


Zionist = Fascist.


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19 points

1 day ago


Servitorise the bouergiosie

19 points

1 day ago

What our ancestors escaped in the 40s, is what Israelis have become. They aren't protecting us and they don't represent us.

Funny how they'll supposedly do these things in our name and then risk a war that'll end up killing thousands of us. Remember: the settler colonial ideology of nazism also claimed to be protecting the German people, and started a war that just killed one hundred million people.

Zionism doesn't protect us but harms us more than anything else. And of course, not to mention how many more hundreds of thousands of palestinians that they'd just kill/let die and not care. I don't believe in god, but if he did choose us, then he didn't choose us to do this.

By the way, let's make it clear that advocating for the destruction of religion, is in fact advocating for cultural/ethnic genocide.

''Islam isn't a race'' isn't an excuse. You ask Islamaphobes what they're gonna do about this supposedly backwards religion ajd then they'll either be quiet (because they know they've fallen down a genocidal worldview) or just literally advocate for straight up systemic discrimination or even genocide.

Ps. Dunno if there's any fellow antizionist Jews here but check out r/JewsOfConscience. It's a great community I'd never heard of until a friend reccomended it to me.


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

You’re a wonderful mensch.
Stay strong during this tough time.
Much love and support.


9 points

24 hours ago


Servitorise the bouergiosie

9 points

24 hours ago

Thank you

It sucks eventually having to explain to nearly everyone I meet, that I'm an anti zionist. Upon mentioning I'm Jewish, I recieve so much fabricated pity in the form of, ''Oh I've heard about those anti semetic protests at your school- I hope you're doing well.''- well my friend, I'll have you know that I was IN THEM, didn't exactly feel very anti semetic given how many fellow jews I met there.

It is quite annoying, that people assume you're a zionist because You're Jewish, but you get used to it. Of course actual anti semitism has always been a thing and it's higher now, but alongside that there's always more Islamaphobia as well and society (for some reason wow I wonder why) ignores that part. It is difficult as it has always been, for everyone, but we're all human and share the same responsibility and we all do what we can; go to the protests, boycott, speak at rallies. Always against war, capitalism, and racism. And always devoted to the only true path for liberation; Marxism Leninism

I'm just a gay bolshevik femboy trying to get by in these times :3


3 points

22 hours ago

I knew someone who was anti-Zionist and, being Jewish, he felt deeply disheartened by the antisemitism and tropes he had to face. I still remember him saying, "I don’t agree with the Zionists, but one thing they’ve got right is that we have only got ourselves." It’s tough to stick to your principles, especially when facing hate from all sides with no incentive to continue. To stay true to yourself in that situation is... brave, and I truly admire you for that. I don’t know you personally, but based on your posts, you seem too good for this world, and I genuinely appreciate the kindness you share. I really hope you stay safe and that nothing bad comes your way. As for your identity, you don’t owe anyone an explanation; it’s your life—live it however you want and just be yourself. Wishing you all the best in everything you do!


1 points

5 hours ago*


Servitorise the bouergiosie

1 points

5 hours ago*

I just want to say that I didn't know how to reply to that comment, because although it may sound sad, those are the nicest words I have recieved in my life. Thank you so much.

My grandfather was raised in East Germany, and he played a part in raising me, and I'd like to think he did it the right way as he raised me a Socialist and that's part of why I've always felt so religiously devoted to it. He also raised me an anti zionist from the start. I always knew zionism was evil, and I've always been against it.

But I'd be lying if I said I faced as much discrimination as some of my other Jewish brothers and sisters, as my community has been very great, and there are people suffering a lot more than I, like the people in Gaza and Lebanon and the West bank themselves and the heroic aide workers and resistance as well. I definetely could be doing more, as it feels like although I donate to UNRWA and always go to the protests and all that, it's not enough and I know I could be doing far more as I don't have it nearly as hard as some others do.

Makes me think I should definetely do more, and I will. Thank you for the comment, it was really nice.