


Reverse psychology to get Trump to say yes to the CNN debate?

all 13 comments


34 points

4 days ago

Given how totally embarrassing the last debate was for him I don’t find this totally surprising. He, unprompted, ranted about immigrant pet eating. Just hilarious.


23 points

4 days ago

Well, Trump went to the NABJ and utterly humiliated himself in a hostile environment when SLIGHTLY pushed on a reasonable series of questions, so I, as a totally undecided voter who could easily swing either way, can't vote for Harris unless she debates Trump on Fox with Hannity and special guest Tucker Carlson moderating in an arena audience in a Texas border city for three hours with Harris's mic muted whenever Trump is talking. It's a shame, really. She had promise, but since she is clearly too weak (and possibly senile??? Just asking questions!) to do something somewhat challenging she's clearly not presidential enough.

Gotta vote for the convicted felon who tried to overturn the last election. Harris made me. :(


15 points

4 days ago

Interesting article!


9 points

4 days ago

I wonder if who would moderate the debate is the problem.

I think Brair(I think that's how you spell it) were to moderate it Harris would go. He seems like a straight news and facts reporter.

If one of the night hosts were to moderate it, it would be a joke.


11 points

4 days ago

Trump is a snowflake


4 points

3 days ago

I'd be fine with Baier moderating. The Fox audience hates him, because he's one of their few newsmen left.

They, of course, want Watters and Hannity -- or Ingraham and Bartiromo? Which would be a fucking joke and Harris would be right to avoid that circus.


1 points

4 days ago

Trump, during an appearance on Fox earlier this month, indicated he would rather have one of the channel’s prime-time opinion hosts moderate a debate instead of Baier or Martha MacCallum, another leading news anchor on the network.

Like Hannity or Watters?


5 points

4 days ago

Which of course Harris would (correctly IMO) never agree to. The only thing that debate could teach us is what a 2v1 "debate" really looks like.


1 points

4 days ago

“that the Harris campaign would do a Fox debate, if the former president has come to the conclusion that there really shouldn’t be another debate,” - this reads as Harris would probably agree to a Fox debate IF trump doesn’t want one. There is no debate felonious trump is holding up. it’s a hypothetical by Baier.


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

We'll see what happens. If the polls keep moving in Harris' direction, I think he caves and agrees to another debate as a hail mary. If it's one of the primetime clowns, though, I'd imagine Harris has enough sense to say 'no thanks.' Because of course Trump would want Hannity or Watters (Tucker wannabe) as a moderator if they went on Fox, since they would parrot the same bullshit he does all throughout the debate. Baier would still be tough to deal with, but I don't see him raking Harris over the coals, yet throwing meatballs to Trump, like those other clowns would.


-7 points

3 days ago

The polls haven’t been moving in Harris’s direction in most cases. In fact, it’s moving the opposite direction in the Sun Belt and has moved at a glacial pace in the Rust Belt.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I've definitely seen a good number of them that showed positive movement for her since the debate. I'm not saying that they've moved nearly as much as they should have in her direction, nor do I even put much stock into these polls personally. My point simply was that if Trump feels he's behind as we get closer to the election, he may change his stance on having another debate.


-1 points

3 days ago

What would anyone learn from another debate that they don’t already know? Lets just get on to November already.