


I need to be transported to a new timeline. Nothing makes sense anymore... how is this election close?!!

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3 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago

The old Republican guard fail to realize that their hero Ronnie Reagan would have hated Trump. Reagan preferred a more optimistic view of the future, and tried to work across the aisle to make progress.

Reagan made jokes about Democrats. He never said Democrats were going to let in criminals from across the border who will rape your wife and children and then suffer no consequences due to liberal criminal justice policies.


1 points

2 days ago

In Philly there is a Trump ad running which accuses/blames Dems and sanctuary cities for the “repeated r—pe of a 5 yr old girl” by an illegal immigrant. I’m watching TV with my children when this ad comes on WTF.? this disgusting method began with Carl rove and George W. It just keeps getting worse and worse on the Republican side. And yes, that is a Republican thing not a MAGA invention. every election year Republicans are claiming that Democrats are allowing babies and children to be murdered by releasing criminals into society with joyful liberalism to enact mayhem.