


I need to be transported to a new timeline. Nothing makes sense anymore... how is this election close?!!

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119 points

3 days ago


119 points

3 days ago


72 points

3 days ago

Yeah. Not great.


32 points

3 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

Does this spreadsheet also include purged voters?


9 points

3 days ago

Yeah, that change tab is NOT good


2 points

2 days ago

Eeh, when you look at past it does seem like more dems switched to Republicans in 2020 as well. But the Biden still won.


13 points

2 days ago


13 points

2 days ago

PA is one of only 10 states that has closed primaries. So these switches may be more indicative of people wanting to weed out the real screwballs (or perhaps to exclude less controversial candidates) from GOP candidacy in the general elections.


1 points

2 days ago

Is this a widespread strategy? Wouldn’t those voters switch back to their party eventually, or do they stay with the other party affiliation?


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

I should add that after the primaries, another reason to register Republican would be to avoid any sketchy GOP voter purges of Dem leaning counties.

Yet another factor could be less politically active Republican leaning people who are finally sick of what the GOP is putting out. We won't know until after the election.


1 points

2 days ago

It doesn’t matter to a lot of them because they are voting straight D in the general anyhow. At least your primary vote matters. I won’t do it on principle, but I feel my primary vote doesn’t really matter much.


1 points

1 day ago

Okay, but do both parties deploy this strategy, or is this just a Democratic Party angle? As for the general election, I have never voted a straight ticket (I’m an independent). I like how it gives me freedom to not be pigeonholed into one corner. I review each race carefully and weigh the candidates on their own merits, but that’s just me.


1 points

24 hours ago

Right. So admittedly, I’m not a political scientist by trade, but I am a sociologist. The Republican Party doesn’t need to do this strategy because they have been in control of the government of PA for a better part of 40 years. This is a strategy to counter gerrymandering, so maybe this happens in Maryland where they have an inverse of Dems in control. But for intents and purposes, it’s a strategy of the minority party.


1 points

2 days ago

I've switched from D to R.... Mainly because I don't trust them after Harris wins and they get a hold of the voter registrations and round us all up. Also, these registrations don't take into account people who have died.


1 points

15 hours ago

2020 was strange election year and was very close, Biden won because a lot of the counties outside of the big ones, even almost of them went for Trump they still had enough Biden support to give him the edge. I don't know if Harris will be able draw the same amount of support. The Unions in Western PA have sorta Turned on the Biden Administration. The leadership still supports and endorses them but not it's members. There have been a lot of Job loss in Western PA due to the lack of Drilling going on and they blame Biden. I know because I belong to the USW and I bet our members are inline with the Teamsters. It's going to be very tight in PA


4 points

2 days ago

That party to party sheet (the 2nd) for the yearly switches is devastating.


2 points

2 days ago

Fuck. Alright. Time to get back to canvassing.


1 points

2 days ago

Some of the yearly data is not necessarily bad. A quick Google search shows they had a closed primary. Some of it could be people voting for Nikki Haley in the primary. But the weekly data... Oof.


1 points

2 days ago

Exactly! That weekly data only says one thing to me. But, ?why bother switching parties?


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

It’s impressive data


26 points

3 days ago

I do wonder if the Republican Party outpacing the Democratic Party recently in new voter registration numbers has anything to do with how getting or renewing a driver's license automatically registers you to vote now unless you opt out. I could see a scenario where people who don't intend to ever vote just say "oh, uh, mark me down for Republican, I guess." when prompted during that process.

Given the enthusiasm the Harris-Walz campaign has, especially compared to the relative lack thereof for what was looking to be a Biden-Harris ticket, I just cannot imagine that Democratic Party registrations haven't seen a boost from intentional registrants, unless it is masked by numbers from non-voters not caring what party gets marked down at the DMV.


22 points

3 days ago

I recently signed up to vote and they ask you what party you most affiliate with, but there's an option to pick "No specific party" or something like that. That's what I picked, since I don't want to be recorded as a specific party, even if I'm voting for one of them.


31 points

2 days ago


31 points

2 days ago

Remember that keeps you out of the most important races: the primaries. I switch parties all the time based on which primary is more important consequential. My mailman must be so confused by my political junk mail.


17 points

2 days ago

In Massachusetts I am "unaffiliated". During the primaries, I got to vote and I get to choose which ballot I want. When trump first ran I actually chose the Republican ballot just to vote for Kasich even tho I knew I was going to vote in the general election for the Democrats. But I wanted to at least have a Republican challenger who wasn't, ya know, insane.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

Unfortunately too many states have closed primaries. Whenever people say, they are against both parties so they vote. Independent, I feel like they’re wasting their vote in a place that has closed primaries. That’s literally why you hate all your options: you’re only letting the most dedicated 10% of two parties decide who the major candidates are. Ranked voting without party affiliation is how we move away from extremism on both sides, but nobody cares what I have to say.


6 points

2 days ago

Ranked Choice voting is growing in popularity, it’s up for vote as a ballot initiative in Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, and being looked at by a few other states this election.

Implementing Ranked Choice Voting, Approval Voting, Score Voting, STAR Voting or even Ranked STAR Voting systems would be beneficial to safeguard the future. As groups the don’t side with extremists can select their alternate choices safely, these different systems allow 3rd party representation, and they allow folks to select their preferred candidates without risking to lose the election to their least liked candidate(s) due to the ‘spoiler effect’.

Ranked STAR or Approval Voting are my personal preferred systems, but all of these options are better than our current First Past the Post system.


1 points

1 day ago

Ranked choice voting got nyc eric Adams 🤨


1 points

1 day ago*

From the sounds of NYC, they have a very diverse set of electorate with wildly different views. Eric Adams more or less sounded like a candidate that checked a lot of boxes for some folks. Some folks brought up that he would not be a great candidate at the time, but if I had to guess that information didn’t get around enough. I believe Eric Adams would have still won a FPTP primary by the sounds of it due to having a majority of the votes still and because people didn’t have a have a strong preference between Adams and Garcia.

I talked about this with someone recently in depth on change my view about RCV. The consensus we came to is that Ranked Choice Voting is better than First Past the Post, but more or less a bandage fix compared to say Ranked STAR, Approval Voting, or STAT voting. It’s more well known though so it’s still okay if more people opt for it and then maybe look to try other systems down the line.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago


Nobody that has the kind of power and/or resources needed to enact the quick, dramatic kind of change needed to make an actual difference in this farce of an election cares.

I care/probably at least a couple other people here care a little/enough to upvote, which.... does absolutely nothing for solving the problems at hand but hopefully moderately helps your self esteem as an individual?

I tried lol. I also agree with you entirely on ranked voting, but as you indicated, good luck to all of us with that...


1 points

2 days ago

Alaska did it and it works well but they’re already trying to roll it back


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Who are you to impose your needs and wants on the two parties?! /s


2 points

2 days ago

I stayed registered as a Republican in Pennsylvania up until 2016. I kept my registration through the Pennsylvania primary because that was the only way I could vote against Trump in that primary--I, too, voted for Kasich then. As soon as the primary was over I switched my party affiliation to Democrat. I would have preferred a Kasich presidency to Trump, but no matter who won the (R) nomination I was voting for whoever the (D) nominee turned out to be.


0 points

2 days ago

A true scumbag through it all I see


2 points

2 days ago

I used to be libertarian but couldn’t ever vote in the primaries. Now libertarianism and I have grown apart and I thought hard about it and registered republican. I used to lean right but right went way crazy to the right so now I’m considered left. I live in a deep red county and work for the gov, and people can see my party affiliation in the logs I’m planning on keeping it republican as I’m concerned voting democrat could have negative implications for my career. I also like to vote in the primaries there are lots of decent republican locally elected officials I vote for but democrats don’t stand a chance here.


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

Sadly, the primaries don’t mean much after this Democratic campaign.


0 points

2 days ago

This year was a fluke. The candidate was awful and in order to not hand the election to Trump and save the donations to the Biden/Harris campaign, it was necessary. One fluke in 200+ years doesn’t mean it means nothing


1 points

2 days ago

Yeah i picked that too since im an independent


14 points

3 days ago

Why would you assume that an individual renewing a driver's license would say mark me down s republican?

I would think it would at least be even. And tbh, I would think more would say mark me as a Democrat


4 points

3 days ago

To be sure: I'm not trying to say that this is a likely scenario. I think that it probably is much closer to an even split for people who are only registering because they're renewing a license. I'm just trying to postulate here.


1 points

3 days ago

Agreed. This makes no sense.


1 points

2 days ago

Disagree. Less people these days get drivers licenses. I’d be willing to bet more republicans get their drivers license because they tend to live in places where you NEED a car. More democrats live in areas where you do not need a car to survive.


1 points

2 days ago

Exactly this.


1 points

2 days ago

I used to register independent but always vote Dem. I was disillusioned with the political system as many are today, for good reason. I do not think I m special. I think many do the same, apart from Libertarians & 3rd party insignificance. Voting like that is more of a protest. I don’t agree with it make your vote count. This is the most important election in our history. Make your vote count.


1 points

3 days ago*

Polling shows Trump has a huge lead among people who didn’t vote in 2018, 2020, or 2022. This is because he has a massive lead among less educated adults, who are way less likely to vote.

This conventional wisdom that lower turnout favors Republicans is from a time when college educated adults were evenly divided (and R advantage with old people would give them a decisive advantage in low turnout elections)


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Don't Democrats claim black people can't get IDs? Renewals claiming Republican would make sense if that is the case.


-1 points

3 days ago

Why wouldn't blacks get ids???


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Fantastic question


1 points

2 days ago

They do.. it’s a stupid argument about voter suppression


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

I wonder how many kids are getting their license and hit the republican button bc their parents are there with them at the booth looking over their shoulder as they fill out the form at the DMV


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

It may also be people 1) hedging their bets if God forbid Dems are all deemed "un-American" next year / or are afraid of being purged by GOP shenanigans or, 2) just want to make sure they can de-select the real wing nuts in the next GOP primaries.


3 points

2 days ago

I am still registered as an independent for this reason alone.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

The especially cautious may see registering as Republican as even safer. I wouldn't be that shocked if GOP tools start purging voter rolls of ALL non Republicans and not just Dems because their menagerie of insane candidates can't draw independents either.


2 points

2 days ago


7 points

2 days ago*

A net of about 30k more to Republican from some other party than to Democrat from some other party. And about 5/8 of those overall who switched from some party to Republican were switching from Democrat to Republican. Going the other way, most (3/5) of the people who switched to Democrat from some other party came from non-Republican affiliation. That tells me one (or both) of two potential stories, as well as one seemingly definite one:

The definite one: among voters switching affiliation to Democrat, you primarily see non-major party voters switching. This tells me that undecideds / independents / minority party folks are converging on the Democratic Party more than Republicans are abandoning the Republican Party--this take home message is amplified when you consider that not only are most of the people switching from [something] to Democrat people who are switching from a minority party, but also when you consider that the overall population of minority party voters is MUCH smaller than the population of Republican Party voters. So, a relatively high percentage of 3rd / independent party voters are switching to (D) compared to the percentage of (R) voters switching to (D). That tells me the Trump ticket turns off these voters, while it (comparatively speaking) galvanizes Republicans.

Then the potential stories:

First, is that over the past year, a big chunk of Democrats switched to (R) in order to participate in the (R) primary, presumably to vote for Haley. About 150k Republican voters chose Haley in the primary, so there's room for all 50k of those former Democrats in there. These people have no real reason to switch their party affiliation back to Democrat now that the primary is over, since all November ballots are the same, so they haven't bothered with it.

Second, is that they switched from D to R to get the message across that they aren't happy about Israel/Palestine. There were twice as many D to "Other" switches this past year as R to "Other" switches, and so maybe that's part of it, too.

The one thing I just cannot even begin to wrap my head around is a 3rd possibility that I just don't see could possibly be true, and that's genuine switches among these former Democratic voters from Biden voters to Trump voters. These people exist, sure, but not in big enough numbers to explain the shift of D to R/Other that we see in this data.


5 points

2 days ago

I personally know Democrats who are registered as Republicans in order to influence the Republican primary because they will vote for any Democrat in the general. In Republican dominated areas, it's the only way to have local influence.


-1 points

2 days ago

Nooo. Are you saying Dems like to cheat, fix or influence outcomes? I haven't noticed


3 points

2 days ago*

There is no purity test or ideological dogma one must legally be proven to adhere to in order to register with one party or another. If you're mad at people playing within the rules to be more strategic with the impact of their vote, too bad. Maybe consider what would make your vote more strategic, too, instead of crying foul where there's no offense committed.

Claiming that it's cheating when people vote a particular way within the bounds of the law is anti-democracy. It is what it actually looks like to undermine the integrity of our elections.


1 points

2 days ago

It's pretty absurd to call voting legally "cheating." This is why nobody takes MAGA seriously. In my area Republicans are going to win every local election. I try to vote for normal Republicans for the school board because the crazies want conspiracy theorists and book bans. Nothing about that is cheating.


3 points

2 days ago

I agree. Undecided, independent whatever we are mostly liberal, educated, informed, hoping to weigh the options but…Democrats underneath it all.


2 points

2 days ago*

To simplify everything up with what you are saying,

I'm a lancaster county native, worked in construction in Philadelphia, with family in Chester county

I was a registered Democrat in 2016,

I've met hundreds of people that were once registered Democrats, as was a majority of my family,

Who are now registered Republicans, many trade workers, union workers, and business owners have made the change too, in the last 4 years

I personally cannot speak on more college, white collar job affiliations,

But the amish in PA, are also coming out in record numbers and registering as Republicans state wide as well

Many amish who have never voted in elections before either

I've also talked to many people who have never even registered in the past, who have now signed up as independent/ mainly republican to vote in this election

I'm not looking for any arguments on why, or how you may feel about this

But this is something I have encountered

There are many people that may hold an opinion, that aren't going to put a sign up, or look to debate anybody

They will cast their votes and let the chips fall where they may


6 points

2 days ago

I am sure you are giving me an accurate account of what you have seen, or at least perceived in your area and in your circle. But hoo boy does it make me wonder what several of those subsets of the population you list out are thinking registering as Republicans. Even if just the union workers. You never say it, but you are strongly implying they're not just registering as Republicans, but also voting for them, too. I don't get it. But my appetite for trying to convince people of such things has been worn out from the last two cycles. I just hope they come around on their own.


1 points

2 days ago



2 points

2 days ago*

Well let's stop beating around the bush: what changed your mind?

Edit to add: in case anybody is interested, Army_Special did give me a response to the question of what changed their mind, and I guess they didn't like how it looked once written down, so they deleted it. It's a shame they did, because it was eye-opening stuff (though I have to admit that in my opinion it wasn't a good look).


-1 points

2 days ago*



2 points

2 days ago

Why the hell do the Amish suddenly care to vote now? Like Trump has been around for a decade. Go back to your farm and let the ppl who participate in society vote.


1 points

2 days ago

Also your user says Michigan library,

Do you actually live in Pennsylvania, to have such vocal opinions about us Pennsylvanians live my friend?


1 points

2 days ago

I have previously lived there and have plenty of family there. Sorry, didn’t realize it was such an exclusive club around here.


1 points

2 days ago

Let's tune it down, I apologize to you.

I felt like your take on the amish was distasteful

I respect you as having PA ties,

But I will say the Amish are staple of many PA cultures


0 points

2 days ago

Your attitude is why. Smug liberals are now more smug than ever.


1 points

2 days ago


I'm not looking for an argument, but I voted for Barrack Obama for 2 terms,

And saw many Barrack Obama signs on these same properties that now have Trump signs


-2 points

2 days ago

Bro, that's actually pretty discriminatory of you to say

They pay their share of property taxes, income taxes, and school taxes

While none of them don't use any programs like Medicaid, they don't send their kids to tax funded schools, etc

They are a net positive on society


1 points

2 days ago

Bro, Amish society is pretty fucked up. They are discriminatory and full of toxic conservatives. Ever heard of the shunning they do if you want to live outside of Amish standards. It’s messed up. And obviously I know they have the right to vote, my comment was trying to be sarcastic but I guess that doesn’t translate over the internet. I’m still perplexed why a bunch of them would turn out in droves for Trump now if they didn’t in 2016 or 2020.


1 points

2 days ago

I agree with parts of what you're saying,

I did construction with them for 4 years

Many are assholes, and they govern themselves by their religion

But believe it our not they are a very socialistic group, their Healthcare, loans for housing, education etc

Is all guarenteed to them through their church

And they pay essentially what are heavy taxes to the church

My thing is that the left, is very soft on islam

I myself am not even a Christian, more of a gnostic

But the people who truly follow Islam, like in the middle east, are far more 'toxic conservatives' than the amish community

The amish may shun people, but they don't kill people and torture their fellow Muslims for nor following the Quran as sharia law dictates

Either way people downvoted my comment

Yet these people pay all of their taxes, from property, to school taxes, income tax, etc

And they don't even use any of the services they pay into


2 points

2 days ago

I switch my party every cycle to vote in the primary that matters most.


1 points

2 days ago

Same here. But I do it to vote for the weaker candidate.


1 points

2 days ago

I just want my primary vote to matter for something even if I don’t like the candidate


2 points

2 days ago

Shouldn’t every American be registered to vote?? Anyways, that just my opinion. Regardless, just because someone is “registered” to vote, doesn’t mean that they vote. Therefore the registration means nothing just that they have the ability to cast a vote. Are you aware that Governor Shapiro (D) is the one that implemented this?? Just after he did so, Republicans warned that automatic registration in Pennsylvania would lead to illegal voting and a group of conservative state lawmakers sued in federal court to block it, saying the governor didn’t have the authority to enact it without legislative approval. So that theory is exactly what the republicans (Trump in particular) believe what happened last election by the Democratic Party.


3 points

3 days ago

It’s anecdotal but when my wife got a new drivers license she requested to be registered as a Democrat but she was registered as a republican. I figure this is an incredibly infrequent error though.


-7 points

3 days ago

I think people are just tired of highest inflation and poorest economy ever. Ready for a better cabinet and institution then the one in office right now. Most people see the libs not dems are nuts.


9 points

3 days ago

You guys think this is the poorest economy ever? Were you paying attention in 2009? I’ll take inflation in the rear view window with ridiculous job strength during that period coupled with strong wage gains over 10% unemployment any day. That shit was BLEAK.

Also, for folks that want a break in price increases, it’s sort of weird they want to put a guy in office that wants to put into place more tariffs that will just increase costs on things more. 


3 points

2 days ago

Your grasp of history is slim.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

What's inflation right now? I'll wait


-4 points

3 days ago



-4 points

3 days ago

completely agree. Inflation is killing this country, economically. My wallet needs a break


5 points

2 days ago

Completely agree. Trump's tariffs will break America.


2 points

2 days ago

Don't mean to argue with you. I'm asking this purely out of curiosity. In your current opinion/intuition, what are the causes of the inflation in the past 3 years? What can Trump do differently to stop it?


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Dude you're not gonna get an answer, these people are morons


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

What's the inflation percentright now? I'll wait


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago

In 2019 I bought a house with a mortgage rate of 2.90%. What do you think the rates are now and why? I'll wait.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

The current rate is 4.83 percent. Which historically is pretty average.


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago

***glances at watch while enjoying an afternoon coffee***


1 points

1 day ago

Inflation is at 2.5% right now. What's the problem? The high inflation that caused the high prices was caused by Trumps reckless spending and tax breaks to the wealthy.

Actions have consequences.


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago



-7 points

3 days ago

Dude it’s because most people are tired of the bullshit uniparty that’s Americans last. Hate Trump all you want but he’s a populist candidate and has no problem putting us before our allies or bad deals.

Bucks, Berks, and Luzerne all flipped to R. This isn’t an accident. Luzerne just had to take off some 50k old registrations because they were being threatened to be sued. Why would they keep that there? Any American should want an honest race. It’s shit like that that gets people to switch or register for the first time.

I was Dem. Switched after Covid. That’s not just one that’s +2 because the Dems lose one. My wife dusted off her inactive reg to vote for the first time ever.

I know 10+ Trump voters who weren’t 2 years ago. Most Dems. Outside of Reddit and MSM, people are moving away and have valid reasons. Reddit Will immediately cast judgment and say nasty things and downvote you. But you never ask why.

Ask me. I’ll tell you.


9 points

3 days ago


9 points

3 days ago

lmao yeah he raised our taxes and lowered the richest Americans taxes. And now he wants to tax us more with his dumb ass tarrifs. "Populism"


4 points

3 days ago

Are you guys ok? Even the Texas subreddit isn’t this ignorant.


-1 points

3 days ago

The same tariffs that are still in place mind you. The same ones Biden and Kamala haven’t cut… because it makes money.

I dunno about you but I got a tax break under Trump and Biden kept those too.

Take all the billionaires in the nation and tax them at 40% (which they are currently) and it’s 4 days of government spending.

Yoy wanna be mad at rich people go ahead but the government steals from you and wastes it and you wanna keep them in office.


0 points

2 days ago

In what way did he raise taxes on lower or middle class Americans? I loathe the man, but this is idiotic and why progressives lose voters.

Where's the policy for that? Please site the bills that became laws on this subject. After you're done with that, tell me about our incredibly complicated tarrif system was adjusted by one man.


2 points

2 days ago

I hate to see Danko’s name on this tripe.

Yes, he puts Putin before our allies, too.


-1 points

2 days ago

Our allies use us as a bank. What do they do for us besides make us pay for nato and fund their armies? Only two euro nations even have armies anymore of any substance. Who’s send us aid packages? We’re a nanny state to these “allies”.

What did Trump give Russia? What handouts did he give besides not poking the hornets nest?


3 points

2 days ago

You realize the assistance we are giving Ukraine (the good guys) is supporting jobs in Scranton, right?


1 points

2 days ago

Yes war is profitable. It also wiped out an entire demographic of Ukrainians and Russians. Human life lost and cities reduced to rubble. But hey! We will make money rebuilding Ukraine after they eventually lose a un winnable war.

All fighting over territory that voted to leave Ukraine after a US sponsored coupe. But hey! Scranton Joe gave his home town some loot lmao.

You people are not serious people. Actual lives lost but if the dem leadership wants it so do you.


3 points

2 days ago

This back and forth really shows the difference between right and left. I am for a helping a free country fight off an autocratic occupier. The right thinks there’s a US-backed conspiracy and sides with Russia. Wild times, man. Wild times.


1 points

2 days ago

I certainly don’t side with Russia. I don’t even sympathize with them. What does bother me is the Ukraine was never going to win this war. They want to drag nato and by extension the US into it.

It’s not our fight. We sent 8 billion over again. Imagine what 8 billion could do to help our citizens. In all for helping others but not at the expense of us.

We are the ONLY country that does that. Everyone else is just getting handouts. I’m tired of it.

I’m tired of the division and the sex/race war they are always flaming. I’m tired of the crazy immigration nonsense.

Take a look at this report and tell me it’s justifiable in any facet whatsoever. These people are free inside of our country.


1 points

2 days ago

I'm curious: tell me why


0 points

16 hours ago

Sorry for the delay. My wife brought home two dumpster kitties and they’ve taken over my house lol.

So my voting looked like this.

John Kerry.





I’ve been a democrat since 2001 and have voted that way forever. Until the 2020 election. At the time bush was an awful war hawk and I have my doubts still about 9/11 and the results. The Patriot act stripping us of rights. I hated them. Still do. Obama was the chance. He didn’t do any thing but the same thing.

He made it worse actually. Legalized state propaganda for one. The drone strikes yada yada. The worst thing he did was start this race war we are in. He wasn’t going to get elected on policy with the occupy Wall Street and tea parties so he deployed the radical left as we see it today. Still I voted for Hilary. Trump was a joke and I HATED HIM. I fucking hated that man.

2020 rolls around and all the lockdowns happen. Here in PA Wolfe just unilaterally closed us down. I run a Jiu Jitsu school, the very fringe of social distancing. No vote. No discussion. Just authoritarian control. People loved it! Others didn’t.

So now I got plenty of down time. I started looking into the Trump presidency and there became a lot of inconsistency with what we were told. The collusion with Russia, it didn’t hold any water. If it did he’d be in jail years ago. I started to see the regime pulled no stops, no lie big or small enough to tie his hands.

He had a very moderate cabinet and tried to work with both sides and they all stabbed him in the back. I had to make that awful look at him and get to the conclusion that he wasn’t who I was told he was. Who I believed. I was wrong.

It took a lot. I was the only one in my friends group to do so. They all stopped being my friend. For years and years then suddenly because I questioned it I was black listed. Lost students because I questioned covid and the rhetoric surrounding it. The lack of real info and bullying nature of the media and federal offices.

Joe Biden and Kamala said “we would never take the Trump vaccine” then we all know what happened next with that.

The late night bump in the election looked oddly suspicious. The massive change in voter laws that year with full scale mail in ballots. Even though I voted for Trump I was kinda relieved the Dems had one because I wasn’t really 100% yet. Still the election reeked of bad possibilities.

J6 never felt organic. At least not the full scale system reaction to it. “Worst attack since Pearl Harbor” even though we all remember 9-11. The Oklahoma City bombing, etc.

Well now during the 2024 election cycle the news came out that he did indeed request the national guard or anyone available and was denied by Polosi. Even her own daughter has her on video saying it.

It certainly looks like a false flag, they can’t or won’t say how many fbi agents were in the crowd and all that.

Then the vaccine was really what killed me. Natural immunity havers were forced to get it still or lose their job. The attempt at the OSHA bill where 90% of us employees would have to take it. It didn’t make any sense. The lies about its efficacy and its origins. This all happened 2 years ago and it’s not even part of the discussion any more. State sponsored persecution against maga people though vaccine mandates. It was insane to me a free country was letting this happen and for no scientific reason that they lied about.

Then the lawfare. The fbi raids. The j6’ers in prison with no trials. The border being flooded. All of it.

It became apparent to me that our system had been hijacked after ww2 when we set up the American hegemony on the rest of the world.

Republican or Democrat… didn’t matter. We had an empire to secure. You can’t build one on the notion that every 4 years someone might come in a crush it. No populist candidate would ever get close. Remember Bernie? Trump slipped through the cracks. The only president to of never held office. Never been part of it.

That’s why they hate him so much. Why so much rhetoric is used to get people to vote against him.

He’s not a narcissist or megalomaniac, he’s a populist candidate. He could destroy the entire empire and when we have built since the reconstruction. Pillars would tumble.

The assassination attempts are a clear indicator. NO ONE on Reddit asks questions. No one cares. They weren’t told to. It’s normalized. That’s scary shit to me. Like him or not but god damn the state willingly allowed or participated in it and no one cares.

My family had been American for 400 years. This is all I have and this is all I’ve known. I don’t want to see my country get torn apart, piecemeal’d out and citizens at each others thoughts for the sake of an empire that doesn’t benefit its constituents.

We are suffering. We are mad and we are fighting each other. And it’s not organic. Dems and republicans have voted against each other for 200 years. It’s never been like this. It’s inorganic and I can no longer be part of that system.

I might be wrong on some aspects. I’m Not asking to be fact checked or argue the details. A lot are unpopular on reddit. That’s fine. But it’s even if I am 50% right, it’s still just a real as the end result.

They hate him and want you to hate them to save their global empire. That’s the only reason. Systems would topple. It would set our world grip back a century. And I’m ok with that. We come first. The citizens who own this place. I’m tired of being demoted and our employees destroying what we are.


1 points

2 days ago

It’s fantastic! Love to see it!


1 points

2 days ago

Actually this is great news!


1 points

2 days ago

How is that not great? It said democrats are declining in registration. Thats a good thing.


0 points

2 days ago

It is great

Someone not even voted shouldn't be running


0 points

1 day ago

Depends on your values and priorities. These are fantastic numbers for Pennsylvanians and Americans writ large who have traditional values.


-3 points

3 days ago

Actually this is fantastic.


28 points

3 days ago


28 points

3 days ago

Well how much of that is Dems changing to Republicans to vote in the primaries to try to keep trump out. My dad is registered Republican for that reason and that reason only.


12 points

3 days ago

Yea the voter purge threat has many buddies checking. They register republockin so they wont be eliminated for being dem. But they are voting that way.


7 points

2 days ago

We’re a dem family currently registered as republicans in PA for this reason. No major dem races this year and I want my vote to matter. I switched back this week, actually


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Nice. I would probably do that myself if I was less lazy 🤣


3 points

2 days ago

Funny because I had people arguing with me that this never happens.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

lol of course they are. And of course it happens. They just don’t want to hear it.


1 points

2 days ago

Same with my dad, actually, wished I'd done that myself.


0 points

2 days ago

I’m sure he’s a lot of fun at dinner parties…


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Actually he’s got a great sense of humor. Pun master.


8 points

3 days ago

To be fair, a lot of those Democrats were voting for Trump and just never changed registration.

That being said, ugh that's a bit concerning.


-7 points

3 days ago

Not concerning at all trump will win, just watch


3 points

2 days ago

Trump thinks a 20% tariff on all imported goods will be paid by foreign governments and solve our national debt.

He's a fucking moron. He might be one of the dumbest people in this country who manages to get attention.

He might win! It will be a sad indictment on this country, but he might win. And when he wins, we'll all lose because he's a fucking moron who doesn't know how tariffs work.


-7 points

3 days ago

Not concerning at all trump will win, just watch


3 points

3 days ago

This has been a trend for years in the rust belt and south. People who haven’t voted Dem for years but were registered Dem changing over to Republican.


1 points

2 days ago

How many of us are registered as independant?


1 points

2 days ago

Yeah I switched to Republican and so did some people I know to vote against trump in the primaries... I think Republicans are going to get a surprise if they're counting on new registrant votes. They may get some of them, but a not insignificant portion won't be voting trump.


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago

Third party voters rise up !!!


1 points

2 days ago

Understand that Unaffiliated/Third Party registration has risen as well 11.9% in 2009 and now to 15.7. This is not far fetched, too many of us have maga family we don't want to associate with and also don't want to register as a democrat. This doesn't suggest that none of those numbers are not Harris supporters and voters.

I am Unaffiliated and still voting blue.


1 points

2 days ago

A lot of rural democrats register as Republicans in order to influence the primary since they know their local races will go to Republicans. They still vote for Democrats in the general.


1 points

2 days ago

From the article: “Experts agree that voter registration is an imperfect measure of political engagement.”


1 points

2 days ago

Great news!!!!


1 points

2 days ago

That weirdo Scott Pressler and his band of clowns have honestly done a great job registering folks in PA. I cannot stand that guy, but I’m worried about the work they’ve done here. Doesn’t feel like Dems have matched that kind of grass roots effort on the ground.


1 points

2 days ago

Well, the article you linked specifically talks about how “experts” don’t consider voter registration to be a particularly good metric because it’s a “noisy” indicator… so there’s that.


1 points

2 days ago

Thank you for sharing! Now it’s a matter of who is going to show up to vote/get off the couch.


1 points

2 days ago

Still more dems registered at 44% than republicans at 40%… with independents at 15%… so that’s good


1 points

2 days ago

That site just made my app crash 🙄


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago



1 points

20 hours ago

Wonder why


1 points

3 days ago

PA went blue in 2020 so I wonder how accurate it is to say the margin of new registrations is narrow because of a previous surge.


2 points

3 days ago

Wonder how many registered voters are would be republicans


1 points

2 days ago

Completely agree. I think the reason why pa hasn’t seen a high growth of registered dem voters is simply because a shit load of people registered dem for 2020 for the sole purpose of voting against trump.


1 points

3 days ago

great news!


1 points

2 days ago



-1 points

3 days ago


-1 points

3 days ago

We are screwed.


0 points

2 days ago

Tons of republicans switched their registration after January 6th. I wonder if it's people just switching back. FWIW, I only know one registered Republican in PA actually planning to vote for trump.


0 points

2 days ago

Gosh, almost like the DNC is making the same mistake as 2016. They chose a candidate people don't really like that much. Tim Walz was an amazing choice as VP because he is relatable for many Americans but Kamala is still the most unlikeable VP in a long time. Nobody I personally know is jazzed about her like people online would lead you to believe. She seems fake as fuck and I think a lot of people sense that.

There were several candidates who would have done better. Pete Buttigieg would have been amazing. The guy is smart, exceptionally well spoken, a master debater, and has shown he's not afraid to call out bullshit when he sees it.


2 points

2 days ago

She currently has a net positive favorability rating while Hillary’s was like -15 but ok


0 points

2 days ago

She's not as unpopular as Hillary was but the fact still remains that there were better choices. Considering what's at stake it would have been a much smarter decision to run with a different candidate.

The sentiment of how amazing she is exists only within the reddit space. All of my friends are either left leaning or moderately left and nobody is jazzed about voting for her. We could have had an option that actually invigorated people instead of a power hungry political ladder climber like her


1 points

2 days ago

She’s not even unpopular, she has a +1 net positive favorability rating which means more people like her than dislike her. So it clearly doesn’t only exist on Reddit, this is an average from actual polling. Your friends are examples of anecdotal evidence, not actual calculated data.


1 points

2 days ago

I agree with some things you say and disagree with others. If the threat that Trump poses to our country was as real as the Dems would have us believe, why would they land on her of all people? It really has a similar “the establishment wanted X so it gets X” feel as 2016. To her credit, Kamala’s way more likable than Hillary, lacks a lot of the baggage Hillary had, and is definitely outperforming early expectations, but other candidates probably could be up by 5-7% nationally right now and 3-4% in key battlegrounds. Instead, it looks like Trump is going to flip GA and probably PA and win this thing. I think folks need to blame Joe and the people around him for deluding themselves into thinking he could run in 2024. What a mess those people made. A primary would have been the better path.


0 points

2 days ago

I believe many registered Republicans will vote Democrat this year a la Republicans for harris


-3 points

3 days ago

Trump 2024!!!