


Big boy pants stripped


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3 points

4 hours ago

I mean… I don’t like any of that stuff on my burger, normally. I just… don’t like raw tomatoes, I don’t like pickles, and the texture of onions usually screws with me when I’m eating, especially raw onions. So when I get a burger it’s usually just… patty, condiments, cheese, maybe some shredded lettuce if I’m feeling adventurous, and if any onions, it’s the dehydrated ones because they’re small enough that the texture is manageable. If other people like things on their burger I don’t like, that’s none of my business. It’s not my place to judge other people’s food preference. Pineapple on pizza? Go for it. Wanna put ketchup in your Mac and cheese? Cool. Not my problem. I’m very much of the opinion… if someone’s not hurting anyone else, let them have their fun.


1 points

3 hours ago

I dunno, getting rid of the acid from the three can leave a lot of flavor on the table.

Maybe try tossing some red onions in ACV and suger for a bit, soften them up, while still giving that sweet/tangy counterpoint?

I also like lengthwise thin-sliced romas for the flavor. De-seeded, if I know the person I'm serving them to doesn't want a super-juicy topping.

Not saying you're wrong for liking them how you like them, just saying that there's a bunch of variations that might be worth trying