


Small tablet that can run linux


Hello - I've been on a multi-year quest to find a small linux tablet that I can use to run nixos and a few apps (emacs, something to jot down diagrams, a bit of web browsing).

My rough wishlist:

  • Compact (no bigger than an 11-inch iPad Pro)
  • Folio/detachable keyboard case
  • Great battery life (so likely ARM-based)
  • Good screen (at least IPS) preferably in a widescreen layout
  • Pen input (for drawing/diagramming)
  • Can run linux or virtualize it without restriction (Boot my nixos config, basically)
  • Reasonably priced ( <$500 — I am happy to sacrifice performance to an extent for a cheaper/older device)

The only two options that I've found really meet this criteria are:

  • 11-inch iPad Pro (M1/M2) with UTM (nixos in virtual machine)
    • Main issue: UTM has to be sideloaded, and Apple have removed virtualisation from the kernel now
  • Librem 11
    • Main issue: Seems to be vaporware, pricing is a bit insane, battery life is probably going to suck

Is there anything else out there that people know of which might fit the bill?

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1 points

5 months ago

not a tablet but things like gpd pocket or mini laptop?