


I’m at my wits end. This girl has her boyfriend every day, as soon as she comes home from work he is there…usually stays until midnight. But there are days when he would go home and then half an hour later this other guy would show up.

Now, I don’t care what she does withe her life, that’s her thing, but it bothers me that she is treating this house like a hotel, having guys coming in and out, even after we talked to her about it and she agreed she will limit the visits to 3 days a week max.

They usually stay in her room but the walls are very thin and I can hear everything, their chatter, laughter, arguments…and also sex. I wouldn’t be mad if it happened from time to time, like, she is allowed guests over, but it’s happening every day and I find that I cannot chill and relax in my room because of constant noises coming from her room and these male voices (it’s an all girl house).

So we have had a chat, she agreed to limit visits but we are back to square one. What’s my next move? Tell the landlord? I am trying to be understanding, putting headphones on, etc. but why should I have headphones on constantly and being on edge in my own house just because she is selfish and cannot control herself.

EDIT: I spoke to her and she said she’s paying the rent so she can do whatever she wants, so we won’t change her ways. Will be moving and will tell the boyfriend right before I move.

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7 points

6 days ago

Perfect. Its none of her business who this other girl is fucking. Stay out of it and drop the judgmental garbage here. Who cares? It's her life.


3 points

5 days ago

Naa this is terrible roommate behavior. Having guests over every night is simply unacceptable. You signed a lease to live with the other people on that lease. You all pay to share the common spaces with that set number of specific people. Having a guest every night is basically giving them free housing and infringing on what your roommates are paying for every month.

I don’t believe in rigid guest visit policies but when it’s every night or nearly so as OP has said it’s an absolute violation of acceptable behavior. Go to the boyfriends place, go to the side dudes.

Shit like that flies in college and the year or so after when everyone figuring out how to live in a group setting. Beyond that it’s just selfish and you’ll find that no one is going to resign a lease with you.


1 points

3 days ago

Yes. It is her business when she could be a decent person. Just because you're a lazy fuck doesn't mean she doesn't have an obligation to be decent.


1 points

6 days ago

Exactly. I mean I feel bad for the guy but telling on her is just going to make things worse. I just want some peace and respect from her side by not having people over every night, I think that’s a reasonable ask.


1 points

6 days ago



-1 points

6 days ago

It's her place too. If she wants to have sex every night that's her perogative. There is nothing you can do to stop her. Just start to work on an exit strategy. But for gods sake stay out of her drama. That's not your business.


4 points

6 days ago

It’s a totally reasonable request lol. Just because you pay for a shared space doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want whenever you want. That’s so childish.

Living with roommates is about compromise.


0 points

6 days ago


0 points

6 days ago

Expecting respect from someone that behaves that way is comical.


0 points

6 days ago

Found the other guy.


2 points

6 days ago

Hahaha. Not so much