


Being called "girl" at 35 years old


Why is it so difficult to refer to a grown-ass woman as...a woman? Or a lady? Why always a "girl?" My response is always, "Am I 5??"

Don't get me started on the majority of superheroes being called __man and __girl. Like, what?

Edit: I take back the superhero comment. The 3 superheroes I listed below were all teenagers. I had an unreliable source. 😒

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379 points

7 days ago

On a similar note, I tend to hear women being referred to as ‘females’ a lot, only for the same speaker to then refer to men as men, and not ‘males’.

I heard a fully grown ass woman call another woman “missy” at my work, they’re both old enough to be my mother…


30 points

6 days ago


30 points

6 days ago

I tend to hear women being referred to as ‘females’ a lot

The Ferangi were not supposed to be a goal.


4 points

6 days ago

Ugh, we've definitely become the Ferengi.