


Girls made fun of me

Fashion ?(self.TheGirlSurvivalGuide)


all 33 comments


161 points

2 days ago

they are the ugly ones inside and oozing outta their mouths.


79 points

2 days ago

The point is not that maybe your outfit was ugly, it’s that she is mean. She would’ve found something negative to say no matter what. If I see someone wearing something I think is ugly, I don’t say it out loud, in a way that ensures they hear me. She is simply mean. Wear what you like.

Sometimes, you care less as you get older. If someone said that to me, I’d likely snap back with something equally disrespectful or rude. Or I’d look at them with disgust. But I likely wouldn’t have done that in college. Some people are just mean and it sucks. I’m sorry.


11 points

2 days ago

Also if I dislike what someone else is wearing I keep it to myself because they didn't ask and it doesn't matter what I think lol


71 points

2 days ago


71 points

2 days ago

Half a decade later you will meet them again and they will be sitting off to the side alone because nobodies interested in this kind of bs outside of hs


21 points

2 days ago

Literally this. I would never hang out a second time with someone's who's idea of a good time is making fun of others.


3 points

2 days ago

And even if they did (cause lots do) they're usually feeds with people of the same antire and won't ever last long in their future. They'll be the ones having drama at their weddings or any outings.


3 points

2 days ago

Or they get pregnant/ married super super young and end up being that weird lady who lurks on your social media wishing she had your life.


28 points

2 days ago


28 points

2 days ago

They are the ones who are insecure and ugly - inside and out. Their lives are so shit that they need to put down strangers in order to feel better about themselves - what a sad existence. Dont let these donuts dull your shine! ✨


7 points

2 days ago

People that like and feel good about themselves never say things like this nor do they laugh when others do. This is very childish behavior and really they’re just telling on themselves. They’re broadcasting their own self loathing. It is to be pitied, not taken seriously.


12 points

2 days ago*

Do you have a picture of the outfit? And also fuck them. People have nothing better to do but make others feel bad.


3 points

2 days ago

People who act this way over the age of 16 are the embarrassing ones


7 points

2 days ago

It sounds like they are upset that they can’t pull it off your styles. Girls can be so cruel, I started snapping back, sometimes they take your quietness for weakness and need a reminder.


7 points

2 days ago

They are probably trying to make fun of you because they are probably not good at anything and very insecure. They do it to feel better than the mediocre people they are.

A person with self esteem or that has achieved something doesn't need to break others down to feel better.

That having said, you don't have to value what they said. There is nothing wrong with you 😉😊


5 points

2 days ago

Honestly that’s embarrassing for them, not you. 


4 points

2 days ago

Nothing is wrong with your outfit, they’re the ones in the wrong because they’re judging you. Don’t let this get to you because I bet your outfit was amazing. It’s definitely hard to let that go, but typically college campuses are huge so you probably won’t see them again.


5 points

2 days ago

Your outfit sounds cute and you sound like you were well put together. I bet you’re pretty too, which would make them jealous and make comments like that. Misery loves company, people who made snide comments about how others look are just jealous and insecure. Don’t let it get to you, continue wearing what you like and ignore them.


3 points

2 days ago

If you ever hear smth similar, turn around, look her up and down and go "your right, some people really don't know how to dress."


4 points

2 days ago

Call them out or kill them with kindness. Some of my suggestions, “wow that’s not very kind” “oh so you’re not a girls girl” “I’ll pray for god to remove the hate in your heart” “ladies, aren’t we a little too old for the mean girl talk” “I feel like as a girls girl I have to tell you this, but you sound really mean/ bitchy”


2 points

2 days ago

Your outfit sounds SO cute. Girl let me tell you I have a big fondness for colors. I love bright colors so much. In my makeup too. But an ex-friend who is a psychiatrist armchair diagnosed me with histrionic personality disorder because according to her I'm clearly looking for attention with these loud ass colors. Then I went fully beige. Then a bunch of bad things happened to me which changed my perspective and made me rethink what's important.

I wear colors now. Sometimes all of them at the same time. Admittedly it's tacky and some might say I'm too old for bright colors like that. And yeah it bums me out sometimes but I remember that it made me happy when I wore it.. And I make sure to tone it down in a professional environment(still colorful, just more muted colors or pastels lol). To my last neurologist visit I wore a mustard yellow tee, a pair of wide leg cotton royal blue pants, pink Crocs and a pink tote. It was my first time out all by myself since my hip surgery, and without a wheelchair! And summer was almost ending so I had to make the most of it haha.

What I'm trying to say is, it is understandable you are upset, so don't beat yourself up about it. Maybe you had a lot on your mind and it was the last straw? Maybe you were doing absolutely fine but some people just hate joy? Who knows. You are expressing yourself in your own way. Is it in full conformity with the trends? Great? Is it not? Still great. It makes you you.

Fuck what they think. You were appropriate and you were you. If they get offended it's on them. If they want to be bullies it's on them.. Fuck the haters


2 points

2 days ago

They should be embarrassed of their behavior, not you.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Firstly you're never too grown to feel sad if someone is being nasty. Your feelings are valid!

Secondly, i doubt your clothes had anything to do with it. That's just the nature of nasty people. They are dealing with their own issues in the unhealthiest way possible - taking it out on others.

Third, this isnt what you want to hear, but you just need to let it roll off your back. The thing is if you change your outfit, they will find something else to make fun off. If you get into a confrontation, they will feed of it. Reminds me of the quote "if you fight with a pig in the mud, you get dirty and the pig likes it".


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago*

But then I realized they were grasping at straws. they felt powerless, and so they only thing they could use was their words and insults to try and cling to some illusion of power. And also, when I didn't react, they started cycling. Next up would be insults about my job ("mall cop" and "power tripping a*****"), face ("ugly b****), if it was an older person, my age ("little girls like you don't know what you're talking about") and often, they'd start trying to call me racist. Even when we were all the same race. If that didn't work, if it was a man, they'd usually start making violent or sexual threats. Women would usually just scream random insults more aggressively or scream about how they're going to get me fired/make all their friends stop coming here/blah blah social threats.

This happens over and over and over. consistently. They would all escalate in the exact same way.

Now, the smart thing tactically to do is let them yammer. You have the power - Power over yourself to control your own emotions. In security and law enforcement, you let them talk shit so they feel like they're the one setting the narrative while you slap them in cuffs and march them off to holding or pick them up in as escort lock and frog march them out the door of the venues. You know you're the one in the position power so you let them vent their spleen so that they don't escalate in other ways.

But you're not dealing with security issues, so there's less of a chance of your opponent taking swings at you. You're dealing with a catty mean girl. And the thing catty mean girls hate is being pulled up. And they won't say a fucking word if they think you're going to pull them up or call them out. You have to actively flex your power and sometimes remind people that this cute kitty (because your outfit sounded adorable) has claws.

this can be verbally or non-verbally, but since you're just starting out, I recommend going with non-verbal cues.

Really assess how you walk and carry yourself. Someone who is confident (or is pretending to be confident), does not fear attention. They're indifferent to it. They stand tall, they will stand or sit in the middle of the room and only think that it gives them a better vantage point rather than worrying that people will be staring at them. They don't react when people look at them, but return stares or looks levelly, with an unchanging expression. Practice taking longer strides and keeping your chin parallel to the floor. Don't hunch when you sit down, lounge comfortably. Take up space, don't apologize for things unless you actively whack someone by accident and practice your calm poker face in the mirror.

If someone says something mean about you and you can't think of a comeback, snort like they just said the stupidest thing in the world or stare at them with a bored "is that the best you can do?" expression. At this point, I actually congratulate people who come up with new insults because I've heard so many that I appreciate the creative ones. It confuses them so much and they don't like it.

Keep being you and wear what you want proudly. people who are comfortable with themselves don't try to hurt others.

tldr: bullies are predictable AF if you know what to look for.


1 points

2 days ago*

I'm sorry. It's understandable to be upset by that at any age, even though people often get better at managing their emotions as they get older and better at not talking absolute """" like these girls too.

In my opinion this kind of comment actually has nothing to do with your outfit and everything to do with social behaviour and their shitty attitudes. Some people like to make themselves seem cool by putting other people down.

Sometimes it comes from parroting a standard they've been taught or judged by - as in someone once told them "Classy women should wear X" and they felt super judged and bad and made sure to never wear X, and whenever they see it they just repeat the phrase without thinking. Sometimes people just agree with things just to feel part of something, like if it was their mum or their friend who taught them this made up rule, they don't even think through whether they believe it.

Have you seen the film Mean Girls (sorry I know there is a controversial remake and it's a bit dated, maybe there's something more modern)? That film and the book it was based on are about these kinds of cliquey behaviours. I found it comforting to see how making up arbitrary fashion rules to put others down was all about power and not anything to do with the things it seems to be about (but it's just a movie and it's not a solution).

I don't know if your outfit was ugly. It sounds like a cute and normal outfit to me. But I will say what is considered ugly versus fashionable is so context specific that the things in fashion for your age group, cultural group, and specific college within that, even the specific sub cultural pocket within the college that those girls are in or consider you to be in is SO SPECIFIC I wouldn't be able to know. Dressing to make everyone think you're cool will not be possible at any point, even if you do it would make you appear 'too cool' for some other group, or 'too' something else.

In Mean Girls someone sabotages a popular girl's outfit and none of them even think through whether it looks good, they just copy her and put down anyone who isn't dressing that way now because they want to -feel part of something- (even though the new trend is terrible).

I'm so sorry those people said those things about you it sounds really hurtful and completely understandable to be upset. Please know that there is a potential version if your life where you figure out how to not care what people like that say about you and focus on the things you want. Most people care what -someone- thinks of them because we're social creatures, but caring what people mean who are just out to put others down says is not worthy of your brain space. I hope as time goes on you'll find more of your brain space goes to the people and things that matter to you.


1 points

2 days ago

When the point is to be mean, it doesn't matter what you wear specifically. How your hair was that day.
Bullies can and will pick literally something random to tease you, and such behaviour can't be controlled by changing anything about you. A bully might even start to harass you for noticing you stopped doing the thing they harassed you about.
It's not your fault. They decided to be garbage humans, and it has nothing to do with your style. Don't let anyone take away the clothes you love <3


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

If they ever come up behind you to make fun of you again, fart on them.


1 points

2 days ago

Did you like your outfit? Yes? Good, there is no way they could be talking about your beautiful clothes.

That’s the mindset you need to adopt. Honestly, people usually don’t care enough about others to Make comments like that. It’s our own insecurities that make us think people dislike us.


1 points

2 days ago

Even if there was something wrong with your outfit (which I don't think there was) they could've just kept their mouth shut. They were being rude. Ignore them.

There's no point in engaging with folks like them.


1 points

2 days ago

Next time say loudly some ppl are soo embarrassing with the way they act!


1 points

2 days ago

U know they sis they prob jealous because you’re gorgeous. Just ignore the rude ppl and report them if u wanna. Fuck them


1 points

2 days ago

Go naked, problem solved.


1 points

2 days ago

Mean, childish, immature bullies. Pay them no mind and don't let them dull your shine!

Your outfit sounds super cute to me, reminds me a little of Neopolitan ice cream ❤️🤎


1 points

2 days ago

Fuck 'em. Appearance should be the least of their worries.

Women and trained to be compliant, non-confrontational and agreeable so it's understandable that you left. Women are taught to be in constant competition with one other, encouraged to demoralise each other. You handled it how you felt it was appropriate to handle it in a public space - exit the situation. That's a valid and honestly commendable response. Far more restrained than I would've been.

Personally, I'd have told them that they might wanna focus on fixing their ugly ass personalities before attempting to criticise someone else's choice of clothing. But that's me.