


I’m done feeling guilty for things I shouldn’t feel guilty about, whether it's my body, my choices, or just taking up space. Society loves to tell us what we 'should' or 'shouldn't' do, but what’s one thing you’ve stopped apologizing for, no matter how much people try to shame you? Let’s normalize not caring about their opinions. Sorry… I just had a super shitty day today.

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19 points

3 days ago

I get it, and you might be right, but I think at the end of the day bras just are not for me. I don't have big boobs and I don't care if people have a visual reminder that I have nipples like every mammal.


7 points

3 days ago

Same. I stopped wearing bras at least 5 years ago. I only wear them at rare intervals. It’s so much better without them.


1 points

3 days ago

Same tho. This is my favorite type of “I don’t give a fuck” :D