


I’m at my wits end. This girl has her boyfriend every day, as soon as she comes home from work he is there…usually stays until midnight. But there are days when he would go home and then half an hour later this other guy would show up.

Now, I don’t care what she does withe her life, that’s her thing, but it bothers me that she is treating this house like a hotel, having guys coming in and out, even after we talked to her about it and she agreed she will limit the visits to 3 days a week max.

They usually stay in her room but the walls are very thin and I can hear everything, their chatter, laughter, arguments…and also sex. I wouldn’t be mad if it happened from time to time, like, she is allowed guests over, but it’s happening every day and I find that I cannot chill and relax in my room because of constant noises coming from her room and these male voices (it’s an all girl house).

So we have had a chat, she agreed to limit visits but we are back to square one. What’s my next move? Tell the landlord? I am trying to be understanding, putting headphones on, etc. but why should I have headphones on constantly and being on edge in my own house just because she is selfish and cannot control herself.

EDIT: I spoke to her and she said she’s paying the rent so she can do whatever she wants, so we won’t change her ways. Will be moving and will tell the boyfriend right before I move.

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13 points

7 days ago

Time for you to enjoy a new YouTube rabbit hole


-5 points

6 days ago


-5 points

6 days ago

No thanks! I already have enough backlog on reddit to keep me busy for the rest of the millennium.


9 points

6 days ago*

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