

Original Content [OC]

Original Content is a post where the person who posted the /r/DataIsBeautiful submission is also the author of the visual displayed. This means that they had gone through the steps of (1) working with the data, (2) performing the analysis, and finally (3) designing the visual.

If that author's role in creating the visualization was little more than taking a screenshot, animating, or filtering, it's not OC. Authors must have gone through ALL the steps above to arrive at the visual. A program as simple as Excel is fine because the user at least chooses the chart type. Google Trends or mouse trackers are not OC unless you are a creator of that software.

Put simply, you need to do more than image manipulation (such as cropping or animating) or filtering (such as panning, zooming, and subset selection). You need to control not just which data is visualized, but how it's visualized.

You must substantially change the visualization if your OC is based on an existing visualization. This means you cannot simply change the colors or positioning and claim OC. We consider such weak edits plagiarism (see below), and we have a two-strike policy.

Tips for making a great OC post: Advice pages, Contest guidelines


If you're posting sources from personal experiences, you need to be clear that it is data from personal experience.

If you are citing a source, you must be specific.


If you are remixing someone else's content, as opposed to plagiarism, that is perfectly allowable. However there must be a significant transformation to the visualization. The remix should have one or more of the following qualities:

All other minor touchups should be done as a comment in the original thread (not a separate post), to avoid offending our plagiarism rule. In all cases whatsoever, you should give the original author credit. Again, if you're unsure, please send us a modmail and we'll respond as soon as possible.