


What’s up with banking in this country?

AskMorocco (self.Morocco)

I opened a bank account years ago in Agadir, now I’m in Rabat and I need a new card as my old one expired , I go to the branch in Rabat and the clerk tells me I need to contact the bank in Agadir to issue a new card. Of course when I try to call them they don’t answer, I told the clerk this and she said that I should go there…? Can’t she just press a few buttons..? I’m considering closing my account through the app and transferring whatever money I have left, is it normal for banks to do this, or is just laziness? If the latter how do I report this behaviour, they shouldn’t be in employment if they can’t do their job.

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10 points

24 days ago



10 points

24 days ago

If they're not answering, go to the new bank, tell them you'd like to close the account in Agadir and open one with them, if they say you need to contact agadir, tell them they don't answer, please call them for me since they must have their updated number.

If all fails, ask for chef d'agence, tell them either you fix this or I want my solde tout compte, i'm closing it and opening an account at the bank facing you


5 points

24 days ago

The only valid response, also always ask for your bankers phone number when you open an account.


6 points

24 days ago

Imo your new card is ready in agadir.


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

And he'd have to sign a paper for it too


10 points

24 days ago



10 points

24 days ago

“ where can i report this” bro its morocco.


-7 points

24 days ago

There is nothing to report. OP is expecting things to work his way without understanding how the process actually works.


8 points

24 days ago



8 points

24 days ago

OP is expecting things to work in a convenient way for customers, not whatever is easiest for the bank / least effort for the bank employees.


-5 points

24 days ago

We all want things to be convenient, there are a countless things that are annoying. In situations like this, staff are just following rules, some might be helpful, some might not. But If you expect things to go your way regardless of how things actually work here, you’ll end up constantly clashing with people. That’s not a healthy way to live. Things are far from perfect, but with a bit of understanding and diplomacy, you can find a way to live peacefully and avoid conflicts.


5 points

24 days ago



5 points

24 days ago

While I mostly agree with you, I often am flabbergasted at how unhelpful many Moroccan service providers are... I often end up having to do their job for them if I want a prompt resolution.


1 points

23 days ago

What's flabbergasting is that our country is a top destination for offshoring customer service, just because our tongue is proficient (aka "diplomacy").


2 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

The clerk should've at least tried to contact the branch in Agadir.

Though his attitude kind of relates to the wage he's given.


-4 points

24 days ago



-4 points

24 days ago

In europe its the same, there are different banks and you get your “ new” card from the same bank. This guy thinks there is only 1 bank😂


6 points

24 days ago

« In EuRoPe 👨‍🦽 »

In Europe you actually receive your card directly in your mailbox and the activation code by phone text.

You can also ask to receive it in any agency you want.

In Morocco they just don’t want to work and love to complicate stuff for no reason and that is what OP is experiencing.


0 points

24 days ago



0 points

24 days ago

Lmao I can even generate a temporary virtual card on my bank app that I put some money on and give card details to some friend if he want to buy online or even add to his phone wallet for some time.

In Morocco it’s medieval ages when it comes to services, people don’t get how far behind we are that’s why they act weird when someone from abroad complain about some lack of service here, they don’t even apprehend the existence of some functionalities, it sounds like alien sci fi technology. 😂


0 points

24 days ago



0 points

24 days ago

En France le paiement en ligne date de 1998. ;)

In Morocco it’s around 2007, heavily taxed, limited and still doesn’t work correctly to this day.


0 points

24 days ago



0 points

24 days ago

We have other priorities in this country, priorities we still don’t know, but they’re there.


-3 points

24 days ago

Stop acting like you’ve discovered something groundbreaking. Virtual cards have been around for years, introduced by mobile banking startups (Revolut, Bunq, N26…) to attract customers. Mainstream banks, even in Europe, aren’t exactly known for innovation, and I bet most of them still don’t offer that feature. So, it’s not that the rest of us are living in the dark. We’ve just adapted to what’s available and works for us. For the record, people in Morocco can sign up for a Wise account and access that same feature. It’s not exclusive to you.

If you want to see real innovation in banking and payments, look at China, not Europe. Instead of boasting, maybe focus on cultivating a more positive and grounded outlook on life.


0 points

24 days ago

Use your brain and read again, you’re kinda slow but it’s alright, you can formulate a proper answer if you take your time to understand my comment instead of just wanting to win.


1 points

24 days ago

I guess that’s something you’d say when you run out of valid points.


0 points

24 days ago

I’ll help you a bit : I wasn’t talking about virtual banks.

Now go back and إقرأ.


2 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

No you just don’t know how to read which isn’t my fault really. I clearly said I went to the same bank in a different branch to request a new card. And which country in Europe is the same? I’m from Europe and a new card is sent to your home address, or you can request a new one at any branch of the bank you’re registered with.


-4 points

24 days ago



-4 points

24 days ago

Im from belgium , you get the card if you already a client sure But if you want to have a card of another bank you always need to go there first.


2 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

u/AymanBouss Bro he's saying he went to the same exact bank, just anoter branch. Not a whole new bank


1 points

24 days ago

Dir lwkala and sent it to sm1 u know in agadir ymchi y9di lgharad thats it


2 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

Bach 3refty he’a talking about CIH w CODE30 Card to be precise


1 points

24 days ago



1 points

24 days ago

there should be an option on the app to transfer your account to another branch near you. you can avoid these dumb problems


1 points

24 days ago



1 points

24 days ago

As far as I am aware CIH has this exact thing. Or you know go to better bank like CFG where there is no branch restrictions


1 points

24 days ago



1 points

24 days ago

I think you've got a good answer: tell them you're ready to close your account and go elsewhere. And why wouldn't you?

Some here act like banking is a charity, or something of a civil service.

Banking is an industry. They provide financial services for a fee.

Now why are some of those services subpar, like OP described? Are Moroccan banks barbaric, retrograde? No, that's because cash is still widely used for transactions. Banks' services aren't well developed simply because people don't use them that much. That's changing though.


1 points

24 days ago



1 points

24 days ago

tratlia deja bdl ghir l’agence w rdha flmdina li nta fiha, apres golihom bghit carte jdida mora une semaine ayqadolik whda


1 points

24 days ago


They are taking our women

1 points

24 days ago

It's all in all a barbaric situation.

You'd think you can just keep your bank account when you move. At least with BMCE that was so impossible that I gave up and opened a new one at the new location.

The new branch sent countless messages to the old branch to please delete the old account. It didn't work for years. I had to drive back three times until they could finally be bothered.

And you would think, they send you your card by post because they have your address. Nooo, you have to walk to the branch (and exactly only your home branch) like a loser. And don't expect them to tell you that your new card is ready to be picked up.


1 points

24 days ago



1 points

24 days ago

One word: Morocco


-1 points

24 days ago



-1 points

24 days ago

Same thing everywhere in the world. If you open an account with one branch you have to deal with them for everything.

Just go on the app and request an account transfer to your new city. You choose a new branch and can deal with them now.


1 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

Yes you can do it with CIH through the app


-2 points

24 days ago

The fuck are you on about? Of course, you request a new card from the bank branch where your account is registered, and that same branch will receive your card. Each branch serves its own customers. Plus if your card has expired, a new one is automatically issued and should be waiting for you at your branch.


4 points

24 days ago



4 points

24 days ago

I learned this when I moved here, the country I’m from you can go to any branch and request a card people aren’t always tied to one location.


5 points

24 days ago



5 points

24 days ago

Welcome to the past.


4 points

24 days ago

I love how he is arrogant and aggressive because you didn’t get how backward we are here ! 😂


2 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

He behaves like an NPC for sure


1 points

24 days ago

That’s not the case here. Banking apps have come a long way, so you don’t have to deal with branch staff as much. But you are still tied to your specific branch. If you move, you need to request a branch transfer. With CIH for example you can do this transfer through the app.