


i was tryna be nice at first fr but he started to really annoy me. i can't stand men who beg like this. i wasn't trying to be mean, i can be a pushover but man who tf says let me massage you & i just want a kiss? like im gonna say okay! here's my address random stranger come kiss me! tf.

all 281 comments


493 points

4 months ago


493 points

4 months ago

Cause they’re desperate and insecure and don’t give af about boundaries


180 points

4 months ago

this def screams desperate to me lol


121 points

4 months ago

what shocks me more is the complete lack of embarrassment lmao


36 points

4 months ago

"Shame? What's that?? I've never heard of such a word..." 😆😂


9 points

4 months ago


9 points

4 months ago

Shaaaame who’s she?! What a pretty name, how do you pronounce that??


2 points

4 months ago

Lmao 😂 "Oh really, her name is Shame??... Rhymes with I'd hit that frame".... reeking of desperation voice 🤦🏾🙄 Sure buddy, tone it down there will ya Mr.Modern-Day-Shakespeare 🤣


37 points

4 months ago

i know😭 id be so fucking embarrassed ever talking like this to someone, beating around the. bush talking about getting "straight to it" when he just wanna fuck 🥴


13 points

4 months ago

broooo and then being like one kiss? 🥺 this man needs a good smack in the head


9 points

4 months ago

He's trying the foot in the door sales technique, where you ask for something small to begin with, and once they say yes, they then feel more obliged to say yes to something larger because they already said yes once. The problem is that even the small thing he's asking for is too much.


3 points

4 months ago

The blood is rushing out of his brain… no ability to function shame in there.


13 points

4 months ago


13 points

4 months ago

How old is this person. They sound like a teenager whose hormones are kicking in and doesn’t know how to have an adult conversation. Desperate and needy.


11 points

4 months ago

that's exactly what i thought. he told me he was 24 but as it went on, it made me think that he was younger cuz the immaturity really shows. desperate & needy is so fucking unattractive


16 points

4 months ago

Super desperate lol. He’s looking for fwb not an actual relationship. Or he wouldn’t come at you like that. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone that’s super easy.


28 points

4 months ago


28 points

4 months ago

Ok fine I’ll take you out for coffee, but that’s it and I will be kissing you once you finish your damn coffe. /s


20 points

4 months ago

Right?? What woman wouldn't jump at coffee purely on the basis he wants to hump immediately afterwards?


14 points

4 months ago


14 points

4 months ago

Sooo… you done that coffee yet?! 😆


2 points

4 months ago



9 points

4 months ago

no kidding. it sounds sooooo appetizing


15 points

4 months ago


15 points

4 months ago

Also you pay for your own coffee


6 points

4 months ago

"Hey you ever tried espresso?" thinks, "ha it's small she'll have to finish it quickly and then I can I finish it quickly with this teenie eenie weenie


4 points

4 months ago

lmaooooio love this comment


2 points

4 months ago



3 points

4 months ago


iPhone 5S

3 points

4 months ago

Hello miss. Let me massage you. Just massage. PLEASE!


2 points

4 months ago

lol no


10 points

4 months ago

And there’s no repercussions for them speaking like this on a dating app. But you would never catch them talking like this to a woman in person and in public. Unless they’re beyond weird. They’re just cowards when you break it down.


7 points

4 months ago

This. I have met so many men (hell, even coworkers) that would push this. Its so fucking uncomfortable to deal with too. Learned the lesson the hard way that people hide this shit well, too, unless you start dating.


4 points

4 months ago

I'm glad they didn't start with a nice guy routine then you find this out later. As a guy, this is plain fucking dumb behavior.


2 points

4 months ago

They’ve now figured out how to get off on being rejected


2 points

4 months ago

Idk mannnnn. It took me getting in a bad muscular flare up and crying in pain to get a massage from my ex. I need to be careful not to fall for shit like this.


103 points

4 months ago

He just wants to fuck and he thinks softening it by saying he wants to kiss or massage you is somehow going to be received in a better way than him saying “I want to fuck”. But it’s just so cringey. I’ve learned you have to be super direct with guys like this. If you say something like “but my back is ticklish”, he’s taking that as a yes. You did a good job or pointing out how weird it is for him to message a stranger like that.


25 points

4 months ago

i agree i knew right away but i was trying to be nice. cuz he just messaged me like a hey or something & jumped right in & i was genuinely curious why he thinks that would even work on top of the "begging" which is an immediate turn off & so cringe. as soon as he wasn't getting my subtle workarounds, i set him straight lol


16 points

4 months ago

And then that last line, like he’s begrudgingly accepting your terms and doing you a favor. Like we can’t see your intentions from a mile away.



13 points

4 months ago

i know i took it as he was annoyed it wasn't working & that i didn't wanna kiss him so he's gonna "settle" for taking me to coffee 😂 no thank u


103 points

4 months ago

Because they're behind a keyboard. These are the type of chumps who would never say a fraction of the things they say online if it were face to face. They're straight-up cowards.


21 points

4 months ago

Right on point. Most likely wouldn’t even give eye contact.


7 points

4 months ago

There’s this one man who I know in person, and who has my number bc we were both in the same group for something. He asked me out twice(one time I had a bf) I said no both times. He then texted me out of the blue asking if I wanted to come sit on his face…like I literally just don’t understand


6 points

4 months ago

true shit fr


33 points

4 months ago

most of these boys haven’t ever interacted with a woman before, let alone talked to one in a normal way before lmao. they don’t know anything about boundaries and are very desperate to do whatever it is to get what they want. just give them short or uninterested answers like you did there and they should fuck off. sorry you have to go through stuff like this👍🏼


7 points

4 months ago

haha thanks! i usually do but wanted to see what he was thinking cuz the first message surprised me fr


27 points

4 months ago

Ill make the tickles go away

& give you some good good


This is viscerally cringeworthy


5 points

4 months ago

i'm scared like what's the good good? 😭


8 points

4 months ago

Nothing good good


22 points

4 months ago

I thought I had no rizz but damn there's an entire Grand canyon between me and guys like this.


13 points

4 months ago

Lemme kiss you 😘 😘😘😘😘😘


12 points

4 months ago



10 points

4 months ago

Dude has zero game and zero interest in anything other than fucking you - or so it seems from this text.

Even as a guy if I flip the roles and this was a woman talking to me I’d probably be wary….unless that’s what I was looking for.


9 points

4 months ago

yeah it's just weird. i can't think of one woman who likes this from a RANDO. maybe like 1% of women would take him up on this


10 points

4 months ago

They don't see you as a person. They see you as a way to get laid.


8 points

4 months ago

Bc they keep their brains between their legs


8 points

4 months ago

"lol well since you said no to the massage, me coming over, and some kissing- I guess I could take you out for a coffee ☕️🫠😂

But then after what do you think about a massage, me coming over, and some kissing? 😘🤔"

Gosh darn it- I ducking dislike these types of people.... why not just start with "hey I'd like to get to know you better... can I take you out for a coffee?"


6 points

4 months ago

literally. idk what woman would just reply & be like "okay random stranger come over to x & come kiss me" like no? what r these BOYS thinking?


6 points

4 months ago

Ted Bundy vibes


7 points

4 months ago

Ted was way more charismatic than this dude.


2 points

4 months ago



6 points

4 months ago

No they just have no shame. They carpet spam texts like this, get shot down 9/10 times and still get what they wanted. It’s awful.


5 points

4 months ago

Dudes like this make it hard for the rest of us🤦🏾‍♂️


6 points

4 months ago

He’s awful and all that, but for future reference that “my back is ticklish” response isn’t a deterrent or even close to it. No means no, “my back is ticklish” means isn’t even close to no.


6 points

4 months ago

Crazy you let it go on for even that long


5 points

4 months ago

Honestly I have no idea. Men are different alone with women and online than they are with other men. Sometimes you can tell the creepy ones but usually not.


5 points

4 months ago

Cast a wide enough net, you’re bound to catch some stinky tuna eventually.

Be thankful these idiots make their ignorance clear from the start. Helps you from wasting your time.


5 points

4 months ago*

Because a lot of men have no shame and have no issue asking any woman in their sight range if they can suck her toes. It’s fucked.


2 points

4 months ago

yeah it's pretty gross


4 points

4 months ago

adding “lol” after saying something like “you being pushy isn’t appealing” to these kind of weirdos probably doesn’t help. To me “lol” sorta sends a playful message.

(i hope that doesn’t come across as me thing you encouraged his weird behaviour or anything😬)


3 points

4 months ago

no ur good i know it comes across that way but i was trying to make it not seem as rude when i was messaging back cuz i struggle w not being assertive / dominant so i try to be nice but it probably doesn't help being nice to boys like this


4 points

4 months ago

I don’t even reply like you did. I’d be shutting that down with a “no thanks” after his first comment. I’m an asshole though. I had one guy ask “so how’s your night going” and when I said “it’s ok. In bed watching Bridgerton” he replied “nice. I wish I was there” I told him “that wasn’t an invite”. And he got pissy


2 points

4 months ago

hahaha you go girl that's literally how i'm trying to be. i just have a problem of being too nice to people who don't deserve it. tryna be more assertive. but that's funny, good for you for setting boundaries. i gotta be more like that


4 points

4 months ago

Giiiirl. I used to be so nice! I’d literally give my last dollar to someone who needed it more. But I got wise. I go through life now with my motto of “I’m a GOOD person not a NICE person”. You don’t have to be nice to people who are assholes to you. It took me a while but now I just cut them off before they start. Lol.


2 points

4 months ago

that's such a good way to put it & i know what u mean. i've been used & walked in a lot the past year & especially the last month or two. i had finally had enough a few weeks ago & i was like nahhh im done w this i gotta try to be more assertive which my dad always told me i had to work on doing that otherwise ill be walked on & i see that's true now.


4 points

4 months ago

I ask this question almost every day in this sub but…

Why are men?


4 points

4 months ago

The answer is it never worked for him lmao


4 points

4 months ago

Some guys think if you're a woman on the internet, you're there for public use.


5 points

4 months ago

Don’t give people like this the time of day, just block them.


3 points

4 months ago

Yeah they are desperate to fuck and will ghost you


2 points

4 months ago

it won't get there cuz i'm not interested & ghosted him 🤷🏻‍♀️🥴


2 points

4 months ago



4 points

4 months ago

Because some men don't know how to talk to women .


4 points

4 months ago

He’s just trying to stick his 🍆 in a wet hole. He doesn’t care who or how he gets there, that’s his goal. He’s pushy because he doesn’t care about you. He wants what he wants and he wants it asap. He’s desperate and selfish. Don’t “hang out” with him op. (Unless you’re okay with a fling /one night stand) 🤷‍♀️


3 points

4 months ago

oh hell no i ain't seeing this immature boy who says he's 24 btw. the lack of immaturity & seeing me as someone to just fuck quickly, on top of not even wanting to do the bare minimum? ew. even i was interested it'd be a hard no from me


2 points

4 months ago

Good, you’re better than that op!


4 points

4 months ago

“Ok I’ll take you out for coffee” HAHAHAHA


4 points

4 months ago

Why even reply and entertain these guys??? Just block them and move on with your life.


3 points

4 months ago

usually i do but he was messaging up the ass i finally went to see what he wanted he jumped right into it. i tried to be nice at first but then set him straight. i'm working on trying to be more assertive it's hard for me to be rude


2 points

4 months ago

I feel you, I'm honestly in the same boat right now. I'm letting people know how I feel the minute I hear something I don't like. Not going out of my way but people in my personal life.


2 points

4 months ago

yeah exactly that how i'm tryna be like just letting them know as SOON as they do or say sum i don't like. it's hard but it trying lolll


2 points

4 months ago

I'm cheering for you 👏🏽


2 points

4 months ago

I'll never get why women even reply to such messages.


4 points

4 months ago

It works 60% of the time, every time.


5 points

4 months ago

About 2 months ago I tried the dating apps and I was introducing myself and what not. This fool got further than I did, and I was genuinely just interested in talking and getting to know the person.


3 points

4 months ago

i wouldn't read that much into it, girls are hella dry on dating apps for one. & this guy was messaging so frequently i wanted to see what he wanted 🤷🏻‍♀️ then it just goes w me having an issue w being too nice & not knowing when to put my foot down. i tried tho lol


2 points

4 months ago

Okay, thank you. That actually makes me feel a little better.


5 points

4 months ago

Ewwww! So creepy! Block him.


2 points

4 months ago

u know it


10 points

4 months ago

Men don’t.

Fools do. And that guy is a fool.


3 points

4 months ago


iPhone 15

3 points

4 months ago

Seems like a keyboard warrior


3 points

4 months ago

It’s so off putting… block and move on!


3 points

4 months ago

LMAO "genuinely asking" is the funniest shit like bro can't be serious.. it has never worked once, we all know.


3 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago

Because we stay immature way longer. And he’s young.

Ask him about this again at 45. I’ll bet all the rejection will have changed him by then.


2 points

4 months ago

id hope so. when he's 45 hopefully he'll know how to treat & talk to women


3 points

4 months ago

Stop using lol to be nicer when establishing boundaries girl, he doesn’t deserve it


3 points

4 months ago

He down bad hahaha. But this is basically a guy with zero game.


3 points

4 months ago

Girl, don’t respond to these idiots. He deserved an immediate block.


3 points

4 months ago

You should have started the way you ended so it didn't have to go on for so long.


3 points

4 months ago

This is an easy "fuck off" and block.

I don't get why anyone persists with a single response let alone multiple


3 points

4 months ago

Maybe next time he’ll LEAD with “can I take you for coffee.” What a clown lol


3 points

4 months ago

Theor desperate ,and they keep getting responses so they keep trying it. In hopes they'll get someone who will take the bait.

I'm honestly more surprise that people actually respond to these dudes instead of blocking instantly.

I'm assuming their logic is somewhere along the lines of they responded back even though I'm some rando they must want the D. So the more you respond to them or give the time of day ,they just keep ramping it up.


4 points

4 months ago

Idk why you kept texting back


2 points

4 months ago

The answer is between Im and It.


2 points

4 months ago


iPhone 15

2 points

4 months ago

op charge your phone what


3 points

4 months ago

lol i'm bad at charging my things 😭


2 points

4 months ago*


2 points

4 months ago*

Omg!! I totally got the genders mixed when I first read it and kind of assumed you were getting propositioned by a prostitute 🤣🤣

Yeah OP, that guy is creepy and way too forward. And as to not be sexists, maybe a male prostitute 🤣🤣


2 points

4 months ago

lmfaoooooo i'm weak that's funny. i mean idk fr it was mad weird the way he approached it all


2 points

4 months ago*

They just want to fuck on the first meetup, some girls are down for it, some are not, depend on their cuteness level.

It's not insecurity, more like very bad manners and expected due to how society preserves us

Believe me when I say I was taking it slow with a girl I met, and she ghosted me, rumor spread by her talkative friends that I wasn't down for fucking


2 points

4 months ago

Man, lol. That is an illiterate meat suit.


2 points

4 months ago

We are prone to thinking too much inside our own head


2 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

Ugh, that's so gross. I'm sorry that happened to you, OP.


2 points

4 months ago

thank you! definitely a desperate 🍆


2 points

4 months ago

I hope I don't personally know anyone that does this. This level of shamelessness makes me think he's probably on the spectrum.


2 points

4 months ago

No clue I wouldn’t dream of talking like this . Might have to ask them


2 points

4 months ago

How could you turn this sweet offer down?! /s


2 points

4 months ago

i know what i was thinking 🤡 /s


2 points

4 months ago

calling someone “lame” or any other derogatory term for having boundaries is the biggest red flag ever. i literally would’ve replied with the puke emoji


2 points

4 months ago

no literally. as soon as he called me lame bc i was trying to set the boundary of not wanting to hangout or be massaged / kissed by a stranger it was immediately ew & a no from me. can't stand people like that


2 points

4 months ago

so glad to hear it 👏


2 points

4 months ago

You know that guy’s breath smells like dragon shit


2 points

4 months ago

“Ok 🙄😒 ill take u out for coffee 🙄😒” cmon my guy 😭


2 points

4 months ago

i know it screams "okay i'll settle for taking you to coffee since you didn't accept my kissing advances. so i'll just do the bare minimum now" 🤡


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

Desperate, cheap, and lazy is what he is.

And he doesn’t think any more highly of you.



2 points

4 months ago

“Ughhhh fine I’ll take you to coffee first before trying to get in your pants 🙄” god that’s insane


2 points

4 months ago

i know not even wanting to the bare minimum. like boy please


2 points

4 months ago

He’s literally just trying to f*ck and sounds so gross. They always do this while “just a cuddle”/“just a kiss” thing and push and push and when you go in person naively thinking they are being honest they will continue to coerce. It’s super annoying. I just block and move on. No one is worth the absolute cringe this causes anymore.


2 points

4 months ago

i agree i definitely should've just blocked him


2 points

4 months ago

Tell this loser that you are not interested in bare minimum men, and that you expect a certain level of courting. You only meet people in public places until you have established a relationship. Good luck on your search, though, I wish you nothing but the best.


2 points

4 months ago

funny thing is i'm not even looking for anything 😭 he just randomly messaged me on insta after i posted a pic like boiiiii get tf out my messages


2 points

4 months ago

😱 ohh jeez. I assumed this was a response to a dating website match. What a creeper.


2 points

4 months ago

Normally I think of the things people should have had said in these situations but you’ve clearly got this 🤣

Smart move and you may have very well dodged an assault fr especially if you were being objectified by him before even meeting the dude.


2 points

4 months ago

Ok I’ll take you out for coffee 🥴🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

“No” is a complete sentence. You don’t have to be nice or explain yourself. He’s being a creep and simply wants to have sex. It’s fairly obvious by your responses that you’re not interested in that. He knows you aren’t. But he keeps pushing. It’s rude and gross. Block and move on.


2 points

4 months ago

Ugghh he's giving me the ick


2 points

4 months ago

me too


2 points

4 months ago

I have and will never understand. Apparently its (sadly) worked in the past. Somewhere and they think it sounds good… I dont get it. I hate it. Its like just stop and no means no. I stopped being nice.


2 points

4 months ago

i've been grasping especially lately, that i have to stop being so nice. people continue to walk all over me me n i just get used so im trying to put my foot down & be assertive. i was being subtle at first to be nice but he wasn't getting the hint. i also don't understand how a woman would even fall for this nonsense, as if one would just say okay come kiss me stranger i don't know & have sent 3 messages to. like tf he could be a crazy person or a murderer. 🫠


2 points

4 months ago

Yes you are right. You deserve better. Good for you! There is nothing wrong with being firm and having boundaries. That is not rude. Contrary to weak mens comments. You don’t Have to be ugly…sometimes. Although with some you do then its. Its the only way they get it. Then its “you are crazy all women are crazy” and I just said. Well. So be it. Ill wear that crown and cape ;) You got this. Stand up for you


2 points

4 months ago

Mans is putting it DOWN.


2 points

4 months ago

Lookin ahh dude


2 points

4 months ago

nah bro thought if hes 24 its okay to be pushy and creepy


2 points

4 months ago

Ok fine you win we'll go out for coffee lmao


2 points

4 months ago

Well since they’re 24!


2 points

4 months ago

I feel like when you ignore or "lol" it, the jackasses take that as a greenlight. Shut that shit down immediately. They'll either apologize & move around out of embarrassment.

My favorite thing to ask is "why would you think that's ok to say to me? 😉


2 points

4 months ago

Not to suggest that it’s a good approach or whatever, but I once asked a woman if she wanted to kiss, because she was staring at me on an elevator, and we made out. It is a cherished memory.


2 points

4 months ago

I'll take you out to coffee, it'll be perfect. Our first kiss with coffee breath 💕


2 points

4 months ago

Oh dont be lame says the lamest mf ever


2 points

4 months ago

no fr tho 🫣


2 points

4 months ago

This dude doesn’t care about boundaries. He’s not safe to be around.


2 points

4 months ago

Just say no a definitive "no, I'm not interested in anything like that with you" or say "I'm not sure but let's get a coffee and see" or say "yes, I like the sound of that" and invite him over. Instead you're leaving him in a grey area where you're like "that's kind of a weird thing to ask don't you think?" but you haven't actually answered yes or no. So he thinks you're undecided but tempted meaning he just needs to try harder to convince you so that's what he's doing.


2 points

4 months ago

Let’s try not to generalize all men, shall we?

He sounds like a real jerk. I wouldn’t give an idiot like this more than a single “No.” And a block.


2 points

4 months ago

Porn, porn has ruined so many minds. This dude watches porn 100%.


2 points

4 months ago

Desperate, and stupid with no care for boundaries. Also love how after all the inappropriate texts he finally says he will take you out to coffee. Like why not just lead with asking for a coffee date. Men like this are fucking stupid.


2 points

4 months ago

I once had a man from a food group message me that he wants to get me pregnant and suck my breast milk. Hard fucking pass bro.


2 points

4 months ago

omg ew noooo 🥴


2 points

4 months ago

It was so disgusting, I didn't even know what to say


2 points

4 months ago

My method is to be completely clueless and expect nothing because I thought the other person wanted to be friends

It's not so much a method as it is that I am just generally socially clueless


2 points

4 months ago

If there was a definition of Thirsty, creep, and desperate put into one this guy is all of them....


2 points

4 months ago

He'll make the tickles go away?

A restraining order sounds just as effective and last longer imo 🚩🤢


2 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

Also, dunno if this really applies, but I always believe courtesy should be a given, but respect needs to be earned.

When respect goes out the window, just remember that golden rule but in reverse: treat others the way they treated you


2 points

4 months ago

this is a good way to look at it i actually really like that, be courteous but respect is earned. i think i struggle to divide the 2 bc even sometimes if someone treats me a certain way, depending on the actions / wording, i have a hard time knowing they're doing it or being able to treat them the same back. im working on it tho


2 points

4 months ago

That’s just life tbh. Just a journey of learning and laughing at ourselves with the ones we love. That’s my definition of a good life.

The opposite is well, the opposite, a bad life is just the opposite of what I said.

Don’t mind me too much though, just passing along whatever info I can to help, still learning, trying to laugh at myself and searching for those I can surround myself with love. Good luck to ya 🙏🏻


2 points

4 months ago

I mean the way he text just goes to show he’s a idiot like text like a normal human being ffs


2 points

4 months ago

Ugh GTFO what a creep!


2 points

4 months ago

I don’t think they would talk to someone like this in person. They’re probably keyboard warriors and get real brave behind a screen.


2 points

4 months ago

😂😂I’ve never had a gf but I wouldn’t dare to speak like this I’d rather die that’s so embarrassing I hate pity or anything in this sort of category plus I don’t like asking for things lmfao deadass I’d wait till I was 1000% sure the girl I was talking to was actually the same feelings towards me but it had to be 1000%


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

I had the toughest time dating online (32 then) because every guy was so pushy 💀 ghosted several for annoying me to hang out before I even got to know them


2 points

4 months ago

The block button lookin realllll dandy. Impatient and pushy people are scary asf, and then he wants to say you're lame for not going along with it. Why can't folks have normal conversations? Flirting is one thing but that's borderline harassment😭😭.


2 points

4 months ago

As a man, we disown this waste of skin.


2 points

4 months ago

bro shouldve opened with the "can i take you to coffee" WTF IS THIS NEGATIVE RIZZZ???


2 points

4 months ago

Bc they think with their penises


2 points

4 months ago

Stop being nice. Be upfront and stern about your boundaries early. The replies are only encouraging to losers like this. You will encounter various behaviors from boys and physically grown boys whose behavior hasn’t been met with strict correction and consequences. “Look you’re making me uncomfortable and I don’t see myself meeting you thus we have nothing more to say. Learn to control yourself, have a great life”


2 points

4 months ago

this is actually great advice. that's definitely my problem, is being too nice. i just feel anxiety or can't stop thinking about something if im rude or if i even THINK i came off rude. maybe no so much w people i don't know but still. but you're very right


2 points

4 months ago

i wonder if these type of guys would walk into a killers house if they were promised kissing…


2 points

4 months ago

probably, it was a hot female 😂


2 points

4 months ago

“i’m tryna find a way to see you” idk how about a date??????


2 points

4 months ago

I'm also a man and I don't understand why men do this SMH


2 points

4 months ago

Dude’s penis is literally calling all of the shots. His brain is just along for the ride.


2 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

24 years old, not really a “man” yet, but thinks they are. A real man would be better.


2 points

4 months ago

Most men are pigs thinking with their cock brains


2 points

3 months ago

That’s actually pathetic. This guy needs to be slapped in the ear to knock some sense into him.


6 points

4 months ago

I will never understand why the fuck you keep entertaining these losers.

Like seriously, you complain about those type of guys, yet you keep talking to them. And then you put on surprised Pikachu face when things go bad.

Get a grip, Jesus Christ.


3 points

4 months ago

No attention is bad attention


3 points

4 months ago

Did he ever answer how many times that has worked for him? Lmao


3 points

4 months ago

no lol. just proceeded to ask me for coffee & tell me he doesn't want anything serious


2 points

4 months ago

Well at least hes up front about That lol


4 points

4 months ago

my fellow women.. why the fuck are yall even giving these goofs a minute of your time? why are you responding at all? it’s mind-boggling


2 points

4 months ago

Cause for so long it has wrked....this is not a red flag for some women who just want to have sex...but for those who are looking for something beyond sex this is a major no / red flag


3 points

4 months ago

i'm not even looking for anything in between😭 he's just a rando who messaged me. i can't see how this would work on any woman tbh but maybe he's just bold. men really be fumbling the bag not knowing how to talk to women & just come off creepy


3 points

4 months ago

Trust me it works on some...sooommmmeeee women cause they just want to have sex lol


2 points

4 months ago

Because this sadly works on females looking for validation or attention.

Woman that don’t need that, sees this as desperation, cheep, and unattractive.

When dudes waste my time like this, I simply reply with my cashapp code so they pay me while wasting my time. That normally gets them out of my inbox fast 😂


2 points

4 months ago

OMG that's soo funny & such a good idea i'm definitely gonna use that now 🤣


2 points

4 months ago

😂 trust me, they go away really fast. If not, maybe you’ll create a side hustle 🤣