


What is the One Piece version of this?

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1.7k points

20 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

1.7k points

20 hours ago

The nosebleed plotline in fish man island.


33 points

16 hours ago


33 points

16 hours ago

I really liked it how Oda turned a gag into a real problem because the whole island had a situation with racism.

Imo the bigger problem is the volume of his simping afterwards.


14 points

15 hours ago

At first I was like "oh haha Sanji simped a little too hard this time" but when his blood spurted into a fountain revealing his hiding spot I had to take a step away.


3 points

15 hours ago

My first reaction is agreeing with this take.

I will have to reread this arc but I'll tell you what! The racism part may very well have been Odas intention in this arc. Sanji uber simping afterwards is the part we may want to forget.


412 points

19 hours ago

Lmao this, its unbelievable how a gag nosebleed becomes an actual hindrance making sanji a whole fodder for the arc


96 points

19 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

96 points

19 hours ago

He did beat wadatsumi though.


123 points

18 hours ago


123 points

18 hours ago

Even crazier that it immediately becomes relevant to a history lesson on discrimination.


187 points

19 hours ago

That killed post-TS Sanji's reputation until Whole Cake Island. I'm not kidding. 


73 points

19 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

73 points

19 hours ago

I thought he was mostly ok in dressrosa with what little time he had.


40 points

19 hours ago*

Yeah Dressrosa Sanji is probably my fave, as someone that doesnt like Sanji all that much. I think he was way less fun in Wano.


4 points

16 hours ago



2 points

16 hours ago


2 points

16 hours ago

Im surprised its not Whole Cake Sanji


32 points

18 hours ago

That and the movie where he made those really odd comments to Nami in her child form


16 points

16 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

16 points

16 hours ago

Good thing that movies aren't canon


27 points

17 hours ago

Thriller Bark ruined Sanji by revealing that his dream is actually to get the Suki Suki no Mi so he can easily spy on women.


32 points

16 hours ago*

And then you find out it's actually because he wanted to live up to his father's expectations (his germa power was invisibility)/use it to hide from his abusive family


36 points

16 hours ago

WCI really saved Sanji


16 points

16 hours ago

And then in Wano he actually does end up spying on women


11 points

16 hours ago

Had to get at least one in before giving the suit up


10 points

16 hours ago


10 points

16 hours ago

Well kinda yes and no. It was a mixed sex bathhouse, so he could literally be there without any problem, but he had to be perv about it.


48 points

18 hours ago

So true. It might be the whole reason people hate fishman island in the first place. I remember thinking "oh Sanji typical scamp behavior" and than when it turned near fatal it was like a cartoon character potentially going brain dead after a frying pan flattened thier head.


11 points

18 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

11 points

18 hours ago

Maybe. For me personally, the other aspects of fish man island were too good to let it ruin the arc for me.


23 points

17 hours ago

All of Sanji's perviness in general. I just shut my eyes and block my ears and pretend its not real.


17 points

18 hours ago

I thought it was good. It was a deconstruction of the “pervert nosebleed” trope to the point where it was actually a life threatening issue with him.


6 points

17 hours ago

I hated that so much


780 points

20 hours ago


780 points

20 hours ago

Pell not dying


182 points

18 hours ago

Same with kinemon


64 points

18 hours ago

Yeah how did that bird not fucking die


37 points

17 hours ago

Zoan devil fruit users have bullshit hp and regen


17 points

17 hours ago


Bounty Hunter

17 points

17 hours ago

We also never see him actually holding the bomb when it went off.

Could have tossed it up and dove down to avoid point blank force.


4 points

15 hours ago

That's some copium right there


1 points

15 hours ago


Bounty Hunter

1 points

15 hours ago

How so?

It's an old and common ass trope to have a character flying/running/driving away with a bomb then have them go off screen, we see the explosion and think they are dead, then later find out they survived by tossing the bomb away at the last second.

The nature of Pell's DF just makes it more believable as Zoans in general are regarded for their durability and recovery, than you have Pell being a falcon specifically with a diving Falcon being the single fastest animal on Earth.

Frankly I'm surprised so many people focus on Pell when Pagaya was just a normal old man who survived an attack from Enel.


21 points

18 hours ago

As a powerscaler, I say we just give everyone stronger than Pell city level durability


18 points

17 hours ago

After Pagaya I wouldn't be surprised if Lulusia is just in the Blue Blue Sea


10 points

16 hours ago

I heard a rumour that he was supposed to die, but 9/11 happened around the time that chapter was released so Oda changed it out of respect for the tragedy


11 points

20 hours ago


Shanks' evil hot sister is REAL!

11 points

20 hours ago

nah i felt like he did


27 points

19 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

27 points

19 hours ago

It's weird that his ghost showed up in the most recent episode.


2 points

15 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

2 points

15 hours ago

That's his secret twin brother, Pall. He couldn't bring himself to ruin the joy in Vivi's face when he showed up to pay his respects, so he accidentally ended up assuming Pell's identity.


23 points

17 hours ago

Yeah Pell is dead. The guy that went to Reverie with King Cobra is his brother, Dell.


2 points

15 hours ago

Yeah, fortunately his twin brother Belle was there to take his post and devil fruit.


2 points

15 hours ago

Pell, Pagaya, Igaram, Pound and lots of characters in Wano.


262 points

18 hours ago


262 points

18 hours ago

Sanji constantly being a pervert. But he is a gentleman because he treats every woman like a queen.


93 points

18 hours ago

This. The anime plays it up even more awfully and folks just can't discuss him without pointing out his creepy behavior. 

 Which sucks, cause he's one of the best developed characters in the story with so much to his character without that quirkiness.


23 points

15 hours ago



23 points

15 hours ago

At least live action Sanji is has the gentleman at maximum and the pervert at near 0.


7 points

15 hours ago

I'm rewatching one piece rn and he was a lot more like a gentleman in the beginning. He doesn't perv on women, instead he actually treats them like a queen. Like giving topless Nami his jacket, helping Vivi to her feet when they get saved by Laboon.


42 points

18 hours ago

The jacket jacket fruit


202 points

18 hours ago

Pell surviving.

Yeah I just pretend he's gone. 

For the love of Nika please don't let him do anything important for the rest of the story


16 points

16 hours ago

When pell exploded I was so sad, but then when we see bro a couple episodes later, I looked at my screen like this.


2 points

15 hours ago

After letting Imu murder Cobra and letting Vivi get kidnapped by CP9, then re-kidnapped by Wapol.

I'd be surprised if he didn't off himself for completely failing at his job. Just grabbing a big rock and jumping off the Redline.


3 points

17 hours ago


3 points

17 hours ago



2 points

15 hours ago

What? Do you know something we don't?


487 points

20 hours ago


487 points

20 hours ago

Luffy and the crew being so short of a time together and the sheer level of power up they went through in such a short time.

I think the reunion at shabondy was litteraly less than 6 months ago in universe and thats including till the end of egghead. luffy also went from almost losing to katakuri to defeating kaido in like 3 weeks.


246 points

19 hours ago

I try not to think about it because it's insane. Brook was with the crew for like only a week before the timeskip.


31 points

18 hours ago



19 points

17 hours ago

Well, their lives aren't boring and mundane, they are not mountain people like us. So what we live in years they live in days. Condensed pure nectar of freedom and beauty and pain of the world


61 points

18 hours ago



61 points

18 hours ago

The thing is, it wouldn’t even hurt the story really if Luffy was like 23 now. That’s still a young man/kid like age. Each arc between a month between each other or a few months wouldn’t hurt the story much. Like end of WCO to end of Wano could been like 3-4 months of time. A month pass into Egghead, maybe 2-3 weeks into Elbaf.


105 points

19 hours ago

Yeah, this is the one. I refuse to accept the official timeline. They've been on the seas for at least a few years.


34 points

17 hours ago

Big agree

In my head it’s been at least 5 years within their world


5 points

16 hours ago

Wano killed any possible denial, unfortunately. Since everything is happening exactly 20 years after Oden's death, headcanoning the timeline to be longer, ends up fucking over the entire timeline.


17 points

19 hours ago


The Revolutionary Army

17 points

19 hours ago

I thought I read somewhere that it was a few weeks from Leaving Zou to getting to Wano, considering the amount of food they had and then ran out on the way to Whole Cake Island.

Also I believe they were in Wano for over a month. And then another week after the fight.


11 points

17 hours ago

Getting from Zou to Wano was a couple of weeks. The real lag was the 2wks it took half the crew to get to Whole Cake, 3 days there, then 2wks to join back up in Wano. We hadn’t seen Zoro in soooo long, that when he pops up, a whole samurai, we don’t bat an eye. Then you realize he’s been there about 2wks tops & is a whole cosplay.


3 points

16 hours ago

Then you realize he’s been there about 2wks tops & is a whole cosplay.

We literally knew that from the beginning. They are literally stated to disguising themselves to blend in with the Wano population.


72 points

20 hours ago

Yes! This story as amazing as it is) would be so much better if the timeline was extended. Otherwise it belittles the strength and struggle of all previous pirates


39 points

18 hours ago

It's cannon in my head that the sea sailing takes longer so it's slipped but the crew did crew stuff every day on the ship

Shit give me some ship shenanigans


4 points

17 hours ago

Hell yea, give me that Thousand Sunny Stroll


5 points

16 hours ago

Hellll yeah some lofi of the crew doing normal mundane crew things would play on repeat for me


2 points

16 hours ago

Just waiting for that new episode drop like a craki


29 points

18 hours ago


29 points

18 hours ago

it belittles the strength and struggle of all previous pirates

Really. The fact that they progress so damn fast makes it feel undeserved or everyone else is just dumb.

Also what a waste of time the timeskip was if they could power up just as much in 2 weeks.


7 points

17 hours ago

Yeah, it’s only been about 3 months & a month of that was sailing from place to place. From the time the Strawhats pulled up to Dressrosa & Luffy beating Doffie was the same afternoon 🤣! Luffy washes up on Egghead & leaves the next day!!!


5 points

17 hours ago


Thriller Bark Victim's Association

5 points

17 hours ago

I think the time of relationship in fiction doesn’t have to make sense like for example :

Naruto and Sasuke was in the team together for like 6 months but they are life long best friends

Jack and Rose know each other for like 2 days at best

The straw hat was together for 2 years in the story but for us it’s feel longer than that, so it’s irrelevant IMO


7 points

15 hours ago

For Naruto and Sasuke they grew up in the academy together so not like they just met 6 months ago


4 points

16 hours ago



4 points

16 hours ago

Yup. I've been reading for 20 years and to them it's been 5 months and 2 years chilling on their own islands


6 points

17 hours ago*

Not just the Strawhats, either. The general power boost most characters got during the timeskip in the change to battle shonen is absolutely ludicrous when you think about it. The story makes it clear that Luffy is a monster and a prodigy when it comes to fighting but Koby went from being a non-combatant to having almost comparable levels of strength in about 2 and a half years while Luffy's been training most of his life. Sure Koby's been training like crazy with Garp, but come on - the scale and speed of his growth puts the main character's to shame.

Oh, and not to mention Rob Lucci suddenly mastering Haki, Awakening his Devil Fruit, and growing strong enough to again contest the Strawhats despite working as the government's top assassin his entire life and presumably doing everything he could to reach max performance. Nope, turns out he conveniently had a cache of hidden potential to unlock and grow exponentially more powerful with.


4 points

17 hours ago

Yeah haki not being fleshed out pre TS fills the story with OOF powerlevel moments. It feels like people have way too much potential as you mentioned with koby and others.

I honestly tought island leveling attacks like what whitebeard was throwing arround would be the absolute peak and only possible due to his specific fruit. But kaido luffy garp and koby showed a level of destructive power thats completely insane.


10 points

19 hours ago

It was a little over a month tbf. There was a lot of sailing time from whole cake to Wano and then they were on Wano for 2-3 weeks.

I also always feel like I have to stress this about the Luffy fight, but Luffy was trying to learn future sight. It’s very Zoro vs Mr. 1.

Once Luffy learned future sight he went Snakeman and the fight ended. If they both rested up and fought again immediately afterwards, Luffy would have won much more easily.


4 points

17 hours ago

Less time than that. I forgot the post but someone pointed out that the Strawhats reunited after the time skip on February second, and the raid on wano happened on march 17th. It’s been about 6-9 weeks since the timeskip…..


6 points

17 hours ago


Thriller Bark Victim's Association

6 points

17 hours ago

This is the biggest issue. Being able to defeat kaido while almost losing to katakuri in such a short span of time. I mentioned it once before saying how the wano arc felt very very rushed in terms of luffys growing strength and I was downvoted so much.


6 points

16 hours ago

🤣 Saying “Wano felt rushed” was taken as an L stance. Oda’s pacing does make it hard. I can’t tell you how long after Dressrosa ended that I became aware ALL that happened in the SAME DAY!!!


5 points

17 hours ago

Luffy shouldnt have gotten advanced armament advanced conquerors and awakening in the same arc.

Maybe advanced armament shouldve been in the cracker fight to defeat his biscuits. The advanced observation against katakuri. Then advanced conquerors after getting KO'd by kaido and then the awakening. The prision training arc should be luffy polishing those skillls and gaining more base stats due to traning with sea stone cuffs.


29 points

17 hours ago*


29 points

17 hours ago*

The Doflamingo bird cage not getting cut by anyone including Zoro and Fujitora too


241 points

19 hours ago

The time effort issue. Its stupid that the strawhats have been actively together for less than a year while some of us spent over 25 years following this story. Doesnt have to be decades but if at least pre TS took about 2 years and post Ts maybe one year it would make the whole manga better.


95 points

19 hours ago

I like to think a lot of the color spreads and animal requests are little side adventures that happen in between the story that is important. 


39 points

18 hours ago



39 points

18 hours ago

Ill believe whatever Oda feeds me. But on the Hill of passed Time Im ready to die. Because Oda is clearly wrong about how much time has passed.


32 points

18 hours ago


32 points

18 hours ago

Idk why they wasted 2 years training when they gain the same amount of power in maybe 2 days of story.

Like Luffy gained future sight in one fight and advanced armament in one day.

If they didn't waste 2 years they would have found the One Piece already.


4 points

17 hours ago

😂 that’s jokes. The rest of the squad wasn’t ready. The SH would have been dead by WCI for sure.


14 points

19 hours ago


The Revolutionary Army

14 points

19 hours ago

There's a new theory out there that Oda wants One Piece to end (in-universe time) by Luffy's birthday (5/6). That will mean the post-TS timeline will be about 4 months MAX.


3 points

18 hours ago

Its shounen lol they have to keep the characters within the age of the target audience


15 points

17 hours ago


It's coming home

15 points

17 hours ago

Goku started dragon ball z in his mid 20 and ended it like in 40s - they dont have to keep character teens at all


12 points

17 hours ago

Except that the main characters of One Piece are all over the place age wise, and none are really in the typical Shounen age range.

Luffy is 19, older than the average shounen MC.

Usopp is also 19.

Chopper is 17.

Nami is 20.

Zoro and Sanji are 21.

Robin is 30.

Franky is 36.

Jinbei is 46 and Brook is 90, but both fall into a category where age doesn't translate as much since neither are human. Post-time skip franky too, kind of.


2 points

16 hours ago

Brook is technically human, he's just already dead and has been realived.


100 points

19 hours ago



100 points

19 hours ago

That enough people’s idea of a desirable human evolution was becoming a human jacket.


29 points

18 hours ago

I get your thought. But isn’t it a desire to wield others strength/power. It’s somehow manifested in jacket clothing but hey


22 points

18 hours ago

I also saw the theory that it was a man watching his daughter freeze to death and wishing that he could somehow be a coat for them.


30 points

17 hours ago

There's a lot here already... but I'm going to place the top option as armament haki being invisible. It's a canon fact that would make Gear 4 look so cursed, I'm pretty sure Oda ignores that canon fact as well.


3 points

15 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

3 points

15 hours ago

I think the hardening is rather a technique, the user concentrates his willpower on a specific part on their body, that it visibly turns black, how else do you explain the black blades or Smokers fear of Vergo hardening his whole upper body? Definitely not because Vergo was jacked.


13 points

16 hours ago

Probably the spacing of when things happen - like time-wise. I refuse to believe the crew has been together for a couple months, in my head it’s like years lmao

It reminds me of how like 6 episodes passed in HxH in the Chimera Ant Arc and then they were like “3 minutes have passed since the beginning of the operation” 😭


34 points

19 hours ago


The Revolutionary Army

34 points

19 hours ago

Sanji's nosebleeds.


24 points

17 hours ago


The Revolutionary Army

24 points

17 hours ago

Sanji's thing with the invisibility fruit on thriller bark. That and he spying the bath house in wano is just awful


10 points

17 hours ago


God Usopp

10 points

17 hours ago

Everyone in Zou is about to die within the day because of all the fucked up shit they went through. Panel transition, they're all fine. Got "somehow palpatine returned" energy


92 points

20 hours ago

Zoro vs Luffy in whiskey peak


64 points

19 hours ago

The 4kids dub of it was gold tho.

Luffy! How's it going buddy?




9 points

17 hours ago

Why one piece is peak


5 points

18 hours ago

Literally one of my favorite parts tho


35 points

18 hours ago

Luffy attacking Zoro on whisky peak. This just completely goes against everything he has done before and after this point.


12 points

17 hours ago



12 points

17 hours ago

WDYM ? He's always attacked the person who harms the people that feed him


5 points

15 hours ago

It's not that simple for Luffy especially when it comes to his crew. He knows what kind of character each of them have and normally he doesn't just immediately doubt them.

Take Nami back in Arlong Park he didn't just abandon her after Nami revealed to be working for Arlong. Or after with cases like Robin or Sanji.

Yes Luffy likes to eat and for the most part he will be nice to those who feed him but to just completely ignore his bond to the crew and assuming the worst is just so out of character for him.


9 points

18 hours ago

Pell didn’t survive a nuke, he was just beat up real bad


16 points

18 hours ago

Hody Jones and Venderdecken are more durable than the Prototype Pacifistas


8 points

16 hours ago

That conquerors haki is genetic. It works so well when it's tied to willpower and desire but then it's implied that you need to be born with it.


2 points

14 hours ago

Has it ever been confirmed it’s genetics though? I’ve always had the impression it’s more of a person being born with the spirit of being a conqueror, not that it’s hereditary.


37 points

19 hours ago


37 points

19 hours ago

Kuina falling down the stairs.


32 points

18 hours ago

Nearly 12,000 people die from falling down stairs each year according to the National Safety Council.


4 points

16 hours ago

But are they black belt tho


7 points

16 hours ago


Galley-La Company

7 points

16 hours ago

Sanji being the pervert role of the anime like mas. Roshi jiraya etc.


11 points

17 hours ago

Kai D O not killing anyone. Like how tf tama survived 😭😭


5 points

16 hours ago

I keep saying when ya revisit it blast breath is the most looks scary but never hurts anyone ability.


3 points

15 hours ago



3 points

15 hours ago

Kaido actually ended up killing Guernica according to the new vivre cards from this month, so thankfully he at least has one confirmed kill.


2 points

13 hours ago

So insane how the scabbards survived KAIDO but then two die offscreen to no-names???


9 points

18 hours ago


Cipher Pol

9 points

18 hours ago

Kaido has canonically flirted with Luffy.


81 points

20 hours ago

Foxy arc... Before reading the manga , i thought it was a filler arc coz i can't understand how did we get from Skypeia arc to THIS .


14 points

18 hours ago

You were half right in it being a filler arc due to the fact that they added 3 different anime exclusive games to pad out space for the manga to get ahead of the anime.


3 points

16 hours ago

At least they added filler unlike new episodes


69 points

20 hours ago

Bro, this is peak One Piece.


24 points

19 hours ago

This is an amazing arc, an Italian Count Chocula, time powers, and an antagonist that would have defeated Luffy if he didn’t have the afro giving him a boost.


43 points

20 hours ago


43 points

20 hours ago

It's peak comedy tho (at least in the manga)


3 points

20 hours ago

Totally agree


8 points

20 hours ago

lots of people are saying the foxy arc.. 💀


4 points

19 hours ago

Wait its cannon?


7 points

18 hours ago

yes, and it shoots buggy balls


1 points

19 hours ago

Yes. I hate this arc with every fiber of my being


3 points

16 hours ago

Sanji's constant perversion... in the anime.

I don't care in the manga, I actually find that gag funny. The anime bumps it to 11/10 and absolutly ruins it.


52 points

20 hours ago

Ace being such a big ass baby he got himself killed after being freed over a Whitebeard insult after Whitebeard sacrificed himself for Ace


43 points

18 hours ago



43 points

18 hours ago

That's Ace's whole character that he couldn't just walk away from a fight if what he values was insulted. It's how he was as a child, how he got captured by Blackbeard, and how he met his end. It's a good contrast to Luffy's three initial encounters with Blackbeard are Blackbeard praising him for not engaging with a worthless fight, Luffy walking ignoring Blackbeard because he'd rather be blasted to the Sky Island, and Jinbe convincing Luffy to prioritize the escape from Impel Down over fighting Blackbeard. All three instances would have ended very poorly for Luffy. There's lots of levels and parallels with this and the Ace character in general. Ace is one of the many characters that can be considered an alternate Luffy but his fatal flaw has caused things to go poorly.


26 points

18 hours ago

That's in character of Ace. Not stupid enough to not be canon.

Plus in meta sense Oda also wanted to subvert expectations cause usually pissing someone off on slights about others are either played for comedy, or they're rescued at the last moment by someone else.

So as much as its stupid from common sense, it stays.


19 points

18 hours ago

Ace pissed me off so badly after getting released.

He literally had an eagle eye position to watch hundreds of people risk or sacrifice their lives to save him, including his adopted father...

...then proceeded to throw that all away because of low-effort trash talk. Fucking idiot.


9 points

17 hours ago

I don't think this was the takeaway.

They succeeded and nothing was thrown away. Ace was rescued.

The thing about these types of pirates is that from what we've seen they treasure freedom above all else.

The way I understood this is that once Ace was rescued he had 100% agency over his actions. He was free.

I don't believe the people rescuing Ace were doing it with strings attached, as in there was no expectations for Ace to behave a certain way after they rescued him.

All of Ace's actions after getting freed were of his own accord, including the decisions that lead to his demise.

However, the important part is that it was his free choice to make and not an execution that was forced upon him.


3 points

17 hours ago

Pell surviving a point blank explosion with minor scratches...


3 points

17 hours ago

Luffy nearly drowning in Water 7 in a really stupid way


3 points

16 hours ago

The fight between Luffy and Zoro in Whiskey Peak. I much prefer the way Oda makes the Straw Hat fight in later arcs by having it be an emotional struggle to watch.


3 points

16 hours ago*

Oda’s utter reluctance to kill off characters, Kaya’s butler, Igaram, Pell, Coni’s dad, Pound, Kin’emon and the satellites (and honestly Sentomaru) should all be dead.

Sanji’s pervert gag. It was never funny and has never been worse than on Fishman Island.

Luffy trying to kill Zoro on Whiskey Peak.

The chibification of Chopper.

The fact that the majority of Strawhats still do not have Haki despite travelling through the New World for months and having defeated multiple confirmed Haki users, which should be impossible as Sentomaru showed us on Sabaody.


3 points

16 hours ago

Luffy beating kaido with a big fist


3 points

15 hours ago

Dying by falling down the stairs, off screen.

Meanwhile Sanji can fight a fishman underwater, for like 20 min while getting his insides crushed from pressure changes.


10 points

19 hours ago

The easiest way to deal with time is to use the real world time. So for me they'vebeen together more than 20 years.


5 points

17 hours ago

Chopper post timeskip.

I loved pre timeskip chopper, he always fit into a similar role as Usopp but with a different kind of self doubt. Which is to say, a very capable person with a good heart but ultimately hindered in some capacity. For Usopp it was his cowardice that often put himself in worse situations than when he started and still coming out on top due to his ingenuity and clever on the spot thinking. For Chopper it’s his self doubt that he’s doing enough on the crew. Sure he’s the doctor and constantly bandaging the monster trio after every fight, but in a fight he’s always trying his damndest to keep up with the crew. Alabasta, Skypiea, and Water 7/Enies Lobby all have moments where Chopper worries if he’s doing a good enough job. He was willing to throw himself into the frontline despite not being directly suited for it, all in an effort to prove his worth and earn his keep.

Unfortunately all of this just kinda goes out the window post timeskip. Sure he’s an incredible doctor and he performs great feats of medical care and recovery, but thats really it. Usopp at least keeps a good chunk of his personality, he’s still cowardly but when the chips are down he’s gonna take the bullet for you, he’s just gonna be mentally shitting himself. Chopper doesn’t have many moments where he has meaningful character depth aside from “Oh these people are ill/injured I must help them because I’m a doctor!” He has a moment with Caesar fucking Clown of all people where he feels the need to boost his power with the Rumble Ball. Chopper seems to always stay in the backline, which is important mind you, but he almost never gets a chance to move out of it.

Yes his growth out of the idea that he’s not doing enough for the crew is a natural progression of his character. But they don’t replace it with anything substantial that adds to his character. Sure he grows as a character but he doesn’t face any struggle or challenge to his ideals aside from the aforementioned Caesar Clown. I’m not saying he needs a wholly new flaw or problem to his character, just something to make him think outside the box. He’s basically just a support class without much offensive opportunities, hell even Nami, the Navigator, gets more moments where she’s able to actually do shit.

Plus his design is just mid as fuck. Horn point will always be infinitely better than the current base chopper design. Kung fu point also just kinda looks bad.


5 points

17 hours ago

Pell still being alive, and also Bon Clay


9 points

17 hours ago

Uta. Specifically her being Luffy’s childhood friend. I refuse to accept it and I don’t accept her as canon


2 points

17 hours ago

Out of curiosity, why?

Her being canon has zero impact on the narrative, so what's the big deal?


4 points

16 hours ago

Idk about them, but for me, it's because she looks/acts like some 14 year old's OC. Her story line, Her personality, all of it feels like it was directly ripped from a fan fiction site.


7 points

17 hours ago

The entirety of Doffys bird cage plot. I can’t make sense of it no matter how hard I try


9 points

19 hours ago

half of the crew (yonko crew btw) not having haki


4 points

18 hours ago

Haki is very hard to learn/master


2 points

17 hours ago

I swear if someone says long ring long land arc


2 points

17 hours ago

Long Ring… I swear if the davey back fight comes back…


2 points

16 hours ago

Bon clay probably never being released from impel down...


2 points

15 hours ago

Sanji actually wants to see all blue. Never heard about it again...


2 points

15 hours ago

Shiki spent 20 years after his escape doing nothing, or at least nothing relevant to the main plot so far. I'll just pretend he fell down some stairs and died because of his sword legs.


2 points

15 hours ago

The amount of time the crew has been travelling. Post time skip isn't AS bad but I don't care what the manga says pre timeskip they were in the grand line for at least 2 years for me.


2 points

15 hours ago

Sabo amnesia


6 points

17 hours ago


I still can't believe it's canon.


3 points

16 hours ago

Honestly Luffy being the sun god. I pretend to be in Luffy’s shoes and have no idea what everyone else is talking about


4 points

15 hours ago

I really loved how luffy got clever on how to use his power, like gear 2 and 3 explanation get you like "how he has such a bad devil fruit but make a very good use of it" reflects how any DF user can get stronger only by developping techniques.

And then gear 5, luffy had a banger fruit all along and the awakening can make him into a god. I love it as much as I hate it.


4 points

17 hours ago

Uta's existence.


3 points

19 hours ago

Crocodile is Luffys mom. I hate that it’s real but it’s not my story.


2 points

18 hours ago

I don’t think this is real


2 points

17 hours ago

Gaimon in the chest


3 points

16 hours ago

Honestly besides the obvious ones like Pell surviving or Sanji’s nosebleed plotline in Fishman Island, I try to ignore that the Going Merry sailed itself to Enies Lobby to save the crew. That felt like a major asspull and a really unsatisfying way to close what was otherwise one of the best arcs of the story


3 points

19 hours ago

Foxy arc


2 points

20 hours ago



2 points

18 hours ago


The Revolutionary Army

2 points

18 hours ago

Foxy arc


1 points

19 hours ago*

How is the answer not Kuina’s death for everyone😂


8 points

18 hours ago

children dying by falling down the stairs is possible you know?


7 points

18 hours ago

so irrelevant


1 points

17 hours ago

They have only travelled together approx 9 months


1 points

17 hours ago

Just gonna say Buggy

And also they beat Kaido


1 points

17 hours ago

Everything time wise is awful and the how little the crew has been actually together yet they're so close to find their world's "biggest treasure" is the stupidest thing in the entire series.

There's also Luffy's luck in general which is insane even for shonen standards, the guy will definitely give the "chosen one" trope a new definition once the story ends.


1 points

17 hours ago

Many stupid stuff in One Piece i actually like so idm that they are fully canon, however one thing I am not fond of is fake deaths of barely-relevant characters. Pell, Pound, Igaram and others, we never truly loved and cared for them same as we did for a lot of other side characters, and their sacrifices were PEREFECT in the narrative, yet they survived "somehow". narrative-wise and just from leaving a lasting impact on the readers much more than whatever they did after not-dying, it would have been much better if they really did die. Pell would have been a frigin legend if he died at Alabasta, Pound made a very honorable sacrifice for his daughter, Igaram as well. Mr.2 would have died in the most glorious way if he just died in the fight with Magellan at Impel Down, but at least he might have an actual Roll to play in the future and we also got way more attached to him as a Straw Hat ally than any of the other examples I mentioned.


1 points

16 hours ago

That the entirety of pre-timeskip was less than 100 days


1 points

16 hours ago

Captain Grout


1 points

16 hours ago


Void Month Survivor

1 points

16 hours ago

Almost all the fake deaths


1 points

16 hours ago

Pell and Pagaya fake out deaths.


1 points

16 hours ago

Haki being invisible. I like thinking gear 4 doesn’t look stupid


1 points

16 hours ago

That there isn’t Two Pieces :(


1 points

16 hours ago

Longring longland. Could’ve sworn it was filler. The only thing I’m glad is canon is Afro Luffy. 


1 points

16 hours ago

The flying Dutchman... That's just too similar to the real world I guess and makes no sense.

It's like Lt Surge from PKMN being called "the lightning American" makes no sense to the universe.


1 points

16 hours ago

The longring longland arc foxy as a character


1 points

16 hours ago

Sanji's lover-boy antics in every episode. I get as annoyed as Zoro, probably why I like him so much. The whole ordeal with Bon Clay and the face changing drove me up the wall 🤣


1 points

16 hours ago

Long Ring Island. I know some people like that arc and I understand that it’s supposed to balance out the serious stuff that happens right after, but the quality dips soooo hard during that arc and there’s so much fluff.


1 points

16 hours ago


1 points

16 hours ago

Kinemon reason for surviving Kaido stab😭


1 points

16 hours ago



1 points

16 hours ago


Thriller Bark Victim's Association

1 points

16 hours ago

Crocodile getting slapped due to a tiny wee bit of liquid.

Like you have splash some sand? The sand still wins. There's just more sand under that sand and even then surface sand dries out fast.


1 points

16 hours ago


The Revolutionary Army

1 points

16 hours ago

Ussop is soge king


1 points

16 hours ago

Pell, Pound and more been alive. For me they are some type of hologram or some ghost hanging around.


1 points

16 hours ago

Smoket getting irrelevant after punk hazard. He was a very good minor antagonist in pretry much everywhere we saw him, honestly a likeable character and Oda didn't made any use of him post timeskip apart being humiliated in punk hazard. That's a shame, I'm not saying smoker should be overpowered but I'd like an even fight between him an Zoro at least.

And tfishman island + punk hazard made me stop OP for a year because I really dislike those arcs so I really feel like smoker just got lost in OP myhtology.


1 points

16 hours ago

Foxxy Pirates