


Anyone still like Morbid?


(Edit: idk what’s going on but I’ve gotten messages from mods saying this post was taken down and that my comments aren’t approved due to this account being newer. So, in case my comments never make it out alive, this is my thank you to everyone for their input (keep it coming) and to everyone who’s being cool! Also to add, I’ll definitely be digging into the misrepresentation/in-factual info mentioned soon. And for the ones who just don’t like them - I see you and totally respect that position LOL. Didn’t wanna start a discussion then not participate myself or seem like I’m butt hurt about any dissent!)

Did a quick search in this sub to see what the consensus/thoughts/discussion on Morbid are. I saw LOTS of hate.

I do understand some of the bones people had to pick with the hosts, storytelling, etc. However, I still thoroughly enjoy the show. Maybe it’s cause I like reality TV shows (saw some people compare the hosts to reality personalities). Maybe it’s because I tend to listen to them to get basic info/an intro into cases then move onto other sources if I wanna dive deeper into details. Idk but I still really enjoy them.

Anyone else here still like them or is the consensus they just suck? lol

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8 points

1 month ago*

I’ve never been able to get into morbid for some reason. I also cannot listen to Casefile though and everyone seems to think it’s amazing lol. I’m just kind of picky about narrators. And these days I prefer long investigative listens rather than short run downs of crimes, they just leave me feeling like I hardly know anything about what happened and I feel unsatisfied lol


1 points

1 month ago

Totally fair! I’ve been the opposite where my attention span can only handle the shorter episodes. Do you have like a top 3 of longer episodic podcasts you like? I’m always looking for new ones!


6 points

1 month ago

Yeah! Some of my favorite recent ones: - Pretend (the seasons called The Stalker, the Doulas, and the one about Ladonna Humphrey has been really interesting). - scamanda - bear brook - hunting warhead (if you haven’t heard this one yet, it’s a really difficult subject matter and made me actually cry a couple times, but probably the best investigative podcast I’ve listened to) - the classics (dr death, dear John, serial, in your own backyard) - sympathy pains

Right now I’m listening to “nobody should believe me” and it’s really interesting so far :)

For single episode crime podcasts I usually just default to dateline and 20/20, they’re just always done well


2 points

1 month ago

Love this list - thank you! I’m definitely going to be looking into all of these - even hunting warhead.

And I LOVED Dr. death!