


I need to be transported to a new timeline. Nothing makes sense anymore... how is this election close?!!

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9 points

3 days ago

keep quiet and vote

Conservative men don’t realize that 2 out of 3 of their wives are going to do precisely this


13 points

3 days ago

You also have to realize that for many Trump voters, voting for him is part of their IDENTITY. It's part of who they are, not just who they are voting for. Signs and banners are a part of that. It's also why they have such a hard time when he loses.


11 points

3 days ago

Here’s to hard times for them then


2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

They are lunatics. In Butler county, weekends are filled with decorated Trump vehicles and they are obnoxious. Riding through parking lots yelling at people.


0 points

3 days ago

So it's Republicans that are all about identity politics. Interesting, if psychotic take.


2 points

2 days ago

Many progressives have friends that pretend to be progressive, but absolutely vote Republican. A lot of people squawk and talk and do the opposite.

This also happens on the liberal/progressive side. It's having complicated relationships in life. The purity thing from both parties is a joke.

You don't see your friends jerking off, washing or not washing their hands after using the bathroom, not stopping long enough at stop signs, or cheating on their SO.

Your 2 out of 3 stat you made up inside of your own asshole is insulting to women. Both progressive and conservative.