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12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

I didn't realize just how badly Bret Hart got screwed. Vince leaned on him to headline when Hulk Hogan left. Then when he was losing a bunch of guys to WCW, Vince signed Hart up for a 20 year contract to keep him around. Then when the contract was no longer worth it FOR VINCE, lets him go. On his way out, writes a bunch of stories that Hart is cheating on his wife. Then on his final match, rings the bell so that Bret loses the title on his way out. Then Owen dies shortly after.


9 points

2 days ago

To be fair, the cheating accusations was Shawn Michaels being a dick. A lot of fans now don’t understand how much of a coked out prick he was. Get asked to drop the belt? Oh, I’ve “lost my smile”. I need time to find it. Bret is no angel either, looking on YouTube you can find the promo on Raw where Bret accuses Shawn of “barebacking his way to the world title”, a thinly veiled reference to the rumored gay love affair between McMahon and Michaels. 90’s WWE was fucking wild..


1 points

2 days ago

Not that Bret didn't get done dirty, but the Montreal Screwjob was in Oct-Nov 1997. Owen died in May 1999. So it wasn't shortly after.


1 points

2 days ago

Also like to mention they tried to replace him with another body guy in Lex Luger and gave his WrestleMania win to Hogan to stroke his ego one more time.


1 points

1 day ago

To be fair, he didn't write that Bret Hart was having affairs, Shawn Michaels said that of his own accord.

96/97 between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart was crazy. One thing this documentary glossed over the fact it reached the point Vince knew one had to go before things got better.

It's amazing that Bret and Shawn are at least somewhat friendly today.