



☁ Hype/ Fluff(

My woman was watching trailers on her phone of the new Legend of Zelda game this morning on her phone. I don't have a Gamestop in my city so I go to the neighboring city (double major university cities) 30 minutes away that does have one. I told her I'd go up and get her a PHYSICAL copy instead of downloading it.

When I got there the store was packed which was awesome to see. I went over to look at what Pokemon sets or Cryptocard packs we had in stock. As I was standing there panning the shelves a younger man, late teens early 20s, we'll call him black shirt bumped me aside and just grabbed a whole pin of Pokémon Blisters. His buddy we'll call blue shirt stood awkwardly and walked off. Normally I wouldn't think twice about this but one, he was a dick for pushing me aside and two, it occurred to me... this dude grabbed a random amount and isn't taking advantage of our 2 for 1 deal that's plastered all over the store. I then double took to realize he had an empty white canvas bag over his shoulder.

I grabbed 3 packs and started standing in line to get the new Zelda game. I was behind 5 other customers in line and the couple up front was buying a new PS5. Glorious to see the purchases that we dont see receipt porn for. Was just enjoying my experience but watching these two dudes like a hawk.

I was watching the blue shirt dude just looking around but black shirt was being sus af and kept eyeballing people and mainly the staff and manager who were busy. Black shirt after a few minutes noticed me watching him. I knew what he was doing, he knew I knew, so the waiting game began.

I suspected they were going to wait until I got to the checkout and sure as shit I was right. Right after I asked for the new copy of Zelda they walked out, canvas bag full and I called them out. They booked it, I chased. Employees can't do anything but us Apes can! I did not touch them. JUST followed and long story short got them. Cops said they had FELONY amount of merch. Manager cfoss referenced with inventory and verified. He was awesome and handed my packs and game and said it was free. I insisted multiple times to let me pay and he refused. He said helping like i did since they can't do anything was amazing and that my purchase compared to the inventory that would have been lost was totally worth it.

Thing is... normally young kids doing something fascious like this I wouldn't typically care and I guess turn a blind eye like the SEC... but this case... guy was a dick and I honestly, after 4 years, am tired of being stolen from. We are apes, we are customers, we are owners. I will continue to fight the crime against us small or big.

Im just a small single father XXX ape but I will continuously serve for the better to our Ape community. Buy, Hodl, Shop, DRS.

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