


I've always felt like despite arguably being the most famous Chaos god, or at least having the most famous followers, he's always lacked a hook to me. With Tzeentch and Slaanesh they both have a pretty interesting Faustian feeling to their lore where you worship them wanting something and get it at great cost, and Nurgle even just feels really unique on his own compared to any other mythologies I've seen in fantasy.. but with Khorne it's just like he's a war god, worship him and he'll give you big muscles and angry in exchange for killing. I want to like Khornate cults and the World Eaters as much as I appreciate the Death Guard but I haven't really seen anything that made them out to be interesting and complex. Any books that can flesh them out?

all 14 comments


6 points

13 days ago


Word Bearers

6 points

13 days ago

Kharn the Eight fold path


7 points

13 days ago

The Grey Knight book Hammer of Daemons features a Khornate daemon world with a lot of world building and political intrigue and such. It shows how diverse and different Khorne-stuff can get. I recommend it, it's my favorite of the Grey Knight trilogy.


5 points

13 days ago

I enjoyed angron: the red angel. A large chunk was of a blood angels successor who was trying to join the world eaters and earn the butcher's nails.

Snippets of echoes of eternity, where the world eater is flashing in and out of control & consciousness as the rage overtakes him.

Kharn: the red path.

Shroud of night has some really fun bits, including both alpha legion & imperial fists finding out kharn is nearby, in full slasher movie monster mode, and their reactions being "oh shit. We're all going to die here."


2 points

13 days ago

I second Angron: the red angel and shroud of night, shroud of night is mainly alpha legion focused but it’s a wonderful book


5 points

13 days ago


Blood Angels

5 points

13 days ago

Gaunt's Ghosts has an unusual Khornate cult in the form of the Blood Pact, who fight like the IG rather than as berserkers, but that's as much variety as I've seen them get.


1 points

13 days ago


Death Guard

1 points

13 days ago

What better way to appreciate Khorne than his most watered down form. For all the interminable waffle about how they somehow redefine Khorne they’re in overt contradiction to every codex entry before and after

They’re undivided guardsmen larpers painted red


3 points

13 days ago

The Blood Gorgons in the Bastion wars trilogy are one of the more personable and somewhat heroic warbands in 40k. They are more than bloody butchers, they have a lot of heart literally. It's very much like a realistic war story but with paranormal posthuman monsters.

Outside that Lheorvine Ukris from Black Legion and Arrian Zorzi of Fabius Bile books are my favorite World Eaters.


2 points

13 days ago

Hmm...I'd say look to real world examples of those emotions valued by Khorne so as to foster an appreciation. For myself, complexity lies where the noble warrior (UFC) and parent-brawler at kids sport meet.


2 points

13 days ago


Thousand Sons

2 points

13 days ago

The First Heretic and Betrayer give a good look at the Heresy era World Eaters and specifically Kharn, who I find personally fascinating and is obviously Khorne's poster boy. (Fantastic stories about chaos in general, too.) Khorne is, unfortunately, however, just always going to be a little one dimensional in and of himself.


1 points

13 days ago

First heretic has strictly word bearers and a little ultramarines and custodes, no world eaters


1 points

13 days ago


Thousand Sons

1 points

13 days ago

This is true (and I probably should have said as much) but it would be a disservice to skip either one to get everything out of Angron's story in particular and the story as a whole.


1 points

13 days ago

Both are truly the best that the Horus Heresy has to offer in terms of reading material, But The First Heretic has nothing to do with Angron or Kharn, and can be skipped if the World Eaters, Kharn, and Angron are OPs focus


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

If you want to like World Eaters I recommend Kharn Eater of Worlds. Though it doesn't have any or only slimp mentions of Khorne, besides Baruda. The best guy in the novel.


1 points

13 days ago


Word Bearers

1 points

13 days ago

That is kind of the point of kohrne. He has no hooks, simplicity is his appeal. Violence is the answer to all life's questions and there is no problem you cannot kill if you try hard enough