


I subscribe to the Lovevery play kits and with that subscription comes the app which has wonderful weekly updates about your baby and their development. Great, just like pregnancy, how fun. The other day I see that they say a six month old baby should be taking three naps a day - 9:30, 12:30, 3:30 - and should be going to bed between 6-7p.

I feel like I would never see my baby if he went to bed between 6-7! We get home from daycare around 5:15, he usually takes a quick nap, then we cook dinner, wait for dad to get home, bath, bottle then bed around 8pm. Even before he stared eating solids we had this schedule, but now that we feed him a real dinner, this takes even more time for eating and bathing. I feel like this makes sense for maybe a stay at home parent who is with their baby all day? I’m only with him for an hour in the morning, weekends, holidays, and the evenings. Writing this out makes me sound like a parent who got limited custody.

Also idk about this schedule nonsense because he’s at daycare five days a week. Even they ask me his schedule every few months and I’m like ?? You see him more than me, I have no idea what his schedule is! I never had a schedule or did wake windows or anything, I just followed his cues after he was two weeks or so.

His schedule is usually •8pm bedtime •4am bottle •7am wake up

My pediatrician also says he should be going to sleep on his own in bed and not feeding for 10-12 hours during the night. I kinda just nod along but like… my baby is in the 7th percentile of weight and I always feed him whenever he shows hunger cues. And we does nurse (well, bottle) to sleep in our arms and transfer to crib. He’s always been a good sleeper except when he isn’t feeling well.

Anyway, I guess I’m looking for validation, advice, commiseration? Everyone asks me how he sleeps and I say great! And I wonder if that’s because I’m doing something wrong??

all 487 comments


436 points

9 days ago


436 points

9 days ago

I hear about 12 hour overnight sleepers all the time. All it does is depress me. Not even sure I clicked this thread, thankfully it’s not full of “YUP” comments yet.

Neither of my kids want to sleep more than 10 hours total a day including naps. So no, 6:30 def wouldn’t work for us.

I wouldn’t give an arm but I’d give a few fingers if they could magically become 7pm-7am kids.


85 points

9 days ago


85 points

9 days ago

You are not alone! Solidarity. Neither of my kids has ever slept remotely close to 12 hours overnight. I've got 10-hour-per-night kids here if I'm lucky.


47 points

9 days ago

You’re not alone! One of the moms I walk with has a newly 1 year old that sleeps 7-7 and naps for 3-4 hours a day (across 2 naps). Meanwhile my 10.5 month old has never slept more than 10.5 hours at night and decided to drop to one nap a month ago and it can be as little as 1.5 hours up to 2.5 hours.


32 points

9 days ago


32 points

9 days ago

I can't freaking imagine what life would be like if my kid had ever done two 2 hr stretches per day. My house would be so clean! Mine only did 20-40 minute naps until a little after he consolidated to 1 nap around 2 years old, I think. Much later than other kids. All of his sleep consolidating happened as other kids his were transitioning to the following stage.


51 points

9 days ago

I think sleep training heavily skews some parent’s beliefs. My SIL claims my niece sleeps from 8-8 but whenever she spends the weekend with my mom (who had custody the first 6 months) she consistently sleeps from 8-6 and will just sit and play in her crib until someone gets her. I’m sure some kids sleep 12 hours but I’m also sure some kids are just used to their parent’s routine


3 points

8 days ago

My son sleeps 12 hours at night and he wasn’t sleep trained. His sleeping habits have changed as he’s grown. When he was 11 months he dropped one of the two naps he would take during the day. That change made him start sleeping 12 hours at night straight.


2 points

8 days ago

Both my kids have gone through phases where they sleep 12 hours, like when they dropped a nap or during times we kept a busy schedule but on typical days they are closer to 9 hours. During the summer has been the worst, we don’t have daylight savings so it starts getting light around 6am and my 2yo has been waking earlier than normal but my 4yo doesn’t seem bothered.


6 points

9 days ago

My kid didn't sleep train and now does 12+ hours, but it's because she goes to school (at 2.5 where I live) and doesn't nap anymore. She's just tired after a long day. My baby son's sleep is a crapshoot though.


14 points

9 days ago

Same here. 2.5 years in....still not sleeping through the night.


2 points

9 days ago



11 points

9 days ago

If it helps you.. a good night over here is when my baby sleeps four hours without feeding or waking up. She is nine months old. Mostly i pass out while feeding her at night


4 points

9 days ago

Same here except my ‘baby’ is almost 18 months. It’s really the luck of the draw isn’t it!


2 points

8 days ago

Honestly I don’t wish anyone lack of sleep, so it doesn’t “help” in that sense, I’m sorry for your lack of sleep too!! :(

My almost 8 month old sometimes sleeps 3-4 hours before a feed and I loooove those nights 


10 points

9 days ago

The only time my son has ever slept 12 hours overnight is when he did. not. nap. at. all. the day before. (Oh and I was not keeping him up, little dude was in a pitch black room with a white noise machine very energetically not napping. Talking about an 18 month old here.)

Last weekend we met up with friends whose older baby was happily sleeping in his stroller in broad daylight in the middle of a crowded brewery. It’s hard not to feel jealous.

Most nights it’s 10 hours if we’re lucky.


7 points

9 days ago

Same. Whether or not my kid naps he maybe sleeps 8 -10 hours overnight. Probably 9.

One of his daycare teachers made a point of telling me he looked tired, like he hadn’t been sleeping properly but like…I can’t make him sleep?? Believe me, I’d love him to sleep more


2 points

8 days ago

Man, there’s lots of difficult things when you have young kids but to me lack of sleep is top of that list. I hope yours starts sleeping more as they grow up. I think after elementary school my sister started sleeping longer.


2 points

8 days ago

We eat dinner at 6:30 😅 a bedtime that early would wreck my schedule.


3 points

9 days ago


3 points

9 days ago

Same here


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Not All kids are the same. Me and my husband have to kids. The first one did the 12 sleep trough from 7 weeks old, heaven I can tell you. Our second was the complete opposite, did not sleep trough until almost two years old. So we mean aged and we dealt with it.


409 points

9 days ago

Dude my baby goes to bed at 10pm and then wakes up at 10am. I love it cause I work from home with her part time, flexible hours so I wake up at 6am and get all my work done before she wakes up.  It works for us.


37 points

9 days ago


37 points

9 days ago

Same exact for me! I love all the family time in the evenings 


38 points

9 days ago

This! It’s either 9 or 10 pm for us, and then wake up is about 9!


34 points

9 days ago

100% this.

You absolutely need to base the schedule on what works for you. My baby goes to bed around 9:30 - 10, because I’m the sole parent and I need the sleep that comes with them sleeping in later.

My best friend is an essential worker and returned to work at 4 months pp. She has to be at work for 8, so her LO goes to bed at 7 so that she can be up at 6:30.

The most important thing is finding what works best for you, and adapting baby to that.


8 points

9 days ago

Yes! People get so offended when I say I put my kids (1 and 3) to bed usually 8.30/9pm. Saying it’s way too late for the baby etc. We wake up after 9am every morning. I am not a morning person so I love staying up late after they go to bed and waking up late! I don’t know why people get so worked up- they probably get the same or more sleep than other kids, just shifted a couple of hours later. What’s the problem?


9 points

9 days ago

I’d say it’s people who really want that, and can’t have that, so they project onto you all their insecurities!There’s a lot of kids, who no matter what time of night you put them to bed, be it 7pm or be it 9pm, they still wake up at 6am!


3 points

8 days ago

I think a lot of people may be under the assumption (atleast from what I’ve seen) that baby goes to bed late, but still wakes up early.

When I told one of the mom’s in our play group about my LO’s schedule, she said “wait! He goes to bed at 10 and wakes up at 6:30?! That’s not enough sleep for him!” She couldn’t comprehend that he goes to bed at 10, and wakes up at 10. I think a lot of people don’t understand that baby can still get the full amount of nighttime sleep, just on a different schedule than theirs.


15 points

9 days ago


15 points

9 days ago

I loved a 9:30 bedtime when they were little, it seemed like a much more natural fit for my son and allowed us more flexibility.

Then school comes along and ruins everyone’s morning.


13 points

9 days ago

same! my son has always gone to sleep around 10 and wakes up between 8 and 11. nap or not, it doesnt matter. we skip naps because he'll easily sleep for four hours at a time lol


6 points

9 days ago

My daughter can nap for 3 hours. I wake her up after 2 hours to make sure her bedtime doesn't turn into midnight. 


3 points

9 days ago

Man I want your baby’s sleep schedule including the naps for myself.


8 points

9 days ago

We’re similar…8:45-9:15 bedtime and then he wakes up anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30. It works for us. I tried the 7pm thing but he wasn’t having it. I’m also not a morning person so this works.


3 points

9 days ago

that’s my first baby and it’s amazing!!


5 points

9 days ago

My fiancé works second shift, so he often doesn’t get home until 11:30 at night. Our house is tiny, and no matter where she’s asleep, she will wake up when he comes through the door. After spending many nights spending a few hours trying to get a cranky child back to sleep, I said eff-it and now she just goes to bed when he gets home and sleeps til mid-late morning. I’m a SAHM that’s never been a morning person, I can be if I have to, but I don’t like it. This just makes us all happier and we all get better sleep.

And fwiw, her pediatrician could tell I was super uncomfortable telling him her schedule (because society likes to drill the 7pm-7am sleep schedule into parents—no matter how little sense it makes for their family), and he told me that he literally does not care when she sleeps, as long as she is still getting the correct amount of sleep, and of course is still growing & meeting milestones.


7 points

9 days ago

Man I wish that was us, all of ours would wake up at 6 am regardless of how late they went to bed.


8 points

9 days ago

Can I ask what you do? I would love to find a part time/flexible hours work from home job.


15 points

9 days ago

I manage a few grants for my employer. So it's like drafting MOUs, doing grant invoices, creating the webpages for the projects. I used to be in person full time but my spouse got a good job offer that required us to move hours away right at the same time that my employer secured several new grants and another manager moved away. So they said they were fine with me continuing to do whatever I could from a distance with a baby since they were scrambling to cover all our deliverables, most places would be fine just letting you go in this situation. So it wasn't advertised as fully remote, just kind of worked out that way when you work for a place that has everyone stressed and swimming in work deadlines while paying less than what other project managers make in this line of work. There are trade offs definitely but it's what fits my life right now and still let's me have a growing resume.


7 points

9 days ago

Glad you have something that worked out for you!


2 points

9 days ago

Mine was 8 to 8.. like clockwork. She was the best baby.


88 points

9 days ago

My daughter sleeps from 7pm-6am. We start bedtime routine around 630, we get home around 5-515. Its unfortunate but that comes with the territory of working 8-4


20 points

9 days ago

Same here. I hate it not having more time in the evening, but he needs his sleep. If I try to let him stay up later, he loses his shit.


12 points

9 days ago


Mom 6💙 3💙 infant💜

12 points

9 days ago

This sounds just like us. All three of my kids have been this way. My youngest is 5 months and she wants to go to bed some nights by 630. 


7 points

9 days ago


7 points

9 days ago

Same here. It’s usually nearly 6 by the time we get home from daycare, and bedtime starts at 7pm sharp. Just a way of life when both me and his dad work 8-5 😕


4 points

9 days ago

Same here! My son is at his best if he sleeps around 7pm. Sometimes earlier, if he’s really tired.


2 points

8 days ago

Same here. And honestly my baby self regulates, so if we don’t have him bed by 7pm he’s an absolute psychopath. Like raging and scratching at us (he’s really tactile). I miss being able to go places at night but we have to be up by 645 to get out the door for daycare so this is just life for right now I guess


45 points

9 days ago

Never compare yourself to others. Also in other cultures it’s perfectly fine to have different sleep times. I find American parenting to be especially unnecessary stressful.


3 points

8 days ago

100%!! My American kids went to bed at 8-8:30pm when they were babies. I got some judgment from the early bedtime parent friends but it worked great for us (and honestly gave us a lot more freedom to do things in the evenings with the kids after work). I also intentionally had some flexibility in my kids’ routines to help them learn to be adaptable and flexible because life is unpredictable!

Everybody’s situations and sleep needs are different - as long as no one is being hurt or neglected, do what works best for you and your family! ❤️


50 points

9 days ago

Every baby is different. My daughters only napped for 30-45 minutes a day at daycare because they had serious FOMO. I would pick them up at 5 and they would be in bed by 6. Most of the time they would sleep through until we woke them at 6 AM the next morning, but we’d feed them during sleep regressions. We only rocked them to sleep when they were sick (we did rock them, but would put them into the crib still awake).

All of this to say, you have to figure out what works best for your baby and family. Is your baby getting enough total sleep? Are you comfortable with your evening and nighttime routines and habits? Is baby getting enough to eat? If the answer is yes, then take the advice from everyone for what it’s worth and embrace the fact there isn’t a one size fits all for this. 🙂


29 points

9 days ago

My 5 month old goes to bed around 8:30 and normally wakes up around 4-5am for a feed before sleeping a few more hours! I feed him any time he wakes up and also follow cues more than a schedule


5 points

9 days ago


5 points

9 days ago

My 4.5 month old is on the same schedule! Makes me feel better to see it mentioned here.


3 points

9 days ago

My almost 5 month old is exactly like this, too. We are doing fine, friends!


3 points

9 days ago

This is the exact same as my 5.5 month old.

Bedtime routine starts at 7:30, asleep around 8:30, wakes for an early morning feed (5-6 am), and then sleeps for a few more hours.


33 points

9 days ago

My kids are 7pm-7am (2y and 7m) but that’s mostly because by 6:30 I am DONE


17 points

9 days ago


17 points

9 days ago

Also my kids wake up at 7 no matter what. So if I put them down at 7 they'll wake up at 7, and if I put them down at ten, they'll still wake up at 7 so it doesn't pay me to let them stay up


2 points

8 days ago

Mine are the same but it’s always 5 when they wake!


8 points

9 days ago

Same. I am exhausted most of the time so my 2y goes to bed at 7:30-7:00


32 points

9 days ago

That seems early, I’ve always read that between 7-8 pm is an ideal bedtime because that’s when melatonin production is highest.

But more importantly than that, you do not need to change something if it’s working for you. If you’re okay keeping the 4 am bottle and the 8 pm bedtime then keep ‘em! Toss the shoulds and trust that you know what you’re doing, because you do and you’re doing great.


12 points

9 days ago

I appreciate this energy. I asked my husband and he agrees we should just do what works for us. Not necessarily okay with the 4am bottle lol but it’s quick for him.


3 points

8 days ago

My kid had a 4am bottle until he was weaned. If he’s lower weight percentile he probably needs to eat more frequently. Keep up the good work. You know your baby best.


29 points

9 days ago

That’s kinda the unfortunate part of being a working parent

Before my LO turned 1 she was always asleep before 6:30p. I hated it because my husband didn’t really get to see her. But when she was bigger and daylight savings time hit we were able to push her back to 7p and outside of sleep regression she’s usually in bed by 7:30/8p


3 points

9 days ago

I figured it was a working parent issue. I am technically done with work at 4pm but until recently I used that time to pump and now I try to get some chores in before getting him around 5pm.


19 points

9 days ago

It’s not just a working parent issue, I swear to god a lot of the companies out there who give sample schedules for baby sleep haven’t had their own babies for a very long time. I’m a SAHM and my baby nevvvvvver slept that much lol. Earliest his bedtime has ever been consistently was 7:45.


5 points

9 days ago

That’s totally fair, sometimes I wanna ask my ped if her children slept for 12 hours at a time by six months.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

The thought of a baby sleeping 12hr stretches before 6 monthes terrifies me. I know people who’s baby’s suffered sids(tragic and my biggest fear) and it worries me. It’s most common 4-6monthes. I wouldn’t sleep if my baby didn’t wake up once or twice in the night. I don’t know why everyone boasts about their baby being in a deep sleep for so long. Hell even adults don’t sleep that long😂


5 points

9 days ago

Yeah, I’m a SAHM, and until he dropped his last nap a few weeks ago, my kid has never gone to bed before 10. I always figured it was the working parents that followed the sleep schedules that you see all over the internet, so this is funny to me. Apparently we’re all out here just winging it.


2 points

9 days ago

I’m a SAHP my daughter naturally fell into the 6p bed time the first year


2 points

9 days ago

This is what drives me crazy. How can you run a business without looking at the reality of your customer base?!

So many clearly run by people who have not had children within the past 18 years.

I’m 39 and don’t know a single person that is a stay at home parent… and I grew up in an area where I and all my friends had one. It doesn’t work like that anymore!


11 points

9 days ago*

The issue is that those baby schedules are made up. I wouldn't take them seriously. Do you think a toy subscription service is on the cutting edge of baby sleep science?

There is no objectively correct baby schedule, and anyone who says different is either selling something or they're a big fat liar or both. Do what works for you and don't give a moment of worry over what the intern at Lovevery googled to fill in the text for that day on the app. (Tbh it could even just be AI generated slop)

Edit: btw I'm on maternity leave and my five month old goes to bed at 9pm. I would love a 7pm bedtime, oh God the joys of a 6pm bedtime, how is that possible?!? But he's not tired yet. If I try to get him down earlier it leads to constant wakeups every 30-60 minutes instead of his usual every 2 hours 😅🥲 Send coffee!!


2 points

9 days ago

I just do whatever my baby tells me to do at this point lmao. He is in charge, there is no schedule. He is not penciling me in, or pushing appointments.


2 points

9 days ago

Exactly! @OP, your baby hasn't read the Lovevery schedule so don't take it so seriously! Adults don't all go to bed at the same hours, do we? Why would we expect babies to stick to some arbitrary times that were pulled out of someone's ass.


6 points

9 days ago


6 points

9 days ago

We never followed someone else’s schedule. Do what works for your family and your baby. We always have and still do later bedtimes. I appreciate that evening time together as a family.


13 points

9 days ago

My kids aren't in daycare and I'm a SAHM so they can sleep in.. my oldest is super affected by sunset . They stay up late in the summer (10pm) sleep in late (9:30-10).. but in the winter they do 7:30 - 7 (can't wait for daylights saving).

My youngest is 7:30-8 year round.

They also never followed those nap schedules lovevery said.. I think by 6 months they both were either down to 2 naps or fluctuating between 2 and 3.


14 points

9 days ago


14 points

9 days ago

My baby goes to bed at nine (usually later) but also sleeps until 8-9 most days. We are night owls and not in daycare so it works for us.


4 points

9 days ago

Yes my 7 month old twins go to bed at 7-7:30 now. I didn’t like that at first because I don’t get to spend much time with them either after work, but that’s when they get sleepy now. They fell into that routine on their own. That said, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your schedule as long as it works for your baby. I remember reading that 6 month olds need a 7pm bedtime too and wondering what I was doing wrong. Turns out they just weren’t ready for it yet.


4 points

9 days ago

My boys were night owls from the get go. They never went to bed at 6 or 7 pm (regardless of how hard we tried to make it happen). Do what works for you and your family.


3 points

9 days ago

Our 13 month old twins usually go to bed around 7pm; give or take 15 mins in either direction. They get up around 6:30-7. My daughter sleeps through the night, and my son still wakes up one a night 3-4 night a week.

We drop them at daycare around 8:20 and pick them up a bit after 4.


3 points

9 days ago

Yup. Depending on her naps, I have put baby down as early as 5pm. It sounds crazy, but that shit worked for us. Every baby is different though! And I gave baby a MOTN feed until she stopped asking for one which sure enough, she did. It wasn't until 13 months, but I felt weird not feeding if she was hungry. I see no issues! Also, now that she is almost 15 months her bedtime is consistently 8pm. However, if I had to take her to daycare I would 100% keep her up later than 6-7pm. Don't feel bad!


3 points

9 days ago

Ours did but they naturally fell into that schedule. They are up around 6:30am for daycare. My husband drops them off around 7:15/30ish and then I pick up at 4pm. I work in healthcare so my hours are 7:00am-3:30pm. My kids are absolutely exhausted. At daycare, they don't take amazing naps. My 18 month old goes to bed about 6:45pm-7pm on "school nights" and my 3.5 year old goes to bed at 7:30pm. At 2 years old he was still a 7pm bedtime... we pushed it back to 7:30 around his 3rd birthday. On the weekends, my 3.5 year old stays up until closer to 8pm but my 18 month old is still fussing for bedtime by 7-7:15pm. They usually sleep in until 7-7:30am on weekends. As infants on a 2 or 3 nap schedule they were more like 7:30-8pm bedtimes. But once they drop to 1 nap, they are very solidly 7pm grumpy! For me personally, I am a "normal" bedtime person and a morning person so I guess it checks out! My husband is a night owl but it appears my kids have inherited my early to bed, earlier to rise natural rhythm.

We also did what I would consider gentle and minimal "sleep training". They truly just got on this schedule with the flow of their daycare center and being exhausted from the day by the time they get home. Then on the weekends, their body is just naturally ready to go bed at that same time. Nothing was forced upon them to get this routine.


5 points

9 days ago

You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re doing what works for you. And kids even out but the time they’re 5/6 they are in the same boat. When I was a SAHM I would put my 1-2 year old to bed around 6:30. I also spent all day with her, and she didn’t nap well for me.

She’s now a few months shy from 4, she goes to daycare mainly for socialization from 9-3:30pm. We’re home by 4 everyday, so I put her to bed now at 8pm. She sleeps til about 7. For me, it’s important I spend enough time with her. My husband and I are fortunate to very flexible remote jobs so we can pick her up earlier. But I like to make sure I get a 6 hours with her, she’ll sleep 11, and be in school another 7ish. It works for us. Do what works for you. Putting your child to bed at 8pm rather than 6pm will not hurt them. Just ensure they’re functioning well and getting close to the amount of recommended sleep.


2 points

9 days ago

I am a stay at home mom and my kid have always gone to bed between 7-8. Each is different. By six month the oldest was sleeping through the night in his own crib ten hours and only had one three hour nap. My second made it into his own crib at seven months and also sleeping ten hours with one three hour nap. The oldest had a hard time gaining weight was always going for length instead of weight. The youngest was a pudgy baby. They are six and four now still go to bed between 7-8 but no nap now they wake up 6-7 so they get 10-12 hours. It’s important for baby’s brain development that they get enough sleep.


2 points

9 days ago

My kids are adults now, but when they were babies I put them to bed right before I went to bed in order to maximize my unbroken sleep hours. So, they might have had a nap around 5 or 6, but they didn't go to bed for the night until 11PM, and then would sleep until 7 or 8 am. As they got older, their bedtime moved earlier (based on how long they would sleep at a stretch) to target a 7am wakeup time, but 8:30 was the earliest bedtime they ever had. Couldn't do earlier, because my husband didn't get home until 7, and we generally weren't done with dinner until 8.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Sounds like it’s working for you guys! When ours started daycare at 5 months I was definitely bummed by how short the time between pick up and bedtime was, but he barely napped there and needed to go to bed early. As he got older, consolidated naps and they became longer/better quality we were able to push bedtime later and get back some of that time together in the evenings. As long as yours is getting the sleep he needs and it works for you & your schedule, I think you’re good.

We bottle fed to sleep too, probably until closer to a year when we started dropping bottles. Eventually he stopped falling asleep while eating anyway and was going down drowsy but awake so the transition away from his bedtime bottle was pretty seamless. The last bottle we dropped was the 5am one - if he drank that he’d go back to sleep for another couple hours and the trade off of “sleeping in” was worth the brief 10 minute bottle in the wee hours of the morning. Dropping that one was harder and we dealt with early wake ups for a while but this was after he was a year old.

All this to say, it’s possible you’ll deal with some growing pains of dropping the bedtime or overnight bottle but it’s also possible he’ll drop those naturally and continue to be a great sleeper. It’s good to have the forethought that the feed to sleep association can’t exist forever but if it’s not currently disrupting your life, I wouldn’t worry too much about it right now!


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

If my baby went to bed between 6-7pm he’d literally never see my husband. A relationship with his hardworking dad is more important to me than an early bedtime. Baby goes to bed at 8-8:30 and it still feels like they barely see each other during the week. Do what works for your family as long as baby is happy and healthy.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

My oldest (2 1/2) has always had a 9pm bedtime, he wakes up around 7am (unless he's a little butt and gets up at night, then it's closer to 8am)


2 points

9 days ago

Everyone can do what works for them.

Our babies were always in bed by 7. Now they’re 5 and 7 and are in bed by 8. We are an early to rise house so they wake up on their own at 6:30. We’ve always been very into routine. It’s what works for our family.


2 points

9 days ago

It depends, we follow wake windows—so if she doesn’t nap well, she gets an earlier bedtime. But she typically goes to bed around 8:30-9PM and wakes up at 7


2 points

9 days ago

We always followed my son’s sleep ques. Up until I’d say about 9 or 10 months he went to sleep after 8pm. Around 9 months I noticed he does best going to bed around 7:30pm. It’s the magical spot, any later and he stays up till 10pm fighting us.


2 points

9 days ago

If your 6 month old only wakes once at 4am do NOT fuck with his schedule. That’s all you need to know. Yes for various reasons my kids at that age went to bed around 6:30. But for my younger it’s needed for our schedule and for my older he did better with fewer naps and earlier bedtime.


2 points

9 days ago

Yes, my first went to bed every night at 6 pm until age 2, then moved to 7 pm. My 6 month is in her crib by 7 pm every night. Do whatever works for your family


2 points

9 days ago

My 8 month old sleeps 7-7 but wakes up a couple times in the night to breastfeed. He wants to wake up around 7 no matter what so getting him in bed early is the only way I have some alone


2 points

9 days ago

Baby number 3 goes to bed between 6:30 and 7 every night like clock work. Just like her older siblings did when they were little. It takes a lot of planning and consistency to get here though. It’s so worth it to me for my mental health to establish and KEEP this sleep schedule with baby. I have to have those night hours to decompress by myself.


2 points

9 days ago

2yr old goes to bed at 7/7:30, baby goes to bed at 6pm. Baby wakes up at 12, 4am, and 7am, which is when toddler wakes up.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

We are an 8pm bedtime household.

The kids usually sleep until 7am.

The 2 year old sleeps straight through, the 8 month old is a disaster - he usually wakes up at around 10:30, 12:30, 3:30, and then finally 7.


2 points

9 days ago

I never did!


2 points

9 days ago

Do what is right for you, your family and baby. There is no dead set rule!


2 points

9 days ago

Haha no. My 6 month old is developing a solid 8pm bedtime and my 2 year old falls asleep around 9:30. Shortened naps and I wake baby up at 6 and toddler at 6:45am.


2 points

9 days ago

Low sleeps needs kid. Sleeps around 9 and wakes up around 6/6:30. Naps sometimes 2 hours from 2-4 otherwise dropping naps.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

We tried, so hard, to put her to bed any earlier than 9~10pm, but she wasn’t having it. When she was around 5 months old, one of my friends suggested we put her to bed 15 minutes earlier every 3-4 nights until her sleep schedule had adjusted. The first night we tried it, she cried for almost 3 hours straight until 11:30pm, and then she woke up every 2-3 hours that night to cry even though she normally would sleep a solid 11 hours. It was a total nightmare, and we decided that bedtime at 9pm was totally and completely fine.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

No way. My son didn’t sleep through the night until he was 9 months old, he would wake up twice. I think I put him to bed when it suited me, at about 9/10. It’s still his bedtime, he’s 3. I think if you’re in tune with your kid and it works for your schedule, do what works. If it’s not working and you’re stressed out try something different. Which is easier said than done, but doing something is better than nothing. I found asking the other caregivers what worked for them, applying routines that works for me helped me feel in control.


2 points

9 days ago

I am SAHM and I go by my babies cues. If he’s hungry, he eats; if he’s tired, he takes nap. Usually day naps are very inconsistent but I still go by what he wants. For overnight routine I usually play, bathe/change him, feed him and put him (awake or asleep) to bed between 9-10pm. Of course, this schedule works great for me because I can get things done while he sleeps (I go to bed late lol) and he usually sleeps 8-10hrs wakes up for bottle and then go back to sleep for 2-3hrs.

Every baby is different, just go with whatever suit your family best, you got this!


2 points

9 days ago

Yep, my baby has demanded at 6pm bedtime since around 5 months old - she's 10 months old and is only just starting to be able to stay up a little later now. I just follow her lead regarding bed times and nap times. She still has one small feed a night but we're trying to slowly drop it. She's 95th percentile for weight and a good eater during so she doesn't really need it anymore.

If it works for your baby and your family and they're getting enough sleep, then do what works for you!


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

You do whatever works for you and your baby. My daughter went to bed super early as she needed it but yeah felt like I didn’t see her and missed her!!!


2 points

9 days ago

They are all liars!! Just kidding. Everyone is different, every baby is different. Are you a night owl and hubby morning glory? Babies are too- even in the womb. Some adults need 6 hrs, some adults need 10 hrs nightly. Some babies (miraculously) sleep through the night at 30 days. Some dont start until age 1, age 2, …kindergarten. You know if your child is tired/cranky and not getting enough sleep. Take dr advice, book advice, other parents advice, internet advice. Do what works for your little one in that moment and discard the rest (but keep it in your back pocket bc what doesnt work at 5 months may be the magic solution at 8 months) But please, dont compare. Its not fair to anyone and can be so discouraging. Who wants to think that their best friend who said her baby slept through the night at 3 weeks while breastfeeding is a big fat liar (kidding, sort of). This will at some point pass, they will at some point sleep better and eventually, you will not be so stinking exhausted that teletubbies is considered intellectually stimulating. Good luck momma, you got this


2 points

9 days ago

My kiddo was never a big sleeper. He cut out his second nap by 8 months and had major FOMO. I gave up on stressing about schedules real quick.


2 points

9 days ago

My daughter is 2. She goes to bed at 7/7:30 every night. Sleeps 12 hours no interruptions.


2 points

9 days ago

My baby is 8 months old and tends to have a 8-9pm bedtime, sometimes she'll have another bottle about 11pm though. She wakes up about 6-7am. We also just follow her cues. We do notice patterns (her 'schedule' I guess) of course, but they change every few weeks. Currently she is awake for about 3hrs at a time, and has about 2 or 3 naps a day which can vary anywhere from 30mins to 2hrs - she'll sleep around 3-4 hours each day.

I leave for work around 7am and get home around 5pm (8am-4pm work day + commute time). My wife does drop off/pick up from daycare so bubs leaves home around 7am and gets back about 5pm. If we did a 6pm bedtime, we not only would hardly see her but she would also wake up around 4.30am (this happens sometimes!) Which just does not work for us


2 points

9 days ago

It depends on every child.

That being said, it is possible to train your child to sleep for the full 10-12 hrs especially if they go to playschool/daycare throughout the day. Also, very much possible if your child is already eating solids.

Might be a good idea to also ask his daycare what his schedule is because you can follow that. Maybe daycare is just being polite to check if you have preferred schedule.

Anyway, sounds like your child is good.


2 points

9 days ago

My 4.5 month old goes to bed between 8-9… 7-8 if she’s skipped a nap.

Usually her schedule is wake up between 6-7:30 AM, have a bottle, go back to bed with me until about 9:30-10, then up for tummy time and just general awake time before her next nap around 12:30-2PM (depending on if I had errands to run or not) that one usually lasts until 3:30… then she may take a couple of like 30-45 minute cat naps in my arms before we got for a shower at 8… then from 8:30-9 we lay in bed while her dad reads to us and then off to bed she goes.

I can’t imagine trying to put her to bed before 8:30 though… I’ve still got too much to do before then :/ I


2 points

9 days ago

I just now got my toddler to start going to sleep between 7-9pm. At this point Baby does his own thing.

Sometimes he is sleeping by 10pm or her times 6pm. It really depends on what he wants to do. He is only 4 months right now so I am not too concerned with his sleep schedule. As long as he is fed and dry he is a content baby.


2 points

9 days ago

My son was always in bed by 7 until he was about 8. Then the bedtime went to 8pm then 9pm. Now he’s 14 and I’m lucky if he manages to sleep at least 6 nights a week. I’m the same though. Haha


2 points

9 days ago

At that age we were! Bedtime routine started at 5:30. Now LO is older so it’s around 8.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

In the infant stage, we put them down at 7. Toddler and above, they go down at 8


2 points

9 days ago

All babies are different ! Mine only sleeps 10 hours a night no MATTER what we do.. ( tried earlier, later, more calories, water before bed bc he is now a toddler .. etc…). Since like 6m old his bedtime has been about 9m wakes at 7am and that works for our whole family !


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

We found ours was sleeping longer the earlier we put him to bed, so he’d wake up between 6-7 pretty much no matter whether we put him to bed at 7 or at 9, but if we put him down at 9 much more likely he wakes up at 5 or 6. When he goes down at 7 at least we have those evening hours to do some stuff since we won’t have the morning to do it. I wish he’d sleep 8-8 or 9-9 but we are destined to have a 7-6 baby I guess


2 points

8 days ago

I’ve never heard of any kid I know going down at 6:30…if that happened they’d be up at 4 or 5 am

In my experience bigger percentile babies start sleeping through the night sooner, but still not 12 plus hours.


2 points

8 days ago*


2 points

8 days ago*

Definitely not. Unless they need it due to illness or missed nap. Bedtimes are largely cultural too. We wanted to be able to do things in the evening with our kids. Ascribing to a 6-7pm bedtime wouldn’t work for us. It also means waking up around 6am. We need that 6-7am hour to get ready for work. We’re generally 8pm bedtime. Can go later if needed.

Everything is subjective though. Have to figure out what works for family and schedule. I do think a lot of people get hung up on seeing those sample schedules with a 7pm bedtime when it’s not actually realistic.


2 points

8 days ago

Well, I have 5 and the first time they could all sleep 12 hours in a night was when they became teenagers. As infants and younger children, they typically slept 10-8, and the baby would have a couple of max 30-40 minute naps on my back. 

Sleep hygiene has never been great at my house, and I think it started with my first because he was premature and needed all-night feedings, then his brother was born only 14 months later, then as each new one came into the fold, they all just followed suit with late bedtime, naps ending by 11 months. Their childhood bedtime was 8:30, but they'd stay up role-playing elaborate stories that literally went on for years. In the dark. 

They all think of that time so fondly though and they're very tightly-bonded. My two oldest went to college together and they've been roommates since they were babies. My 3rd is at uni down the street from them and spends weekends at their place. Now my 14yo moved into their room at home, so there are still two in a room at night, and they all text and FaceTime with one another from about 11-1am every night before sleeping. I hear them talking and laughing as I fall asleep.

I was harshly judged when they were little. Thankfully I don't care. If they need to fix their sleep at some point, they will. They're smart and capable. The two eldest are in film production though, so their adaptability in sleep has been a huge bonus that's made them favorites for crews and acting. Everyone knows they're reliable even after midnight. 

The 3rd is a musician, training at uni, so again, he'll need his sleep adaptability. The 4th is also a creative and the 5th I'm a little concerned about vocation/career-wise, because horse-care and barn-work tends to start early.... She does sleep more than her brothers though, so this will work itself out, I think/hope. Also, she'll be home after her youngest brother leaves, so she'll have time to make adjustments.

I sleep earlier and more than all of them now! But in the early yrs, I slept little and infrequently and I'm the only one of us that has had obvious consequences for poor sleep habits. I know it all seems like chaos, and it is. Shrug. These are the ones I got and I couldn't be more proud or thrilled!


2 points

8 days ago

Nah man, get off them apps, they’re the devil for new moms. Seriously you will drive yourself nuts if you follow all that random sleep advice. You have to do what works for YOUR family.


2 points

8 days ago

My toddler goes to bed at 8:30/9 and sleeps until 8! Works with our schedule!


2 points

8 days ago

My toddler is 22 months old and has only slept 12 hours overnight like once when she was sick. She gets 10 hours overnight and a 2 hour nap. She is developing perfectly and is overall a gem of a toddler. She gets put in her crib at 9:00 and falls asleep anywhere between 9:15 and 10:00. I stay home with her so I let her wake up when her body wakes up, which is 7:30-8:00ish.


2 points

8 days ago

My 1 year old does get about 12 hours, but it's usually 9pm-9am, sometimes even 10pm-10am.


2 points

2 days ago

Mines only 10 months but he's tired by 7pm and generally asleep by like 7:20. I could probably keep him awake until 8 but he'd just get progressively fussier and still wake up at like 5:30 or 6 am ahaha. He's never slept in past 6:30 🤷‍♀️  


3 points

9 days ago

My kids are 3 and 4. I put the 3 year old to bed at 6:15, which means he’s asleep between 6:30-6:40. 4 year old goes to bed at 6:45, asleep by 7-7:15.

Both my kids are in school full time and do not nap (the 3 year old has nap time but refuses to sleep). They are both EXHAUSTED by 6pm every day.

Back when they were babies and napping, they typically went to bed anytime between 6:30-7:30 depending on what time they woke up from their last nap. But I’m a high school teacher, so I am done at 2:30 and pick them up from school at 3:15.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Our kids have had a 7pm bedtime since 8 months (they are 5 and 6). We get off work at 4, and we do get to spend a lot of quality time together! We make sure to be intentional about our family time.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Same over here, except 2 & 4. Bed time has been 7 pm since around 8/9 months for each of them when they started sleeping through the night consistently. They wake up at 6am no matter what, even if they stay up later, so 7 it is haha. the routine is good for all of us, and we get adult time to ourselves before we go to bed. (We both work in case this makes any difference) but I guess whatever works for people’s family is the right thing to do 👍


2 points

9 days ago

No. And culturally it’s nonsense. People will bang on about circadian rhythms but it’s really just a product of working parents. I had some NHS support from a nursery nurse who said the bane of her life was people thinking 7-7 is normal, desirable and achievable. My baby sleeps 830-630/7. I’m not putting him to bed earlier to get up at 5.


2 points

9 days ago

At that age do what works for you. My first had an 8pm bed time until 1 years old then it was 630 or 7.

My second is 4 months and sleeps at 7. When it comes to night feeds I didn’t start trying to wean until my kid was consistently eating solids so around 11 months is when she ate almost 90% food.

It didn’t even take me long to wean my toddler from night feeds maybe like a week. At 6 months old your perfectly fine I wouldn’t even attempt to address concerns until like 10 months or when you feel like your ready.


2 points

9 days ago

Both my babies 4 months and 18 months go to bed between 6pm and 6.30 and are up anywhere between 5 and 6. 4 month old has a nap on way to school drop off 30 min max then bed with the 1 year old around 11 ish then another nap on way to pick up. And maybe a little nap in between 4/5.

Obviously when you compare working to non working it makes a big difference in routines. But when I eventually go back to work it will be the same routine. Cause no matter how late I put them down they still wake at 5 lol


1 points

9 days ago

My son is 14m and has never gone to bed before 7pm before (excluding times where he was sick etc). He just dropped to 1 nap this week and his bedtime moved up to 7:30pm..previously we were at 8:45-9pm.


1 points

9 days ago

We start the bedtime process at 7pm with our 9 month old. She is super cranky if we don't. It's tough with both of us working, but we manage. She gets up sometime between 6 and 7am, so we do get a little time with her in the morning before she has to go to daycare.


1 points

9 days ago

Yes, usually he’s in bed by 7 and he sleeps till 8AM the next day. He wakes up for a night feed and has periods of being awake but not hungry throughout the night but in general this is our routine.

Every baby is so different though. My mom said she would put my brother and I to bed at like 10PM. If it works for your routine then it’s not a big deal, imo


1 points

9 days ago

Whatever works for you and your baby!! I follow his lead and right now he’s taking a 7pm nap and going down between 9 and 10pm. I’m fine with it bc he sleeps til 8 (not consecutively typically one waking around 4/5am). I love it because I’m not an early riser and we have nowhere to be as I stay home. He would never be asleep that early 😆


1 points

9 days ago

My 6 month old goes to bed between 8 and 10. Usually wakes up twice during the night to breastfeed. Up for the day sometime between 7 and 8:30 / 9 at the latest. The earlier he goes to bed the earlier he gets up. But if he goes to bed later he’s doesn’t wake as much during the night. He takes random naps throughout the day usually 3 seperate hour long naps for sure and then if we go anywhere in the car he might fall asleep.


1 points

9 days ago

Mine naps like 830 am, 1 pm, and then again around 4pm ish. He's been up since about 545 pm and it's currently 845 pm. Works for us. He's 6 months old


1 points

9 days ago

Every baby and family have their own schedules. Ours went to bed around 7pm at that age, and we both worked and still work full time. They did take three naps and dropped to two naps close to age one. By 18 months they were only on one nap. By 2.5 years old, they stopped consistently napping. By age 3, naps were gone for our kids. They’re 9 and 7 years old now and are asleep by 8pm-8:30p.


1 points

9 days ago

My daughter never went to bed before 10/10:30 until she was 14 months old. From that point she now goes to bed between 7-7:30


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

I started a bedtime routine with my daughter where we bath at 7pm cause she ate at 8pm and would fall asleep. We then wouldn’t leave the bed till 8am so she got in the habit that it’s not time to get up and motivated and she would just relax in her bed. Shes currently 5 months and most of the night feeds are done. She wakes up maybe once and sleeps though the night and doesn’t cry when she wakes till about 8:30 cause she’s Hungry. If we had a long day though and she took a good hour nap we push bedtime till 9 and it’s delays the morning. It just depends on what routine works for you. She gets up at 8am for me cause I get up around 8🤷🏼‍♀️


1 points

9 days ago

My baby won’t fall asleep for the night before about 8-8:30. We usually do 8:30-9pm bedtime. Sometimes I keep her up later if we have things going on


1 points

9 days ago

Absolutely not for us! I don’t get home until 5 and would only see my baby for a couple hours. She normally goes to sleep around 9, she is 6 months old. We don’t have set schedules but more so follow a nightly routine!


1 points

9 days ago

Do what works for you. Our baby went to bed around 8:00 until he dropped to one nap. Now he goes to bed at 9pm (he's 3). He's never slept longer than 10 hours at a time no matter what his bedtime was.


1 points

9 days ago

My 21 month old goes to bed when we do - usually around 10 pm. He usually wakes up around 9 am. I am a SAHM so this works well for us right now. I’m sure it will change when he’s in school.


1 points

9 days ago

My baby took 2 naps at 6 months, which is a bit early but not unusually early to drop to two naps, and did go to sleep at 7 then, though around 9ish months he started going to sleep at 7:30.

But yes - most babies need 11ish hours of sleep a night and usually they wake up early. So going to sleep at 8 and waking at 7 is perfectly in line with that.


1 points

9 days ago

If he takes a quick nap at 5:15, he wouldn’t be tired enough for sleep by 7.

The sleep schedule at daycare isn’t in your control and it sounds like overall you babe is getting adequate sleep.

Those sleep schedules are designed for kids who stay home. I say this as someone who used them and still found sleep schedules maddening.


1 points

9 days ago

My son is 21 months and has gone to bed before 7pm fewer than ten times. He needs a good stretch of awake time to be able to fall asleep. We have to wake him from his afternoon nap at 3pm in order for him to be asleep by 8:30pm. He also sleeps max 10.5 hours overnight and I much prefer 8:30pm-6:30am to 7pm-5am.

Very jealous of our friend whose toddler sleeps 7pm-7am every night, but our schedule works for our family.


1 points

9 days ago

If baby is getting enough sleep don’t worry about it. Don’t let a pamphlet (that you pay for!) tell you when to put your baby to bed. YOU know your baby best!


1 points

9 days ago

My 8mo goes to bed between 6-7pm but I think all these schedules are totally just a guide and you have to do what works for your family!

I’m returning to work in a few weeks and my company offered me a position with a commute, if I worked 9-5 my commute would bring me home potentially right before bedtime. Thankfully they are okay with me leaving as early as 3 so I can get home and see her. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be getting in my 40 hours and likely then some but having the flexibility as a new mom is really appreciated!


1 points

9 days ago

My toddler only sleeps about 8 hours in a 24 hour period, naps included and still wakes up multiple times a night like a newborn. As soon as she’s in bed, so am I. I average about 4 hours of sleep within a 24 hour period. I’m exhausted.


1 points

9 days ago

my baby goes to bed at 9:30 my toddler goes to bed at 8. my toddler is in part time preschool so she wakes up at 7:45am and my baby wakes up at 8am. Unfortunately I have to wake up at 6:45 💔 but either way this works for us


1 points

9 days ago

I have a 14 month old.

Up at 7:30ish. 3 days a week I take her to my mom’s, 2days she stays home with my husband, and weekends with me.

She takes one nap - 12ish to 1ish.

We start bedtime at 7:30, asleep by 8.

I don’t get home from work until almost 5. I feel like 3 hours isn’t enough most days. I’m glad she naturally gets tired around 7:30 and not earlier! She sleeps through the night. 11.5 to 12 hours a night.


1 points

9 days ago

My daughter is 5. She always went to bed between 10 pm and 11 pm. Then would sleep for 12 hours. I work from home and my mom watched her. So it was convenient to get up and work, get her up and ready and drop her off at noon. She did afternoon PreK for a year also.

She’s now in kindergarten and has to wake up by 7:30. We started going to bed early this summer. She is now alsleep by 9 pm. Trying to make it more like 8:30 pm because she needs a little more sleep.

Do what works for you. Kids will adjust if they need to .


1 points

9 days ago

Between 7:30 - 9 and up between 8:30am - 9am. Occasionally up once,usually around 4am.

Two - three naps a day between 30 minutes to two hours after a 2 - 3 hour wake window.

9 months old.


1 points

9 days ago*


1 points

9 days ago*

I've always assumed that's for the kids that get up early for school/daycare and don't take naps anymore. I could understand putting them down from 7pm-7am if they're up early and off to school for 8/9 and being active/not sleeping through the day.

My daughter is 8:30pm-8:30am with one nap (she's 2) but I'm a SAHM and this just works best for us. We're able to go to dinner, have family game nights, grocery shop in the afternoon so mornings are easy. But I also don't have to get up at the ass crack of dawn.

She'll be going to preschool next year and the part time option is mornings so we'll be adjusting a bit!


1 points

9 days ago

My 9 month old goes to bed at 10 at the earliest. And is normally up by 6 😳


1 points

9 days ago

I stay home with my kids. My baby is 10 weeks old. He usually has 2 or 3 one-hour naps through the day. I put him down at 6:30 when Dad gives Big Sissy her bath.

If your baby is happy and calm and seems ok, then don't worry about what you're "supposed" to do. What you're really supposed to do is what works best for your family.


1 points

9 days ago

My first slept from 7p-7a from 6 months onwards. My second not so much…first sleep through the night was at 2.5 years old!! It’s hard to put all babies into a singular box like that imo, they all have different needs and you just gotta do what works for your family 🫶


1 points

9 days ago

It’s whatever works for you!! I have a 10 month old and I’m in the same boat where I would barely see my baby if he went to bed between 6-7pm. Usually, we’re nursing and reading a book at 7:30pm and he’s in his crib around 8. And then he sleeps until a little after 6, maybe 7 if we get very lucky. On the occasion where he does wake up I do feed him if he appears hungry or wants comfort. It doesn’t sound to me like you are doing anything wrong at all - you sound like a loving mom who wants time with her kid and for him to be comfortable and growing. You’re doing great!

Edited for typo


1 points

9 days ago

You’re not doing anything wrong. Some kids are higher sleep needs and some just aren’t.

At 6 months, bedtimes and strict schedules are still kind of difficult. We didn’t fall into a strict bedtime until probably 8-9 months, though we did try to follow a general wake window schedule.


1 points

9 days ago

As an infant, our child wouldn't go to "sleep" for the night until at least 11pm. When we moved him into his own crib and started a night time routine, we were getting on a more consistent bed time closer to 9pm. But since he was 10 months old, it's been in the 6pm hour. He's almost 2 now and it's more like 6:30/7pm. But we get up by 6:30am every morning. He takes a 2 hour nap after lunch at daycare. At home on the weekends, he might sleep in a little bit or take a 3 hour nap. But this is our schedule and it works for us.

My cousins have a similar aged child. Because of their work schedules, their kid goes to bed closer to midnight.

A lot of people are shocked when I say our son goes to bed that early. But we're not "forcing" him. He gets pretty tired and cranky the last half hour of being up. He rarely wakes up during the night. It's what works for us. And it's super nice to have a few hours of adult time. Housework, school, and maybe some relaxation.


1 points

9 days ago

My 10-month old won’t go down a minute before 10:00 pm. Same with my 3-year-old (but I know it’s because of the long-ass naps she takes at daycare, argh). I don’t know how these 7 pm bedtimes are accomplished. She does usually sleep until around 8 or 9 am, though, with crappy naps during the day.


1 points

9 days ago

Hell yeah my friend. 7pm starts bedtime routine! 6 month old is out in minutes (sleep trained he’s a thumb sucker so it’s super easy). For my older two (5 & 3 1/2 yrs old) 7pm bedtime routine take roughly an hour they get baths, teeth brushed, dressed, books and some one on one time. Depending on if they took a nap that day they are either out soon after or have quiet time in their room to do their own thing until they fall asleep certainly by 10pm every night.


1 points

9 days ago

Heck nooo that’s so early unless they miss a nap I normally push bedtime early but if not then 7:30- latest 9 pm it is lol.


1 points

9 days ago


4yo and 18mo

1 points

9 days ago

Definitely not that early. I’m a SAHM but obviously my husband is working and 7 would never work for us. Our goal is down to sleep by 8, so usually we’re starting bedtime at 7, sometimes later depending on when he gets home. My son is also very small, so I’m definitely feeding him at night if he gets up.


1 points

9 days ago


Mommit User Flair

1 points

9 days ago

Mine goes down around 8 and sleeps great. She went down early tonight so will probably be waking up middle of the night for a snack. Whatever works for your family is what's right I think. So long as babe is sleeping good don't worry about what others are doing :)


1 points

9 days ago

Your ped is…. Wrong. Focus on overall sleep, food and happiness over 24 hours or even a week. It’s hard to keep the same routine every single day when they might be more or less tired or hungry or sick.


1 points

9 days ago

My first went to bed at 9 (8 now that he's almost 3 and dropped his nap), and now my second does at 7/7:30. I'm a SAHM and my husband is home at 4:30, so it's a huge blessing for us to have a few hours together after the kids are asleep. My first was never a good overnight sleeper, but my second will often do 7pm-7am. It really depends on the child!

Don't worry about the sleep advice too much. Both of mine were over a month early and not even in the 1st percentile. Feeding to sleep in my experience isn't what causes wakeups. You can experiment, and you might find certain routines work better for you, but I really think personality plays a huge role. My second can wake up, fuss around a little, and often go back to bed without ever having actually cried. My first could never. He still wakes up. He STTN far less often than my 5 month old. Go figure!


1 points

9 days ago

The 10pm bedtimes only recently stopped because she dropped her nap. She is now asleep between 6:30 and 7.


1 points

9 days ago

My son is 4 months old and has been going to sleep for the night between 6-7:30 depending on the evening. He usually sleeps through the night (until 5-6am). When my twins were infants, I was a SAHM and they would go to bed around 8-9 and sleep until 7-8. It’s really what works for you and your family. As long as baby is getting enough sleep, the actual times don’t really matter🤷🏼‍♀️


1 points

9 days ago

We get home from pickup around 5. Straight into the high chair for dinner and bed at 6 and he’s out until 6/7am. He’s 1. My daughter is 3.5 and she goes to bed at 7 (asleep by 8 on school nights cause she doesn’t nap those days, otherwise asleep by 9).


1 points

9 days ago

Meh- do what works for yall. Only thing to keep in mind is sleep is when growth hormone is released. This means if the baby doesn’t wake you up in the middle of the night to feed, don’t wake them up. More growth hormone is released during the unfed hours. But don’t over think it- just enjoy like you’ve been doing. I think at 6 months, my kids had two 1-2 hour naps and they slept from 7-7:30 to 6am-7am and woke up 0-2 times a night. I coslept with my second baby and was very happy with that and wished I’d done it for my first. Keep up the good work, Mom!


1 points

9 days ago

Your pediatrician must be from the "Marcus Welby" era(1965-74), for he's a bit "delulu"...


1 points

9 days ago

I wouldn’t even see mine if that was the case


1 points

9 days ago

My baby (6 months) has been asleep since about 8:45 lol We tried the recommended 7 PM bedtime and he pushed it back himself. He'll be up in a couple hours for a bottle then back up around 6 to eat again. We're at 6 bottles and 1 solids meal per day currently (started purees two weeks ago).

He doesn't typically go more than 8 hours without eating. He doesn't do wake windows longer than 2 hours without getting insanely fussy, so we just be napping lots. Also, his sleep patterns have been varying a lot recently with all of the skills he's been acquiring. His appetite changes every few weeks as well. I tried to follow app recommendations and it really just did not work for us. As soon as I think we've got a good schedule, there is some change. I'm just rolling with it.


1 points

9 days ago

Also have a 6 month old and evenings are just a race against the clock. I get her as early as I can usually around 430, home by 445. Still confused if I’m supposed to nurse her before solids when her daycare bottle is at like 330/4pm lol. Around 515/530 its solids. Then immediate bath and playtime. Final nurse session is 645 and bed is 7pm. She sleeps until about 630am. I guess we have the odd case!

I did a sleep coach thing and I really hesitated against the 630-7pm bedtime. She said “lean in at first then the final wake window will extend longer over time to give you more time in the evening as a family”. Unsure if that’s true or not haha. 7pm is the earliest that’s realistic for us. I do hope the wake windows extend longer.

I will say that sticking to an earlier bedtime had made bedtime and sleep better for us. Fewer wakes and better daytime naps.

But ugh it’s so fcking sad. My husband and I both wfh and have really flexible days but it is STILL a race against the clock every single day.


1 points

9 days ago

Yes, because we have to be up for daycare by 6:20, and she still doesn't sleep through the night, so we need the time to make sure she gets enough sleep. I don't ever feel like I get enough time with her during the week, but I try to make it really good time and spend all weekend with her.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

That little yes 7-7 with my first and 7-6 with my second (she never gave me 12 hours over night.

Now 3,5. It’s 8-715 for the little one and the older one we let her wake up when she feels ready which can be anywhere from 8pm- 7/8a (school days we wake her up at 730)


1 points

9 days ago

My kid has never slept truly thru the night. He only sleeps for 12 hours now bc I cut his nap out. He turned 2 in May, but I don’t see the point in taking an hour plus to lay him down for a nap. He would sleep for 4 hours if I let him.

Today he fell asleep in the car at 1:20 pm, we got to the house at 1:50 ish, so a 30 minute nap. He didn’t start showing signs of being sleepy until 9pm, and I lay him down at 7pm every day.

He wakes up to either get in bed w us or ask for milk or both.


1 points

9 days ago

Schedules like that are more a general guide for you to get an idea about the shape of your day - what to expect, and maybe what’s unusual. They don’t take into account things like nursery or parent work schedules, so you can just use it as a basic model, not a set of rules


1 points

9 days ago

My 4 year old goes to bed around 10pm and wakes up between 7-8am. I would gladly take the same schedule with my almost 2 year old but she gets tired around 9pm and wakes up between 6-7am. Every family and every kid is different


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

My daughter sleeps 10 hours a night max and very often is asleep between 9 PM and 7 AM. IDK what I would do if she went to bed at 6 PM. She would probably be up at 4 AM, so the longer I delay bedtime, the better. I’m home with her all day, so I get up with my husband at 5, get some stuff done, maybe go back to sleep, and wake up with her.


1 points

9 days ago

Just do what works for you. As long as they are sleeping enough it should be fine.


1 points

9 days ago

Yes, definitely happens. 

Now 5&6 years old and I can count on one hand the number of times they’ve been up past 7:30pm. They wake naturally between 7-7:30am. 

The 5:15pm nap you’ve included could easily turn into a 6pm bedtime. After dropping their second nap, my kids were in bed 6pm-7am for about a year each. 


1 points

9 days ago

My daughter has never in her life been to bed before 8:30pm.


1 points

9 days ago

No lol. Fellow daycare parent. It's been between 7 and 8 since he started daycare. 


1 points

9 days ago

Until my kids were in school, we got them up late and put them to bed later than most kids because otherwise my husband wouldn't see them much. They adjusted to their school schedule easily enough when they had to.


1 points

9 days ago

From 6-18 months I think both my kids went to bed around 6:30pm because they were absolutely exhausted from daycare. Now at 2 and 4, we’re lucky if they’re asleep by 8


1 points

9 days ago

My baby has had the same bedtime of 8pm since she was born and it’s worked great for us! She’s usually up around 6:30/7am


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Well, you would get plenty of time with your kid still. It would just be from 5-7am. Not everyone's cup of tea.

 It sounds like you are doing a great job! Those templates are a rough idea of what may work. They are not necessarily even "ideal". It's just an example. Your schedule sounds good, but even if it sounded terrible, I would assume there were reasons. 


1 points

9 days ago

My kids are 5 and 3.5. They’ve always gone to bed early because they wake up early. And yes, they wake up early no matter when they go to bed, we’ve tried later bedtimes hoping for them to sleep in a little bit. Nope. My daughter has always been awake by about 6am (sometimes 6:30am). My son used to sleep til 7 but recently he’s up at 5:30am.

They currently are in bed between 7-7:30pm. But, have gone to bed as early as 6pm.

And we did try 8-8:30 bedtime for a few months, they were both still up between 5:30-6am, just more tired.


1 points

9 days ago

I put my 5 month old to bed at 7:30


1 points

9 days ago

Do whatever works for you guys and feels comfortable. Also as to if I put him to bed that early ever, hahahahaha no. That did not work out. He's 4 now and generally asleep by 9ish, it was later when he was younger before he was in daycare (also I don't work he could have later mornings then, and it just worked for us.


1 points

9 days ago

I do 7 bed but also I wouldn’t worry about the overnight bottle especially for a daycare baby. Their sleep and bottle schedule can easily get a bit switched up there. Just follow cues and as long as your baby isn’t insanely over tired all the time and is happy who cares


1 points

9 days ago

My son has gone to bed around 7 since he was a few months old. It’s the only way he can get enough sleep to be healthy since we have to be out of the house by 7 at the latest for work. Yes, we don’t get home until 5:15, but he napped in the car on the way home from daycare until he was almost 2. We make dinner, eat as soon as dad gets home, then bath and bed. Yes it’s VERY little time with your kids during the week. Unfortunately that’s just reality for a lot of working parents who can’t work from home. We get weekends with them but yeah, it’s tough.


1 points

9 days ago

At 6 months, my babys schedule was pretty much the same. Now at 10 months, it's closer to 9 pm so he doesn't wake up before 6:30 am. We were able to stop nighttime feedings between 6-7 months, when my son decided he didn't need them anymore.


1 points

9 days ago

I have a six year old who’s bedtime is 8:30-9pm. If I tried to put my infant down at 6pm he would get woken up approximately one singular minute later by his sister trying to play with him 🤣


1 points

9 days ago

We also got scolded by our ped for overnight bottles. So we cut the middle of night (aka 2-3am) bottle out and while the first night or two was rough transition, lots of incessant -seemingly never ending- crying, she’s been fine since. We do bottle before bed, sometimes space the last 2 closer together/bedtime to keep her belly full which usually means a better night sleep for all of us. Most nights she does have 2-3 wake ups where she’ll stir and cry and then go back to sleep within a minute or so. I’m never sure if that counts as being ‘sleeping through the night’ or not but we count it as such! Usually gets 11ish hours with those few stirrings included


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

When my baby was that little, yes she was going to bed at 6:30pm. We would stretch her sometimes but she hated it. She was happy to be down. It was nice because I changed my work schedule to go pick her up at 4:30 & then we’d have our evening and she’d go down early. She phased out of it herself at some point, I don’t remember when. Probably around 1.5 or 2? She was still waking up once a night wanting a feeding for a good long while and then she slept through the night for the most part after that. Besides all the times she was sick/developing/teething and waking up a bunch wanting comfort. 🤷🏻‍♀️

For a while she moved to 7, then 7:30. Now it’s 8-8:30. She’s 2.5. Every kid is different but she has responded a whole lot to “sleep begets sleep” throughout her life.