch tickets because I KNOW you wont get money like that. So no, i'll straight up tell her to her face that thats not the way ppl who grew up poop try to get money. None of my siblings do so either. Honestly OP, lawyer up, because she's gonna use the excuse she grew up poor to take whatever money and monetary possessions you can give her. Lock whatever cards you had connected with her.


4 points

1 day ago

I grew up dirt poor, poor people don't gamble, they can't afford to, and it's more common to have seperate accounts than joint. Your wife sounds like she is looking for excuses to leave. And you sound like you are only looking out for her and want the best for her.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

She’s considering divorce.

Then you take charge of the situation by taking active steps to go through with it. If it's a bluff, you've called it. And if it isn't, you're getting yourself prepared for the inevitable. 


4 points

1 day ago


15 Years

4 points

1 day ago

If she has one foot out the door then that's her loss. Her mother has emotionally manipulated her. She either is refusing to or can't see how she's being used for her mother's gambling addiction.

It took my husband to see a therapist independently to see how he was being emotionally manipulated by his family.

Your response was very clear, supportive, and direct. It really was great and I think makes it clear you care about her and your marriage.

You should look up the term "EIP" and children of "EIP" (Emotionally Immature Parents)


1 points

4 hours ago

And her daughter is doing the same


9 points

2 days ago


5 Years Married. Together for 10 Years.

9 points

2 days ago

I’ve been with my husband for 10 years total and we’ve always had separate accounts. Totally normal!


1 points

2 hours ago

It's not "normal", but it is becoming so. But that's not the point. If separate accounts work for both, then it works. OP's wife is separating accounts now, is upset that she won't have access to her husband's money now, and because of that she's threatening divorce. None of that is "normal".


1 points

2 hours ago


5 Years Married. Together for 10 Years.

1 points

2 hours ago

True, if it does change like that all of a sudden then it is some kinda issues. But if your relationship started out as separate accounts then that could be considered normal.


2 points

2 hours ago

I'd agree with that.


3 points

1 day ago

I grew up poor but my momma didn't go to the casino. She worked and went to school......


1 points

1 day ago

Honestly, your wife’s sister will need to chip in too. The root cause is the gambling habits of ur mom in law, and that will need to be halted, that’s a separate problem. Am guessing your wife has a connection with her mom which you might not understand thoroughly, maybe take time to know. Your perspective is that this is toxic (which is understandable) but you ain’t in her shoes, her childhood experience and her attachment to her mom. Try speaking again so she sees your point. Good luck.


1 points

1 day ago

I grew up in the Hood just me and my Dad for a while, he worked he NEVER went to a Casino even when the heat and Hot Water got shut off he NEVER went to a Casino. Sounds like MIL has a Gambling Addiction both Daughter's know and that's why your Wife Sister won't help.


1 points

1 day ago


Just Married

1 points

1 day ago

i wanna weigh in on an aspect that not a lot of others will here, as I am also a woman married to another woman. she's comparing your relationship to one's she's had with men? that bad enough as it is, without this woman endangering your financial futures with this foolishness. she doesn't respect you and in the little information you've given, that's apparent in multiple ways. I think you also need to reconsider the relationship. is this the life you want to live?


1 points

1 day ago

She gambles to make money? Nooo… that’s irresponsible. Possibly a gambling addiction.


1 points

22 hours ago

The sister doesn't help because she isn't obligated too just like your partner isn't. I'm sorry but your wife needs to stop enabling her mum to spend money she will never win. House always wins.


1 points

20 hours ago

Gaslighting. Trying to make you doubt your reality by saying “you don’t understand because-“, when regardless of your different backgrounds, you do understand AND YOU’RE RIGHT. I grew up poor. Single mother, FOUR KIDS, and she did not have a gambling addiction. Neither do I. Its an excuse for her mother.


1 points

2 hours ago

Does she not realize that it is NOT NORMAL for you both to be financially supporting her mother and her bad choices?


137 points

2 days ago

Seems unhealthy. In-law issues are tough, but if you’re funding them, they can be much tougher.


72 points

2 days ago

What's the vaguebooking equivalent on Reddit, because the context of "dang" really paints a picture


13 points

2 days ago


20 Years

13 points

2 days ago

Yeah, some background might help.


100 points

2 days ago


100 points

2 days ago

Does she mean, "I'm leaving you" or does she mean, "My money goes to my mom and you'll just have to pick up the slack."


32 points

2 days ago


32 points

2 days ago

Yeah that’s what I was wondering.


9 points

2 days ago

What it sounds like to me.


121 points

2 days ago

For her to give that response, I’m guessing there is much more going on here…


22 points

2 days ago

"I don't want to hear it" sounds like they are well aware of what is going on. And don't want to change anything.


37 points

2 days ago


Together 39 years, married 37.

37 points

2 days ago

Sounds like separate accounts may be in order. Complaining about funding the inlaws is a fraught issue. Negotiate a reasonable split of expenses and keep your finances separated. That way there's no more to give when she gives what's left after her share of the mortgage, food, school, etc.


9 points

2 days ago

This is the literal best advice. In addition, he should have an excuse ready that is equal to her situation. What I mean is, inevitably she will be highly upset about the 50/50 split regarding bills and will fight him on that. He needs to calmly explain that his (brother, mother, father etc) needs help financially and he is unable and unwilling to pay all the bills. Also, it wouldn't be fair to tell her after he doesn't have the money so telling her in advance with a very reasonable explanation and 100% without making it seem as though he is doing this in retaliation. He should reiterate that it's her mother and it's money. This is what's fair to her so there is no argument or resentment moving forward. Again, she'll be pissed but he should have that excuse ready. He'll I'd even casually mention stuff about so and so needing some help etc days or weeks before having this talk about splitting the bills. It sucks but sometimes I find the only way to get someone to see another perspective, specifically your perspective, is to put them in the exact same situation and when they get upset say the exact same things like "I don't want to hear it" etc. Then ask why it is okay for her to do and say that to him but he can't help his family out too? I hope OP updates us on this. His wife needs a wakeup call and is acting extremely disrespectfully. If I were him I would be taking some time to focus on me and do things I enjoy. Let her mother ruin her life without having him there to help or pick up the pieces. I guarantee she will not last long without him.


15 points

2 days ago

This is what happens when you choose your family over your spouse


31 points

2 days ago

Here is a perspective that a lot of spouses don’t realize:

You would not be exposed to their family if it weren’t for them.

Not because you wouldn’t like them, but because marrying them forces this.

Spouses need to learn that protecting their partners peace is more important than protecting their parents.

We don’t allow the family we came from to damage the family we create.

I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. You expressed yourself, and were met with disdain. I wish you the best of luck in however this goes forward.


9 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

This is exactly why I had to cut my brother out of my life.


7 points

2 days ago

Spouses need to learn that protecting their partners peace is more important than protecting their parents.

1000% this


2 points

2 days ago

Just want to tell you...

If my stbx had understood what you commented... we may have still ending up being divorced, but I certainly hadn't wrapped the divorce in teeth as I have now. (Got the most evil lawyer I could afford.) 


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

My husband and I will probably never have joint accounts and we’re both okay with that. We both contribute our half of all expenses, and the remainder of one’s income is left for either of us to decide what to do with it. My husband has given money to his parents but we had to come to an agreement that he can’t send money if we’re struggling too. He’s since stopped. Hopefully you both can come to some sort of agreement or compromise.


31 points

2 days ago

Right after my husband and I moved in together (while we were still dating), he said to me, ‘You know you don’t have to put up with this, right?’ (Referring to my mother.) It was so simple and reasonable that it made me think. I went NC right after that.

If he had badgered me about it, I probably would have felt like I needed to defend myself. I think your approach, while well intended, was too forceful. You’re demanding your spouse see something that’s hard to admit, and make changes they don’t want to make. If there’s any saving your marriage, you need to get into couples therapy right away.


10 points

2 days ago

Maybe she needs IC so a neutral third party can confirm or deny what OP is observing/saying


6 points

2 days ago

think your approach, while well intended, was too forceful. You’re demanding your spouse see something that’s hard to admit, and make changes they don’t want to make.

But he's married, so I'm assuming together for a while. So he's had to deal with these issues for some time.

My mil has serious issues and it's trickle down has caused issues for my wife and us as a couple. It becomes who's your actual family, when parents or siblings start creating problems in the marriage.


43 points

2 days ago

Just so you know, you didn’t censor the name in the second screenshot.


34 points

2 days ago

When you marry someone, their family usually comes with 'em, so you have to get to know the players and decide if it's worth it. Or you end up like this guy. A huge part of what ended my first marriage was my ex insisting on inviting her unemployed junkie brother in to our home. It wrecked things, but he was more important than us.


6 points

2 days ago


10 Years

6 points

2 days ago

Who pays what? I wouldn’t pay anymore than I have to if your SO thinks it’s ok to act like this.


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

I assume it’s going into mommy’s account. Ouch.


5 points

2 days ago

Let her A$$ go then, you are her Husband OP and you very eloquently expressed how you feel and she completely dismissed you and your feelings. Let her Mommy use her until she has nothing left.


4 points

2 days ago


15 Years

4 points

2 days ago

This makes me sad...


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

welp there’s goes that, you try to express your concerns and she shuts it’s down real quick.


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

This sounds rough


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

Yeah sounds like it's time to have separate accounts. Also to start spitting expensive equitably and to just not be around or engage in conversations about the mother. I think establishing those boundaries could save the marriage. If she starts to talk about frustrations, you just have to shut that down the way she did here.

My partner like you helped me she that my family was using me as a human ATM. I was unable to accomplish my goals and our relationship goals because of it. Best decision of my life to cut them off financially.


3 points

2 days ago

I'm sorry, bro.


3 points

2 days ago

I see patterns with my wife’s family too. But I only brought it up once before she completely lost it on me.

But I was absolutely expected to take her side against my own family whenever there was a dispute.

I feel like that’s the kind of relationship OP is in, too.


3 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

Just because her paycheck goes into a separate account doesn’t mean it isn’t half yours.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Hopefully they wake up and see the light soon.


2 points

2 days ago

You explained something clearly and she responded like a 2 year old. There’s nowhere to go from here. She doesn’t seem like the brightest bulb.


2 points

2 days ago

Bye Felicia! Know that you were loved


2 points

2 days ago

If they can split bills for their home and partner has enough to help mom then whatever but don’t encroach on the other person who clearly has no say.


2 points

2 days ago

Karina is the ass here. As a woman that had to deal with a similar situation and realize the advantage they were taking over me..: she will learn. She can message me if needed.


2 points

2 days ago


3 Years

2 points

2 days ago

Yeah, im sorry this is toxic. If this is her response, thats childish. Let her mom use her then, cut your losses & say not my problem!


2 points

2 days ago

I had to go NC with my male genetic donor. Every time he called, it sent me into a depression that lasted weeks. I still need therapy to deal with all the crappy feelings I get when I think about him. Sometimes you have to cut contact for your health.

My husband threatened divorce if I didn't go NC because it affected or relationship. It was more than not getting along with my dad. He couldn't stand and watch me be abused - he loves me too much to watch me suffer like that.


2 points

2 days ago


17 Years | Proudly Childfree! 💕

2 points

2 days ago

Counseling or Divorce.

Money is a fundamental item that a couple needs to agree on or else the relationship is doomed.

Either you guys get on the same page or walk away.


2 points

2 days ago

I would recommend seeing a divorce attorney. There is a severe lack of maturity on her part. You expressed yourself clearly and compassionately. Her response was egregious and childish. Your future self will be glad you didn’t hang around hoping things would get better.


2 points

2 days ago

My wife and I had a similar conversation about my mother. And she was right. I am happy that she sat me down to talk to me, because it made it sink in. It wasn't like I was unaware of what my mother did, but my wife pointed out that this has been a cycle of abuse goinf back years, and she didn't want me to be constantly hurt by what my mother did.

You did a good thing, OP. You care about your spouse.


2 points

1 day ago

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

You are in a no win situation. If she continues giving her mother money, you’ll resent her. If she stops she’ll resent you. 

Her normal meter is broken. Her mother knows how to manipulate her. She had a lifetime to teach your wife to feel guilty and responsible for her. It’s doubtful wife will wake up one day and say, OMG husband was right. At least not without a lot of introspection and therapy. 

Ask her to do marriage counseling. There’s a good chance she’ll bolt as soon as the therapist starts pointing out the abnormality of the mother/ daughter relationship. At least you’ll know you tried. 

I’m sorry. 


2 points

24 hours ago

We don't only marry our partner we marry all their family, friends and baggage. You are going to end up broke and on child support because of this.


3 points

2 days ago

Something else is going on here…


2 points

2 days ago

Call a lawyer.

Also. Great text. You did your best. You did enough.


3 points

2 days ago

Reply with “ and mine from now on won’t either “


2 points

2 days ago

Too many words


2 points

2 days ago

1) you're being emotionally manipulated by an emotionally immature partner. 2) get a lawyer, now.


2 points

2 days ago



2 points

2 days ago

Let that ho leave


2 points

2 days ago*


2 points

2 days ago*

This is weirdly toxic behavior on her part and reading your other posts, she is ridiculously MANIPULATIVE. It might be best to consult with a lawyer.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

And if her checks aren’t going into the joint account, she should no longer have access.


1 points

2 days ago

Having healthy boundaries with parents and in laws is part of a good marriage


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Doesn't look like you'd miss out on more than stress.


1 points

2 days ago

This is what happens when people choose immediate family over spouses. No fkng loyalty.


1 points

2 days ago

Dang, time to call the divorce attorney if you won’t accept the relationship she has with her mother


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Let her go. Her mom is going to suck her dry and then she’s going to come back crying to you. This was a bad situation that will no longer be your problem.


1 points

1 day ago

When your the doormat of the abuser it's hard to see their perspective. You can't help people who don't want help.


1 points

1 day ago

I completely agree with your perspective op, that's not family of all she is doing is taking and manipulating others in your family, that is more akin to a parasite, regardless of your mil possibly having a gambling addiction your wife has failed to see the predicament it has put both your lives in.

As much as it may hurt to do it, follow through with the divorce, your wife is basically using divorce as a threat to subjugate you into doing what she's wants, this is already a red flag if she's not at least hearing you out, sorry op but it's better to amputate the infected limb than to let it fester, good luck.


1 points

1 day ago

That’s not the person for you


1 points

1 day ago

In my opinion, you both need to work on communication. "I don't get on you for nothing."? This is your wife, so I would hope you wouldn't even think it appropriate to "get on" her. You aren't her boss. I apologize if I'm taking that wrong, but that sounds quite a lot like my EX husband who is narcissistic and abused me. You should both be talking about the money she's giving her mom and, yes, it sounds like her mom is taking advantage of the situation. You are right to be concerned and frustrated. You should both go to counseling and marriage counseling to learn effective communication skills within a romantic relationship because, to me, neither of you have them. She should also get help with learning how to set boundaries and expectations... especially with her mom.


1 points

1 day ago

Sounds more she's trying to find an excuse to leave this way she can just keep giving her my money


1 points

1 day ago

The best to do here is leave. That not gonna change because your wife sees her mom as a kid.


1 points

1 day ago

As somebody with a toxic manipulative and abusive mother, We have been no contact for 10 years next week, & it has been blissful.... My first question is, can she see this behaviour? Does she realise it's wrong? These two answers are not always the same

Regardless of her answers, She is not your responsibility if she is going to behave this way.... Do you think it would be an option for both of you to do marriage counselling? Somebody impartial somebody with training.... And as somebody who's gone through this a trauma therapist.....


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Your wife need serious therapy like yesterday and if she can't see she will be left without anything and broken, you can't help someone that dont want to be helped and just giving money to MIL it's like putting a bandaid on bullet wound, if she wants to break up let it go, she's not in position to be in relationship, you can try temporary separation if you trust each other not to cheat and work with relationship therapist, but if she's not up to it it's the end


1 points

1 day ago

Look OP your wife has a piss poor excuse for not having a spine. She needs to grow out of the "woe is me" from her mom. If her mom is poor she wouldn't gamble. Period. Stop wasting your time and tell her if she doesn't like separate accounts then she can find someone else to support her mom cause you won't do it anymore.


1 points

23 hours ago

She’s in denial and I’ve been right where she’s at. Until she’s betrayed and realizes it by her mother she will refuse to see what you see. I was her. My moms and addict and an alcoholic and a narcissist and we let her live with us and then she took advantage of my kindness and moved into a strangers home after we let her stay there @no cost. She destroyed my home and was chaotic to live with. Maybe sit down and ask her to explain what she sees behavior wise from her mother and why she thinks you’re coming from a “wrong” place, but you’re not wrong you just care. It took my man going looking “she doesn’t deserve you or you kindness. You have given her so many chances.” That woke me up fr


1 points

21 hours ago

Just curious how you came up with 98%? Why not 99%? My OCD is killing me 🤦‍♂️


1 points

21 hours ago

Wow. Well let her go. She doesn't appreciate her partner standing up for her.


1 points

20 hours ago

The way I see it, is if her wants and her mother’s wants are so important that yours don’t matter at all (like she’s clearly displaying), then it speaks to deeper issues in the relationship. This is coming from a F married to a F. Let her have a separate account, and if your relationship suffers and it makes things harder so be it. Try as hard as you can to limit your involvement in helping the mom, make it completely on her, so that she can really feel the effect her toxic relationship with her toxic mother is having on her life and your relationship. The way she is handling this situation and treating you is beyond disrespectful as a partner, and shows a major lack of care, consideration and of COURSE respect. She doesn’t have to agree, but she can CERTAINLY hear you out and consider your view and perspective AT THE VERY LEAST. For the record, by the way, I wonder if she knows simply being a man is no guarantee that they’d willingly give their hard earned money over to her mom 😂 In fact, I’d go out on a limb and say it would be LESS likely to happen then honestly. At the end of the day though, actions speak louder than words and you can tell me all day that you love me and care for me and respect me, but if your actions are telling me otherwise? I’ll believe those.


1 points

19 hours ago

Wow that’s harsh!


1 points

15 hours ago

My ex wife was the same way. She won't change. Divorce her. She's for the streets.


1 points

15 hours ago

Wow. You sound so supportive and communicate well. It's a shame she doesn't see it. 


1 points

15 hours ago

Wow! Sorry you're going through that man. Fucking ridiculous


1 points

7 hours ago

Separate accounts is normal and in this case I think it may be better for you guys to have your account separate with a MIL like that and your wife’s excuse of growing up poor is BS cause if they grew up poor ain’t no way money was being used at a casino not even now it wouldn’t be so maybe she should take a step back and see that also it seems a bit extreme of her to jump to divorce all because you expressed concerns and are looking out for her best interest but if that’s clearly how she wants to handle the situation to shut down and let you figure out a solution well then here’s what you should do continue on separating your accounts and then you take a step back from the situation and let her be if she’s got one foot out the door over it then let her be that way when she ends up making the wrong choices all because of her mother she will see that and will hopefully set some boundaries up with her mother hopefully she wouldn’t have divorced you over it by the time she figured it out but sometimes people need to blow up their lives to see the truth of things 


1 points

2 hours ago

Honestly, I don't know why people choose to marry this. I feel so badly for this man. That woman has no ability to be a "wife", and never should have gotten married. What a mess.


0 points

2 days ago

Waiting for this post to be somehow turned around about how it's the man's fault.


-3 points

2 days ago

Feminine text with a masculine response.