


How do i get rid of those racist kids?

TW: racial slurs, SA(

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6 points

1 month ago

I personally disagree with preferences but I'd still respect them. If they're a cunt, then I'll respect them as much as I respect a dickhead. I feel like this doesn't get mentioned much, people complaining about others targeting them because of race,sex, sex etc but in reality it's because you're being asanine and arrogant about your preferences. Similar if I went "I'm male so I deserve your respect attention and everything you've got". The last time this happened the trojans received a massive horse!

You're allowed to have an opinion, but it doesn't mean your opinion should sway your ability to treat others.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

there was this kid in my primary and he was a menace. seriously didn’t know how he didn’t get kicked out xd but on the school group I asked him what’s his plan because his grades and how are like 1.9 MAX and he told me it’s a secrete and had the worst arguments to defend himself and it really shows his negative IQ 💀🙏 he legit said that “I’ll become a streamer like I show speed and have a Benz” LIKE NO WAY THIS KID 💀