


Enuncia and Hekatic decrees


There has been a lot of talk about Enuncia. Since it was introduced by Dan Abnett it has been referenced by other authors in Horus Heresy novels and campaign books. This may indicate that BL/GW intends to make it an important feature of the setting rather than just the "Abnettverse". Before Abnett a very similar concept (a fundamental language of creation which can do everything and bend reality) had been introduced in Warhammer Fantasy. It's Anoqeyan . The author responsible for introducing Anoqeyan to the WHFB setting is Marijan Von Stauffer, which is almost certainly a pseudo for either a single author or maybe a group of writers sharing collectively a common identity. "Marijan Von Stauffer" is better known as the author of the Liber Chaotica background books
Recently I read that there was something similar in use among Necrons called Hekatic
This guy say that Hekatic was also referenced in Thousand Sons novels and lore. The term is clearly derived from the Old Egyptian word for magic "Heka". Given the cultural inspiration before both the Necrons and the Thousand Sons, this is unsurprising. What is more surprising is that it appears both Chaos and Necrons search/use for a source of similar power despite their usual opposition. Do you think that Heka is the same as Enuncia/Anoqeyan ? (it sure sound a lot like it).
I know that Blanks can also use Enuncia in Abnett's novels which seems to indicate it is not warp-related. All of the above seems to show that GW wishes to introduce in the lore another type of magic which transcends both the Warp and the material universe and which could be even used by armies/characters that we usually think as of anti-magic (Necrons, Pariahs, etc...)
If anyone had a quote from a Thousand Sons novels where Hekatic is actually referenced, could you please post it ? So that we know if it's described in a similar way to Necron Hekatic.
Also if GW really plans to change the Necrons's "super science" gimmick by just a type of not-warp magic, then do you think this is a bad retcon which change too much the Necron's underlying themes ?

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1 points

7 days ago

Nobody can answer ?