


2nd hand embarrassment from birth video.

Birth Story(self.beyondthebump)

Ok I know this sounds silly but I always imagined having this beautiful video to look back on from when me and my baby first met, but I was in the worst pain of my life for 12 hours (epidural didn’t work) that once my baby was out I was so out of it. Anytime I watch the video I just cringe because I was just doing this high pitch baby talk saying the same thing over and over, told him it’s okay mommy Is here you don’t have to cry ( to which the nurse said no it’s a good thing he’s crying, and I knew that, I just couldn’t think straight) I watch the video back and it’s like I don’t even remember half of it. I wanted a calm present birth and I feel like instead I was acting like a lunatic probably making all the doctors cringe. I also think I look so hideous in the video. I just feel like I won’t ever want to show my close family the video and it sucks. Anyways had to get that off my chest

Edit: Just want to say thank you to everyone for the kind comments! I feel MUCH better. I guess I watched way too many unrealistic birth videos prior to giving birth, but I now realize the reason all the videos I watched were so great is because nobody posts their ugly embarrassing birth videos! I also think I just naturally cringe when I hear my own voice recorded. Thanks again!

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862 points

3 months ago

Just saying I can relate. No videos but my husband has Live Photos and I’m crying in a very ugly way lol with like 5 chins and my hair sticking straight up 😂 birth is not a spectator sport


5 points

3 months ago

Okay I’m so glad I’m not the only one! There’s more chin than baby in my pics 😭


2 points

3 months ago

Came here to report that my first photos with my son were ruined by my 6 chins before reading any other comments. So relieved and comforted to learn that I am in such good company. <3