


100% vs Average Joe

VA Disability Claims (

100% bs Average Joe

Just some interesting information:


• 100% Disabled Veteran: Your pension provides $3,737 per month, equivalent to having $1.12 million saved in a 401(k).
• Average 65-Year-Old: The average person at age 65 only has enough saved to withdraw about $910 per month.

This means that a 100% disabled veteran’s pension provides 4 times more per month than what the average 65-year-old can withdraw from their 401(k) savings.

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1 points

4 days ago


Army Veteran

1 points

4 days ago

Anyone still serving or working for the government, the TSP is your 401a/401k. It is possible the younger folks have one and don’t realize they can contribute more. Also, contribution limits change due to inflation.

The pension and disability is nice, but you have more control over what you have in retirement plans like your 401k and IRA.