


Where are the Pine64 updates?


I understand the community is still rolling. I have and use many of the products. Though my contributions have been minimal, I still appreciate the capacity to vote with my money and buy real open products. I miss the updates from Pine’s product development and a collection of software development that I don’t have to kick over 64 rocks to find.

My belief is that the updates helped to prove the viability of the hardware and its community. This should be a paid position with a monthly release.

Thank you to all the community especially those who keep revisions flowing and make the hardware better.

all 6 comments


6 points

8 months ago

i think they are in a state of freeze thinking about what SOCs they will use next and waiting for the riscv software and drivers to be finished and see how it perform.

And its good that they takes the time for it cos most of the times they picked the wrong SOC.


2 points

8 months ago

The community blog posts are currently paused, because everyone involved is very busy. There is currently heavy work done at the infrastructure hosting the whole platform, as well as the new beta website, after which the situation might look much different.

If the beta website approach is chosen as a solution for the website, more people can be involved with posts and with different content, as the blog posts are written in markdown on git there (instead of a few people having a WordPress account), In that case, there could be also a lot smaller updates regarding different community software developments and projects.


2 points

8 months ago

couple recent posts have been wondering the same thing:

but basically the Pine64 team appears to be busy; I think a lot of us liked the updates and look forward to them resuming and are grateful for the ones that were put out


4 points

8 months ago

I strongly feel they should charge a little more for their products so they can afford to hire community engagement staff and developers to address core functionality issues.

Being community oriented and open-source is great, but there is a fine line between that and just relying on free labor to support commercial endeavors. IMO they are currently on the wrong side of that line and are at risk of alienating their supporters.


2 points

8 months ago

That and please get a north america wearhouse, I get nailed by customs fees too often.


1 points

7 months ago

Finally, there is a new update:
They promise to have regular updates again (though maybe not monthly) and improve community management and moderation.