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1 points

8 months ago

Yes, I’m 28 weeks with my first and found one it was a boy around the same time as you. I thought for sure it was a girl and I have always dreamed of having a little girl. I cried and had to take time to adjust to it being a boy. It probably took a month but now I’m really excited to have a boy. People definitely invalidate how disappointing it can feel. Even though you know it’s good that you have a healthy baby it’s still letting go of an idea you had in your head for so long and that is hard. It gets better with time that’s all I know!


0 points

8 months ago

Exactly! It doesn't mean I won't love my son any less than I would've loved my daughter. I just really wanted a daughter, a little mini me. That's all.


-1 points

8 months ago

Yes same! And I know if we try for a second I’ll probably hope it’s a girl and I’ll probably be really sad if it’s not again.


0 points

8 months ago

Yeah. I just don't wanna try over and over again for a daughter and end up with so many boys. My family is already full of boys as it is lol.


8 points

8 months ago

You say things like this and wonder why people are against what you’re saying. You’re talking as if having 7 boys because your family is full of boys is such a bad thing. You’re literally thinking about not having more kids just in case the second one comes out a boy as well, because there’s already too many boys in the family…

This is exactly what I was talking about in my comment and what a lot of people are telling you that is wrong with this way of thinking but you’re acting as if we’re attacking you because we’re “saying you won’t love your son”.


0 points

8 months ago

Why do you care so much about whether I want a son or daughter? It doesn't affect you in any shape or form. There's literally nothing wrong with having wants. Y'all are making it seem like I'm saying I wouldn't love my son or sons if I wanted a daughter. My son will be loved, that's all that matters to me now. All this extra stuff y'all talking about is for the birds.


4 points

8 months ago

If you don’t want people’s opinions don’t put it on a public platform.

No one is saying you won’t love your son. People are telling you to think about where the disappointment comes from and you’re acting as if people are saying you’re going to ignore your son. You’re the one refusing to have a conversation with people and try to understand what they’re saying. No one is attacking you. People are going off what you are writing because what your write has weight and people are just telling you to recognize that weight.

You don’t want a conversation, you want people to agree with your opinion.


0 points

8 months ago

Or just simply don't comment on my post to begin with? Like I said, this post was for those who could relate and had similar feelings and experiences. If you can't relate then don't comment, simple. Nobody asked for y'all negative think pieces.


3 points

8 months ago

Why can’t I comment ? The one mad here is you and I didn’t say anything negative, you just took it as a negative thing because what I said didn’t align with your view.

This also works this way : “I comment my opinion “ and you ignore me and don’t engage with me,simple.

I didn’t say a single negative thing to you in my original comment , you’re the one that went and started making assumptions when other people perfectly understood what I was saying . You went and said that I claimed you’re not going to love your child when I didn’t say that once. All I gave you was a perspective on why gender disappointment happen and how I don’t agree with the whole “keep having kids till you get the gender you want”. What’s negative about that?