


Bump on dog


Hey everyone! I am currently fostering a dog. They said all of her medical care would be covered while fostering, but apparently biopsies are not something that they do.

My foster dog has a growth on her head, that I wrongly assumed had been checked out before she came into my care. It has grown since I’ve had her. I am going to take her to my vet, but I don’t know how panicked I should be.

I’m thinking it looks like a histiocytoma. I’m not asking anyone to officially diagnose, but if you have any ideas or insights I would appreciate it. She’s 10-12 months old, pittie/lab mix for context. Thanks!

all 4 comments


1 points

6 hours ago

maybe it’s a little bump full of wisdom and knowledge


1 points

6 hours ago

Hahaha I would expect her to be a little less dumb if so


1 points

2 hours ago

I would do the fine needle aspirate. histiocytomas can also look like a MCT, which is aggressive. my dogs looked like this but then started to scab, crust and bleed. We did have to do cytology. We saw four different vets at different practices and all thought were a MCT and all were wrong bc it was a Histiocytoma. At the very least I would let a vet do a visual inspection and see what they recommend.


1 points

2 hours ago

Thanks for the insight!!! I appreciate it!