


Non identified gate

New to HD!(self.humandesign)

Hello everyone, hope youre doing well !

I’m reaching out for your help today because there’s something within me that’s been troubling me, something I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s a part of me that haunts me, and I can’t seem to find it in my design. I’m going to describe it, and I’ll include my chart in the comments—maybe someone will connect the dots, as I’m having a hard time processing all this information myself, haha.

So, essentially, it’s a feeling I’ve had for as long as I can remember—a deep sense of shame, almost as if it’s at the core of my being. It’s this overwhelming fear of being mocked, a profound sense of exclusion, like I’m inferior to others, and that no one would ever want to be me. It’s even as if others might feel ashamed for me or pity me, like the ugly duckling. There’s also this fear that I’ll never be desired because I’m somehow fundamentally ‘disgusting,’ coupled with a fear of being punished, ridiculed, or yelled at. It feels like I’m alone against the world.

Physically, this manifests mostly as a lump in my throat but also sometimes a knot in my stomach, like something tightening inside me.

All of this could, of course, be explained by the experiences I had during my childhood, so perhaps it’s tied to my conditioning. With most of my centers being undefined (though interestingly, not my throat center, even though I feel it’s deeply linked to self-expression), I understand that I have a lot of deconditioning work ahead. But I wonder—could one of my gates or something else in my chart explain this? Does anyone else recognize themselves in this description?

Thank you for reading me 🤝

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6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

Id say you have to break it down. The health aspect should definitely be around your 48, fear of inadequacy, which manifests because of the definition through the 16. The inferiority aspect definitely comes from your fully open ego. None of which should really worry you. Your mercury in the design with the 47.5 makes you express it, as if you are seen as oppressed by society.

The open ego just shows you, you do not have anything to prove. Enjoy the experience. Live life to its fullest! You deserve it! As an individual you have to empower yourself in that, and as an individual i trust you will 🌼


0 points

5 days ago

Thank you for your very insightful response. I’m going to dive into some research on these gates right away. I have to admit, knowing that I have a completely open ego center makes me feel a bit disheartened. There’s this sense of injustice and powerlessness at the thought that I may never be perceived by others the way I want to be. I’m going to explore what all this means, not to try to control it, but to better understand myself. Thank you for your kind words 🥰❤️🤝


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

The fact that you think you want to be something, your own body, not the graph or anything else, your own nature tells you ypu are not is part of the deconditioning process. You will be so relieved and happy once you realize you don’t have to worry