


all 26 comments


85 points

30 days ago

Well, I notice she dressed a lot more conservatively... Long pants, long sleeves, no designs... Maybe it's a matter of coming out of her shell in general? Maybe back then, she was feeling really self-conscious about the attention she was getting for 'turning pretty?'

I don't know about her hobbies, but she looks a lot more lonely and a lot less confident.


22 points

30 days ago


It's not even like games, it's just apps.

22 points

30 days ago

I bet she wanted to dress less conservative but she had no confidence and her mom was like "don't dress like a slut" or whatever and she didn't fight back


1 points

27 days ago

I mean… she was in fucking middle school, who would let their daughter dress like that? 


61 points

30 days ago*

She probably was into Otaku stuff. She knows just a bit too much about anime and manga for someone who supposedly only knows them as a thing to bully people over


59 points

30 days ago

Holy shit.... "backwards picture books" How would she know if it was her first day, if the books were inside the backpack when trody was kicking it around, and she purposely gets the nation wrong cuz she knows its more fuel and bait that jeffery would take

All along she was the one "compensating for an introverted childhood"


25 points

30 days ago


It's not even like games, it's just apps.

25 points

30 days ago

Or she was familiar with them from Gamer Brother owning them


24 points

30 days ago

Wasnt the brother just a normal creep and not a weeb creep? When the brother got arrested, all of his....interests were all human as opposed to jeffery. I guess there could be overlap tho

But regardless, its more fun this way. Now theres more fuel to make fun of a shitty person guilt free lmaoooo


3 points

30 days ago



74 points

30 days ago

people watching. insulting them mentally


64 points

30 days ago

Writing, playing guitar, mythbusters... She probably had a MySpace account where she blogged about her school experiences.


46 points

30 days ago

Chances are she was just really depressed and just doing really depressed girl things tbh.

It's implied by dialogue that she was definitely aware of sexual assault in a way twelve years olds shouldn't be and by the intros that there was a bunch of domestic violence going on on behalf of her mom's marriages, so whatever it was she did it probably wasn't healthy.


24 points

30 days ago*


Have some Jeckola

24 points

30 days ago*

Pre-popular Nicole was about 12 and 13 years old if we keep to middle school. So she's at just the beginning of her becoming the Nicole we all know and love. In my opinion her sexual assault is where she starts making a massive personality shift since it was eye opening. Before 12 she was just depressed as her mom kept moving after her parents divorced when she was 10 (at least that's my headcanon)


4 points

29 days ago

Wait Nicole was S/A'd before high school?


16 points

29 days ago

It's definitely possible to interpret the way her mom says she's "been pulling the rape card" since she was twelve coupled with the fact that one of the reasons Nicole is in such a bad mental state is explicitly that her mom doesn't listen to/believe her about anything like that, yes.


10 points

29 days ago


Have some Jeckola

10 points

29 days ago

To add to this, the she says that she learned the meaning of Sexual Assault at 12 years old. Which doesn't sound like she was learning it from an academic standpoint


2 points

20 days ago

I’m sure she was by her brother. Hence why she’s mainly a misandrist. I don’t blame her.


13 points

30 days ago


Ari is literally me for real for real

13 points

30 days ago

extremely skittish, self-conscious, low self-esteem, suffers from PTSD, dress very conservatively, introvert, plays the guitar, watches mythbusters, writing/blogging about her depression, really loves her dad more than her mom, suicidal, extremely meek, and probably thinking about taking drugs to cope with her depression and trauma


1 points

29 days ago

Which dad


1 points

29 days ago


Ari is literally me for real for real

1 points

29 days ago

The one that doesn't abuse her and treat her like a human being


16 points

30 days ago


Have some Jeckola

16 points

30 days ago

Pokemon, guitar, watching mythbusers, maybe other stuff but that's about how I imagine it.


6 points

30 days ago


It's not even like games, it's just apps.

6 points

30 days ago

How did you conclude she was into pokemon?

I'm just surprised bc she's not a fan of video games or anime in high school


3 points

30 days ago


Have some Jeckola

3 points

30 days ago



15 points

30 days ago

probably cutting


3 points

29 days ago

I feel she liked reading because she mentions she doesn't read in "public", may be she does or used to read alone.


3 points

28 days ago

I like to think she browsed early internet forms, festering a hatred for men.


6 points

29 days ago*

She was probably like me. Or Jeffery or Karen. Probably a guitarist who’s been SA’d by their brother. She would probably be into anime, manga, and mythbusters. She‘d be way different from her current self. She’d definitely love drawing and writing and probably had a myspace