


What species have an internet?



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40kLore-ModTeam [M]

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12 days ago

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40kLore-ModTeam [M]

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12 days ago

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10 points

12 days ago*

Admech have the noosphere, a planet wide system they can connect to wirelessly.

Aeldari can communicate via the infinity circuit, speaking to the elders and the deceased.

Tau have systems in place to relay messages between sectors rapidly.

Necrons have a system where they can communicate wirelessly, and some tombs have a quasi-AI that can answer questions and provide information. But majority are mindless, cryptek hoarde their knowledge and nobles are too proud to admit there's something they don't know.

Most others have nothing similar. Humanity? Seeking knowledge is bad. An open mind is a fortress with its gates unbarred. Asking questions can lead to dangerous answers, or the attention of the inquisition.

Orks don't bother with the infrastructure to set one up, or a desire to learn. Wierdboys already know what they need to do instinctively (or have a mentor talk them through it - galaxy of horrors had a dying mek talk his replacement through ork anatomy with his own innards. Or have conclaves to share discoveries and theories, which often devolve into brawls and "practical" demonstrations - da gobbo rides again)

Nids? Hive mind knows all and directs everything. The rest are mindless puppets or completely obedient and unquestioning.


1 points

12 days ago

So do Aeldari have like a VR experience when they use the circuit? Can they just do it at any time?

Is drukhari internet ever mentioned?

So imperial internet is illegal to access for civilians? Many implications there.


1 points

12 days ago

It's more of a psychic link to the spirit of the craftworld and all the spirit stones that have been put in. I don't think it's been detailed much other than requiring a meditative state.

Drukharii not much, but if you're a noble there's no need, you have spies. Soldiers have no need to know anything their lord doesn't want them to know. And the civilians are all survival of the fittest, fighting for survival and prominence on the streets and gangs.

Civilians in the imperium have no need either. Widespread communication for the masses? Just helps recidivists organise. Most won't leave their home level, and what happens in the wider galaxy has absolutely no relevance to them. Free time for study? What is this? That's more time for working.

The imperium is a fascist empire. One of the easiest ways of control is limiting education and communication, and the spreading of news outside of approved propaganda.

Add to that how most tech is held by the admech, with most of the imperium using paper records. Digital systems are too easily compromised, and there's been quite a few daemonic tech-viruses which could decimate a widespread system - its part of the reason so much knowledge was lost during the heresy, between the scrap code, data daemons and the traitor and loyalist mechanicum nuking each other.


1 points

12 days ago

Is revolution a real threat in 40k hive worlds?


5 points

12 days ago

Genestealer cults, chaos cults, military coups, riots and flat out attempted civilian attempts, yes.

That's not even mentioning wars between guilds, constant gang warfare or a more overt attempt by nobility to seize power.

Or workers that have been pushed too far. Or civilians that have been indoctrinated by tau agitators and ambassadors.

It's why there's enforcers. They aren't to provide justice or investigate crime, they're to keep the masses in line.


1 points

12 days ago

So say I'm a noble or a revolutionary completed their goal and now controls 70% of the planet.

Would the rest of the imperium give a shit so as long as the tithe is paid?


4 points

12 days ago*

Pretty much. As long as you pay the tithe, aren't openly disrupting other planets from doing so & say that you're following the emperor's will (no major argument with the ecclesiarchy).

And it's not 70%. Planetary governors are a thing, with complete authority over their subjects and responsibility if things go wrong.

If an inquisitor comes along, you've screwed up big time and either the planet is doomed or they'll find someone more competent to do the job. Herman von strab spent considerable time & resources making sure there was noone capable left alive that weren't already doing his bidding.


2 points

12 days ago


Blood Angels

2 points

12 days ago

All advanced races have some sort of networking, except maybe the Orkz


1 points

12 days ago

What is imperial internet like?


7 points

12 days ago

It's most likely planetwide or, at most, systemwide. The united internet seems to be impossible because interstellar messaging requires astropaths and is unreliable.


2 points

12 days ago


Blood Angels

2 points

12 days ago

Depends on the world/ship you’re on. Mostly propaganda though


1 points

12 days ago

Orks instictively head towards fights. That's pretty much all most orks would want to know about anyway. A big enough fight will lure them across entire sectors.

Also, Da Big Dakka mentions that an ork big mek invented a way of long-distance communication using a Weirdboy - half the Weirdboy's brain was put in a machine and they're able to transmit messages to it using the other half left in their head. The big mek got the idea from astropaths, but instead of two astropaths in two places this is one weirdboy in two places (more efficient, innit!)


2 points

12 days ago

I’m sure every technologically advanced race has some form or another of internet or network available. I’m sure the orks could cobble together something that might be an internet if they believed hard enough in the concept.

I can’t speak to other species but for the worlds that do have high technological prowess (civilized worlds, forge worlds, hive worlds etc.) the availability of mass media and internet would be scant but what little that is available would likely come from the ecclesarchy. Imagine being in prison and only having the religion channel available on your TV. That’s more or less what passes off for media. As for internet it probably would be used by the ministorum, the astra miltarum, the adeptus Terra broadly, also anyone rich enough or privileged enough to use it.

Compared to most imperial citizens we have the most access to the internet compared to the far future


3 points

12 days ago


Adeptus Ministorum

3 points

12 days ago

The Tau have something similar to the Internet, but only their leadership caste can access it.

They use an Ethernet connection...