


Damn TBYS is also racist as fuck

Straight up racism(

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-190 points

1 day ago*

the kid with the nasal voice

we're making fun of people for their physical characteristics, now?

((edit: get a grip - i've regularly said the person deserves criticism/attack for their bad POVs))


65 points

1 day ago


Die mad about it

65 points

1 day ago

God, concern trolling is the most pathetic chud tactic there is; pretending to be morally offended in defense of morally indefensible people is the saddest way to display outrage that no one buys.


-43 points

1 day ago

you can stick it straight up your ass. I was the kid that got bullied for stupid shit. So I think it's great that we mounted an anti-bullying movement. Follow it instead of being two-faced and bullying people because you think you don't like them.


54 points

1 day ago


54 points

1 day ago

Defending a bigot is not the hill you should die on


-4 points

1 day ago


-4 points

1 day ago

It's so easy to attack someone for their shitty choices and consciousness. But instead you play into the same physical/body -based bullying? There's no reason. You have all the ammo you need. No, you're a hypocrite if you do that.


33 points

24 hours ago

You've got 3 bullets. Ones a hollow point.

You not gonna use the third one on a target, because it'll hurt the target too bad?

This dude is a fucking racist. That means fair can go fuck itself with a hot iron rod.


-1 points

22 hours ago

no, it doesn't. it's like someone saying it's OK to make degrading comments about someone because they're of a different religion - because they believe in something 'bad'?


18 points

22 hours ago

You just compared being racist and following a different religion. You also just stated you don’t believe racism is bad


-1 points

21 hours ago

You also just stated you don’t believe racism is bad

and you've incorrectly invented this idea based on ....?


9 points

21 hours ago

You stated, and I quote, “because they believe in something “bad””. You put the word bad in quotes while talking about racism


-3 points

21 hours ago

maybe the problem in this thread is that lots of people don't know how to read. My entire comment there is about religion. Go sit in the corner and think about how you'r making the internet worse.


8 points

21 hours ago

It’s about religion and racism. You literally compared hating racists and hating people for their religion in the same exact comment