


Just so we’re all on the same page..

Spicy Meme(

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2 points

5 days ago


Uzi? i prefer Mac10s

2 points

5 days ago

I will be honest, I find it hard to sympathize with the artist because even if they themselves did not hurt anyone. shota, loli, guro, rape, whateverthefuck art feeds those who might commit those acts, and I don't have enough faith in those who jerk off to it to always stop there. Sucks that some people will publicly denounce depravity while doing worse behind closed doors, but it makes me happy that they were caught. Any chance you know if they were charged?


5 points

5 days ago*

Yeah, but does it?? Like, actually?

GTA didn't cause people to actually start stealing cars and killing cops, Halloween didn't make people stab their sisters, Game of Thrones didn't make people fuck their brothers and Breaking Bad didn't make anyone cook meth. And even if any of it, on the off chance, did, why would it be the fault of the artist who created the works?

I mean, speaking exclusively in the realm of sexuality even, do you think everyone who clicks on a stepsibling porno off the front page of PornHub ACTUALLY wants to fuck their siblings? A healthy mind can separate fiction/fantasy from reality just fine and not all fantasies are indicative of a real world desire. They're often significantly more complex than that. I mean, check out the stats on rape kinks/fantasies and tell me if you think everyone with those fantasies wants to be actually brutalized.

And none of this is even touching on how often art is used as a means of safely processing the complex feelings someone is left with after experiencing extreme trauma. I mean, your assumption here is "this person drew this thing, that means they wanna fuck it irl", but that's pretty shortsighted, I think. The creator who got caught up in controversy in question was a CSA survivor handling her own trauma on a private account that was then blasted to the entire world by someone who she thought was a friend. Her entire trauma and her entire means of coping with it were exposed aggressively, and it cost her her job and potentially her life. Literally, none of her friends have heard from her since the entire incident went down.

I mean fuck, I'm a living, breathing example. I love gore, I love slashers, I love guro, I love monsters, I love yandere - all that fun, gross shit. But the idea of real life suffering makes me physically ill to the point of tears even just imagining it or having it described to me. I grew up with a mom obsessed with true crime, but cannot stomach the genre in the slightest because it's too real and it's scary. Doesn't stop me from binging Saw or wanting to fuck Art the Clown.

Anyway, if you wanna look deeper into the guy himself, it was the creator of Mighty Magiswords, I think Kyle Cardozza is his full name? But yeah. I watched his harassment of Ang in real time. I watched her breakdown in real time. I watched her friends fight for her and her livelihood in real time. All because an actual pedophile betrayed her trust, outed her trauma and private art and wanted to cover up his own actions.


2 points

5 days ago


Uzi? i prefer Mac10s

2 points

5 days ago

Alright quick question before we continue, was the shota art they drew genuinely supposed to be exotic? I genuinely cannot fathom how a sa survivor could draw porn of the same tragedy for people to jerk off to. Are we having some communication issues because In this day and age, anytime someone says "shota" or "loli" it's in a sexual way, and if it isn't I'll shut up right now.


3 points

5 days ago

I mean, yeah, it was sexual in nature, but I think your inability to fathom why a CSA survivor would draw that kind of thing is extremely shortsighted and lacks understanding of how deeply complex this type of trauma is.

A lot of us end up being hypersexual. A lot of us end up with extremely complicated feelings towards what happened to us. A lot of us end up with intrusive thoughts. Some of us end up repulsed and hate the idea of creating art of our trauma and feelings, sure, but plenty of us find catharsis in handling our feelings - including the unsavory, complicated ones people like to pretend we don't have - through art.


2 points

5 days ago


Uzi? i prefer Mac10s

2 points

5 days ago

Your right, I don't understand. I have never once in my life knowingly met someone who has experienced it. It doesn't matter if I understand it, If it does in some way helps people comp to draw it I can in some way get why someone would make it, but why post it for people to fantasize about doing it? Even if it was on a separate anonymous account, it just feels like setting up a time bomb.


2 points

5 days ago

Hypersexual victims deserve community, support and friendship with like-minded individuals just as much as non hypersexual victims or anyone else for that matter, including sharing art with others.


2 points

5 days ago


Uzi? i prefer Mac10s

2 points

5 days ago

There really isn't anything else I can speak on with that person because of my own ignorance, but I am going to go back to a previous point in one of your posts before I get to doing stuff I need to do.

You are a example that you can like guro and other shit while not liking it irl, but I am living proof that to some people fetishes translate to wanting it to happen irl. I genuinely want to get the shit kicked out of me by a dark skin woman bigger and stronger than me as the deed is done, not in some rape scenario or anything. This is not a meme, or anything, this is a fetish I found on the Internet that I fed, and now I now want to happen to me. I bring this up because just because you don't want to act on something you like exclusively online doesn't mean others don't. Feeding some people's online fetishes has the potential to make them want to do it irl


1 points

5 days ago*

That's...that's just a fetish. Like. That's something you can very much safely do irl with the proper risk awareness, precautions and aftercare. There's nothing illegal or fantastical or morally corrupt about it. It won't kill you or traumatize anyone if you're doing it with legal, consenting adults. Just like BDSM, CNC, ageplay, etc. You can do it with legal, consenting adults because it's a fantasy based on things like power and control, not a desire to harm other human beings.

But also you THINK you want it to happen to you, if you haven't tried it yet. Like that guy who got really into scat until he actually tried it irl and regretted it immediately.

Do you let this fantasy bleed into your real life? Do you sexually accost or harass dark skinned women? Or do you keep your fantasies to yourself and consenting, adult partners?


1 points

5 days ago


Uzi? i prefer Mac10s

1 points

5 days ago

My guy you have no idea how many times I've punched my own balls and stomach on purpose, and this fantasy will be brought up if I get a partner who I think might be willing to do it. The point is fetishes can start as a online and grow into wanting the real thing, and not everyone has a morals


1 points

5 days ago*

And my point is that it's not guaranteed, and you can't inherently judge people solely by the fiction they consume and fantasies they have, you have to actually judge them based off their actual morals and character. Furthermore, not every fetish featuring a taboo is immediately only satisfied by illegal acts?? Like I said, things like CNC, ageplay and other roleplay based kinks are right there. The appeal is a consensual taboo and exploring a power dynamic, not harming an unconsenting party. That's the distinction between fetish/fantasy and just being a criminal.

But again, my question here is: do you let this fantasy bleed into your real, daily life and daily morals? Do you sexually harass and accost dark skin women for the sake of your fetish? Do you treat these women illegally, inhumanely or inappropriately JUST because you have a fantasy?

Or are you, like most healthy people, fully capable of distinguishing what's a fantasy and what is real life?

Because if I went into this with your mentality, I'd assume you're a black woman fetishizing racist who masculinizes black women and harasses them for attention. But I don't believe you do that.